Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Sometimes the little things just make my day. D2 and I both wfh and she lives close by so we blocked out our work calendars at lunch today and went and got pedicures! I’m loving my blue toes.


Thing #1 is leaving home at the end of the summer. Where did the time go? The wife and I were just looking at photos of him when he was four and his brother was newborn.


I’m pretty sure there’s a special place in hell for a member of the clergy who weasels their way into a widow’s heart as she’s descending into Alzheimers just to get her to change her will away from previously loved family members to themselves - not even their house of worship or a good cause, but themselves.

I had heard the rumors about this and the occasional other “help yourself” thing before, but now that I see it in black and white, you, sir, despise me. The God you likely don’t even believe in, but just use to your profit, sees all.

The sky is still Carolina Blue!


The handy part of you calling me “uptight and high strung” is I can’t ask you to stop, because it only proves your point. You made me cry, and I wish you knew that.

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I wasn’t sure I was going to get through that game last night.
GO TAR HEELS! Proud alum.


You can be a real jerk!!! :rage:

What to say?

I’m going to try and ignore the “desparate decibels”.

Wow, a big release book by a New York Time best selling author and I found a typo! Proud of myself, but ashamed for the publishing industry (and the pandemic is no excuse).


If you’re going to insist I pay half of this thing I didn’t want (but will in order to be neighborly), and you make me write a check because you apparently have no online bank presence and can’t/won’t take a Zelle payment, then at least, PLEASE-- CASH. THE. CHECK.


Huh, I finish all the precast concrete drawings for your project, Mr. Architect, and then you send updated information, some of which doesn’t make sense. I wonder what the chances are that you’ll return my phone call?

To my now former primary care physician:
If your advice to me is to go to Urgent Care because my situation is too time sensitive, well, that advice would have been appreciated on Thursday when I called you. Not on Monday, 4 days later. Seems like some folks idea of urgency is different than others. Oh, and let’s not forget this is the 3rd time in 18 months that it took you so many days to return a call asking for an appointment.

It’s cheaters vs bigger cheaters- no thanks


Holy Rock Chalk Jayhawk!


Wow, I was reminded today that I have truly first-world problems. I posted how it’s annoying to look at Facebook memories and discover that someone who commented on an old post has unfriended me. A man I friended when I saw his posts about evacuating from Ukraine replied, “Even worse is when you check their profile and they have died in the war.” Yikes.


When you are eating lunch at your desk and bite into a juicy grape tomato and the teeny tiny seeds burst out of your mouth landing right in the crevices on your keyboard… :roll_eyes:


D1 is resigning today. Why am I the nervous one?

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Thanks reunion committee. My friends and I were planning on attending the weekend. Now on reading the schedule of events we have all opted out. Not a single evening event because the evenings are reserved only for Special groups. We are all alumni, but the evening events are reserved one night for BIPOC and the other night for LGBTQ+. Seems the opposite of inclusive to me.
Class parties didn’t even get the evenings, they get 11 A.M.
Hope you get some attendees but you just had 15 people cancel out on your weekend events.

“I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.” (Abraham Maslow)

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