Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Ok I know I’m not the first to rant about this. But really? All the posts to chance your kids with 4.9 gpas and 1580 SATs. Yawn


My daughter called today. She hasn’t met her niece yet.

She and my daughter in law asked if we can meet the weekend of my birthday. So I get to see the kids and snuggle the baby on my birthday. :heart_eyes:

Best of all is that dil said just us! Doesn’t want to overwhelm the baby. (Solves my in law inviting themselves issue)


Ha! We get to attend our D’s 2020 grad school commencement ceremony in 2022!
Oh, wait…only 2 tix per grad…her hubby gets one. The rest of us can watch on a screen in
a different building. Ummm…yeah, no trip to Evanston for us --or her.
Thanks, Kellogg…

I waited years to get new living room furniture. I love it. I got it during the pandemic, so very few people outside my family have seen it. My H had this huge need to get two rescue cats during the pandemic. My new furniture has been destroyed before I ever got to show it off. I didn’t want to get more cats, because I kind of wanted to be “free” after so many years of taking care of kids and cats. H wanted them, said he’d be the one to take care of them. Well, they’re here, they are part of the family now, and I am a mixture of sad & mad. So much for having something nice.

Why am I so sad about this?

Good on ya, Ash. You are a class act. Can’t wait to see what’s next.


I’m really surprised the world doesn’t put you in as Grand Pumba because you know how to do everything from health to wars to hurricanes/fires to crime to sports to, well, everything. The world would be problem free with you in charge.

So why can’t you keep your own life in order? Oh right, it’s the world working against you. Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, the world might be correct and you’re the one who’s wrong with some of those things? Esp when there’s more than one voice telling you the same thing?


We raised a generation of young people that pronounce one single word out of every five words spoken - ‘like’.


No, mil, we do not know what we are doing for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Don’t you think March is a bit early to be thinking about that?


Happy National Puppy day March 23, 2022 :


Why does my dear wife become such a taskmaster when my D19 is home on break. We actually have become a very sedate household with just my D23 in the house, but when D19 is home it is just uncomfortable.


Yay, a new client who seems to be on the same page as I am when it comes to doing this kind of project! :slightly_smiling_face:


I wonder if I have an accent that is difficult for puppies to understand.

They get “sit”,“stay”, or any comment related to food, but they seem unable to distinguish between “good taste in furniture” and “good tasting furniture”.


“I’m not a vet but I know what a dog is.” Comment I heard today that made me laugh and sigh simultaneously.


Two months in a row I have emailed the leader of the church book club to be included in the meetings on zoom in response to a notice in the weekly bulletin. Twice now I have done the readings but am then not sent the zoom link. The guy in charge needs to be replaced. This is a denomination that is not exactly growing.


I just can’t believe how out of touch the college’s administration is! A mass email to students condemns a student group for not allowing participation in events based on a list of students who have been accused of sexual assault, racist/sexist/homophobic/classist remarks and actions. Apparently denying entry is prohibited. This is a Latin American/Hispanic student cultural house that is trying to maintain a safe space for their members, and others who do not feel safe in other spaces.

Right next door is a fraternity house where unaffiliated men, “ugly” women, black/brown students, and those who receive financial aid are routinely turned away…and have been since the dawn of time. Apparently, that exclusion is not prohibited.

Rather than criticizing the list, why not look into why the list needs to exist? When reports of sexual assault are dismissed without investigation because he is a “nice guy” and reports of racial incidents are ignored because they are “upstanding citizens”, what else are students supposed to do? You continue to tout making strides in diversity and inclusion but I think it is to keep a constant stream of new students to be at the bottom of the pecking order. Anything to reinforce the status of the wealthy white students at this “elite” school.


They are probably laughing at me. I don’t blame them. I fell for it.

I never worry about terrorism in the skies. But today I’m worried. I’m picking him up from his London flight at 3PM. I know he’s already over the Atlantic and I feel much better. I wonder if people in Europe are afraid of what’s next in Ukraine. The missiles are unsettling. I’m not even watching the gory nightly news. Too sad.


The Supreme Court nominee’s story of her college journey brought me to tears last night.



Elite pedigrees do not insure intelligence or competence.
Actions speak louder than words.
People will lie to get what they want.
When people show you who they are, you should believe them.