Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Why, after well over a year, are you just now figuring out this could be a problem? And why did you ask me about the local building code? Have you even read the manufacturer’s instructions? Our contract calls for you to install everything per instructions so as not to void any warranties. Maybe I should point that out to you again.

You’re the custom home builder, for Pete’s sake! Make the calls, figure it out and then present me with your solution.


Man, I have missed you so. What a gift you were.


As God is my witness, I will never iron sheets again.


Hey UN, there’s a super easy way to discern the truth about what is happening in Ukraine. Take a field trip and see for yourself - no need to rely on pics or statements. Take the whole Security Council and go.


Exposing hypocrisy is cleansing. Now, what you gonna do?

These continuous rejection threads make me sad and angry, not by the expected rejections, but by the “ride-or-die” expectations of students and families and their focus on T10, T20, T30. The pressure on and within these kids isn’t healthy, and parents are egging it on; we need to flip the script!


Darn you coach for giving my child false expectations. Darn me for not going to the meeting where I might have been able to read into your narrative (and translate for my more literal child who takes everyone at their word). She fell in love with your school through the eyes of an athlete. Now that she is admitted and you told her she can’t walk on, she is really struggling.

Yay for getting a new client for the work I love doing. Plus an old client contacting me with a project! I really thought he was unsatisfied with my work, but it turns out he just wasn’t busy enough to need outside contractors. I will be very busy, which is good for me. I don’t do well when I have too much time on my hands.


Fact: A public defender’s responsibility is to defend their clients.


Imagine texting your friend and getting a reply asking not to text them during their commute hours because the cops can grab and check their iPhone for any alleged “anti-government” stuff…

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There’s a first time for everything. Expected outcome, but I know that you’re sad regardless. Better to not keep investing time in something you know isn’t going to pan out. You were correct about that.

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Thrilled for you, and sad for me and your brother.

“Real girl?” Uh, both Deborah and Esther were “real” girls in the Bible - both told about as if they were normal people. Some of us “real” girls prefer to follow Deborah’s model by leading and being involved in things other than make up and cleaning the house. We’re no less members of the faith than those you’re implying are the “real girls.”

You really, really anger me at times. I’m extremely thankful I’m not your daughter.


So frustrated…H was supposed to be on my retiree insurance plan until he reached Medicare age. Now there is nothing showing that he will be covered for the one month after I reach 65 and before he does. Called everywhere including my former employer’s HR. I am happy to pay that month’s premium, I just want him covered!


I really, really wish colleges would wait until my kid graduates before hitting hard with the Day of Giving “opportunities”. Or at least tailor the message to acknowledge the investment currently being made.
And to have two different schools run the campaigns within a week of each other… spam city.


Dear new neighbors… it has been less than a week since you have moved in, but I think we are already tired of your antics. The ear piercing noises you make are getting on our nerves. I hope I don’t have to pick up any garbage you might accidentally drop into our yard (thank goodness we live far away from the big dump). And I don’t want to be awaken by your screams at 4 am.

Sigh. Bald eagles have a long nesting season. We might need to get some earplugs.


Ok friend, you always said you wanted honest direct communication, but you forgot to mention that I must agree with all of your opinions or else….


I may be on the naughty list for life for sending you that screenshot to give to your lawyer, but something needs to happen. This estate has been going on for 3 1/2 years now with no progress at all. How a mother can despise her son so much saddens me. If stress can kill, I may soon be the only surviving child. Nonetheless, thank you, judge, for trying to actually do something. You need to see the spin going on that you likely didn’t hear in court.


If my bank rejects the property tax epayment, why does the system not send a notification? You notified me when it was paid so it makes no sense that you are quiet about it being rejected. ARgggghhhhh.