Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

SpaceX - Nice!
What space exploration should be. NASA, SLS - not so much…


I’m still in shock that the three officers of our neighborhood association would sign a contract with the state, that affects all 12 lots, without having us vote on it. My husband and I would have voted NO, because it’s an onerous contract. The way the association was formed, we are ALL on the Board of Directors (silly, I know, but that’s what people wanted). The officers are NOT the Board. I think DH and I will refuse to pay our part of the fee to the state for the privilege of using the RR crossing on our private road. It’s the principle, not the money. Grr!!! We have written email correspondence discussing the need to have a meeting about this issue. We feel like we were railroaded (pun intended).

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So I guess you can’t be held responsible for planning heinous crimes unless you actually carry them out. Unless, of course, you are different.


So sad for my mom today. My uncle passed away yesterday (he was 86) after a two year battle with cancer. My mom is one of 8 children and she now has one sister (88) and one brother (78) still alive. It has been so hard for mom to lose her siblings over the past few years. Mom turned 80 last month and is in good health and I feel fortunate that we still have her. I know that dying happens to everyone, but this is just hitting me hard today.


So…first tax installment done as electronic payment 11/30. County was not notified that payment was rejected for “no account” until 3/20. Second installment check mailed over a week ago was rejected because first installment was rejected. County is too overwhelmed to bother telling us about any of this?!? Thank goodness we discovered this before second installment became delinquent Monday, and that we were “only” charged $25 fee for “rejected check.” And that we could drive to the county building in person and repay both installments. And that there was no line - miracle.


My brother is a really, really good dad & grandpa. Saying it here because I’m his older sister … can’t actually let him know how awesome he is. :wink:


It is called “due process,” buddy. Without this constitutional protection, we might easily turn into Russia. Think about it.


I’m so relieved. Having a happy child is priceless.


It costs $0.00 to use your turn signal.


Was the Rose Code discussed previously? I know it was recommended here but wasn’t sure if it was ever a book club choice.

I cared for both my parents when they had cancer. Watching my wife care for her mother, it has become clear that dementia is far worse.


Silencing people doesn’t make it go away. It does, however, ruin lives. But I guess as long as your life isn’t affected, it’s all good, right?


Yay, things are going well on my visit in Austin with my sister. The meds are really helping her. :slightly_smiling_face:


Spelling Bee people, chill out. This is not the end of the world. :honeybee:

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Thank you mom and dad for the gift card to Nordstrom for my birthday last month. I found these today and they made me so happy I had to get them for spring and summer here in San Diego!


It’s been in my ‘employee development plan’ for 2 yr now to get a promotion. Y’all actively encouraged me to apply for any open positions which are a step up from my current one. I actually do that very thing…boss’s boss created 2 new positions. Had interview for it.

And then early on Sat. morning last weekend, you send an auto-generated email from the HR system saying that another candidate was selected. You didn’t even have the nerve to get an HR person to tell me that I was turned down for the job.

Oh…and your pay scale sucks, by the way.

So I now have to thank you for being the catalyst to me looking for a new job outside this company. It’s clearly time for me to move on and go elsewhere. I already applied to 1 position and have a good ‘in’ at another company that I’m going to apply to this week.

Oh…and guess what else? Almost everybody else pays more than you do.


Insurance problem has been resolved!!! Woo hoo!


Got a facial yesterday and was asked to remove my expensive diamond necklace. Of course I forgot to put it back on when I left. Didn’t realize my mistake until after the place was closed. Thank goodness for honest people and I was able to pick it up today. Whew! I will try very hard not to make that mistake again.


Thank goodness it was a bank error and not Identity theft!!!

And kudos to the guy on the phone who also straightened out my online banking. It’s been messed up/inaccessible for at least 15 years and several email addresses ago. Never really cared since I don’t use the account much - until yesterday when I got my statement with an unknown large value (to me) check posting!


My mother just informed me that my brother is “coming for Mother’s Day”.

I have no desire to celebrate Mother’s Day bc I can only focus on how much I miss my dad. I know I should be grateful for the time I had him, and I truly am.

But I simply am not able nor wanting to celebrate anything. I just want my dad back. Even for an hour. 5 months feels like 5 years.

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