Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Maybe it is just me as I am not a regular napper, but I do not understand how you can fall asleep watching TV 3 hours after waking up for the day. You had a full nights sleep, waking at 9:00am, and this is a show you HAD to watch this morning.

If you aren’t going to watch, give me the remote! :slightly_smiling_face:


So very tired of waiting on my mother-in-law.

A week is a long visit.


You claimed you were from Ukraine. When you said you had many friends and family in Kharkiv, I wondered why I was sad, and you were smiling, talking about how beautiful it was and all the wonderful universities. I wondered if you were trying to be brave, when your hometown had been brutally bombed and so many people murdered.

But when you started telling me that the truth was that there were so many Nazis in Ukraine, Ukraine was really part of Russia, and all Putin wanted from Ukraine was not to join NATO, I realized that you were actually Russian, and pulled away from the conversation quickly.

I wish I would have asked you where those Nazis were, were they the elderly people and children that we see on TV, covered in blood? The young mothers clenching their babies and crying? I have no problem with Russian people, but don’t lie so you can spread your propaganda, it’s sickening.


Mom isn’t doing well, but my siblings, who are in charge there, aren’t helping. I wish she’d come stay with me awhile, just to give her a change of scenery.


Wow. I could not put that book (webpage) down. Scariest, saddest reading ever. I had no idea that place was keeping such a dark secret. It is beyond tragedy. Sadly, history is about to be repeated.

“Even a broken clock is right twice a day…”


Enough with the veiled “we have so much money” comments…
Ever heard of The Millionaire Next Door? Not everyone needs to know.


“Buy One Get One 50% Off” has an interesting meaning at Petco pet stores.

Bought 8 items = all dog treats manufactured by the same company. Bought 4 that sell for $12.99 each & four that sell for $5.99 each. Yup, you guessed it. The four at $12.99 rang up at full price, while the four priced at $5.99 rang up at half price. I made them redo the one transaction as two.


Not sure that hiding posts serves its intended purpose. As soon as I see a grayed-out post, I just HAVE to open it as I don’t want to miss anything juicy!


I was giggly for setting up the Bose home theater sound and watching The Price You Psy on YouTube. I thought life couldn’t get better until D1 called. She just got an offer from a major IB for a MD level job. She wanted me to read the offer letter and I said, “Can it wait until the song is over?”
I called her back to give her my feedback then I asked if it means she will have a personal assistant at her new job. She said, “Yes Mommy.” I said, “ Well, that means I will be able to call the PA to get in touch with you whenever I can’t find you.” She said, “ No, you can’t call me to get you an Uber.”
Pay back’s B*. :slight_smile:


Go pigs!! :pig: :pig:


DH got a big promotion & raise at work. We are thrilled. Our immediately family went out to dinner last weekend to casually celebrate at a local restaurant. Did not include MIL because, well, she lives a 1.5 hr drive away from us.

DH worked in MIL’s area today, stopped by to say hi and share the good news with her. What did she have to say about it? A congrats, yes, but right after that, it was “You went out to dinner without me?!”

Yeah, she got mad that we didn’t drive a 3 hr round trip to bring her along to the local sports grill to go out to eat.

This is the same woman who scolded my sister and got mad at my sister because my sister didn’t invite my MIL to join her on her (my sister’s) own personal vacation to Hawaii last year.

My MIL wanted my sister to invite her along to Hawaii and to pay for her airfare and everything, too.

When you look up the word “Entitlement” in the dictionary, there’s a picture of my MIL right there. Her picture also shows up next to the word for “Narcissism.” LOL.


Huh. No, we didn’t tell you our structural design fee would be five or six hours, we said five or six THOUSAND dollars. We sent you the proposal that stated this, with the attached contract. You signed the contract. We worked our tails off and even resolved a problem you didn’t know you had. When we sent you the review drawings with the invoice, you went ballistic and swore at my husband, saying you wanted your $500 retainer back and would sue us. Guess what, lady, you don’t have a leg to stand on. Sigh. But we will probably get stiffed and that’s not fair. :frowning:


Please universe let this medicine work. It’s been a long arduous stressful journey spanning years. He is deserving of all things good and some much needed relief. :crossed_fingers:t3:


You are breathtakingly bad at your job. Hard to see how we will survive your tenure. If only the people who hired you were the only ones who have to live with your ineptitude.


Spring break frequent flier strikes again.


Just trying to convince D23 that these last two months of school plus a month of ACT prep time is the most important thing to focus on. And if things go well life will be easier in college and right after college. That and trying to show her that she is smart and bright to get this done.


I talked to my mil yesterday. I told her that we were going to visit our kids later this year and she wanted us to invite them We took them once during the pandemic and again for Christmas. I feel like she thinks we should invite them every time we go. Sigh! I haven’t seen my kid without the in laws since 2019!

Can’t my husband and I visit our children without them? Feels like a big guilty weight around my neck. Besides it’s not easy traveling with octogenarians


Ha, we get to attend the 2020 commencement ceremony for our S in 2022 :tada:
Thanks Stanford…


When you think a global threat is about to resolve, three others show up whether it be potential war, disease, fires, or killer bees.