Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Ah, Nordstrom, I remember when you had some nice things and bras for people bigger than a 34B. I’d like to buy something, but when fully half of the department is from that woman’s company and the rest pretty much meh from 3 major brands, I’ll take my business online. Even looking online at your site, so many sizes are sold out and shipping for what’s there is a week to 10 days out.
I do wish that indie store hadn’t gone out of business.

At least the Nespresso boutique in Macys is back to samples, and they were fully stocked. My trip to the east side wasn’t totally in vein.

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I can’t even sleep tonight thinking about the outrageously racist thing that was said to you. And then to have your co-worker try to placate the customer rather than defend you must have compounded the hurt. I’m sorry that happened, all of it.


I have been going to the same yoga teacher for several years now. He really fixed a terrible shoulder problem I was having. He teaches a very unconventional yoga - mixing in Pilates, calisthenics, qi gong, eastern training moves, etc. I love his class.

I recently tried several other yoga classes, both zoom and online, and hated them all. I have come to the conclusion that I actually don’t like yoga!


I feel for our client because we are realizing she doesn’t read or write English well. I think she honestly misunderstood what our estimated fee was, even though it was spelled out in writing in the contract. Of course, that doesn’t absolve her of responsibility, but it explains the situation. We offered to take a reduced fee but she angrily refused. She said that’s not we told her on the phone and she didn’t read the contract. There was no way to reason with her, she was so mad. So we told her we will send it to a collection agency, and we will. Sigh.

Come on, Universe. Do the right thing. Quickly.


To all the men out there. I have a good sense of humor, but this is not a good prank to play on a woman, especially one with a history of being stalked. I may have run over 50,000 miles by myself in the dark, but that doesn’t mean a tiny part of me is scared that something might happen someday. Men don’t know what’s it like to have almost half the non elderly adult population to be stronger than you.

I thought I made this clear to H when he tried something similar 30 years ago. Hopefully me bursting into tears when he confessed it was him will remind him for another 30.

RIP, Taylor Hawkins. You were a joy to watch when you rocked out.


Today is going to be a very long day. Waiting on some life changing (and what should be good) news!


Nice to be in the Maine wilderness, away from people! Besides the nice friend who is living up here all winter (!!!) and just snowmobiled up our hill to say hi.


I just turned on the Oscar’s and just saw the most touching 5 mins of television in a long time. To also hear the sign translator choke up was a moment. :heart:


Thanks to the husband for reminding me that a few days before surgery is not the time to be searching for new lingerie. If all is well, I can spend away in a couple of weeks. If not, at some point I’ll have to do a full replacement of what I have now.
Checking madly to see how long that on-line sale is happening. (TY, BB!)

Pre-op thingy placement and Covid test done. Now to get through life til Tuesday morning.


I’m not fond of group texts. There’s always that person who texts at 12:36 am! Why?


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Oscar Slap

Posts commenting on the Will Smith / Chris Rock incident have been moved to comply with the rules of this thread.


You can’t make someone straight and you can’t make someone gay so let’s stop worrying about it.


deleted for privacy reasons

Over 15 years ago I asked to be removed from your mailing list and it seemed that I was - until I started getting the “asks” again. When I emailed and asked to be removed you insulted me. I don’t want to be reminded of my sister’s death as part of your “appeal to the community”.


Starting the count down…


I should probably put this somewhere else, but I don’t know where, so here it goes.

You tell me your kid is “just” a bad test taker, but knows a lot and will do fine as a doctor.

I tell you that doctors need to take a ton of tests throughout undergrad, to get into med school, during med school, and even some after med school. Some of these literally last hours. I suggest you get them help to overcome their testing anxiety if they are sure they want to head to med school.

You tell me I just don’t understand special needs.

I don’t know what else to say. You already think I’m a jerk.

I could be wrong, but I think there will be disappointment in your and your kid’s future if you keep thinking it’s all ok. What harm would there be in seeing if they can overcome their testing anxiety with help?


Booked our flights for a WDW trip this fall. Happy to say that no extended family be going. So we can actually have a good time. Going to meet up w/DH’s good buddy from college while we’re there. Super stoked about that. DH’s buddy & wife are great people.