Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Repairs on three appliances at the other house.
Hot tub repair here
New furnace needed, and while the water heater is out better replace that as well (it’s only 16 years old, haha)
Another hot tub repair, maybe it’s done for
Oh, no repair on the boobs, best to just replace those.
At least the boobs are covered by insurance. Sigh.
It’s been a month.

Told Dad goodbye just now. Kind of tough because he really didn’t say much, like thanks for coming or I love you. But as my sister pointed out, he asked if I had enough for expenses and that’s his way of showing affection.

Add that into attending the funeral for my BFF’s mom today and I’m toast. My plane back to Maine departs at 5:15 am tomorrow. Then DH tells me he invited DD and three of her friends over for Easter dinner. Deep breathing…


We should be done by now. Not only are we not done yet, you have no clue when you’ll be completed. Worse yet, we’re running 35% over budget. No, that’s not all due to the pandemic and labor shortages. Some is due to your poor performance. There have been far too many do overs on this project in an effort to get things right. I am just done.

Intense screaming



Even better!


8 PM on Easter Sunday night and you post on the parent FB page that your student needs a “late night” ride back to school…AND your starting location is 4 hours from campus. How long did you wait for a reply before you grabbed your keys?

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Relax people, the snow will be gone by morning! You can’t will it away!


It just gets worse and worse. I am scared to death about the slippery slope we are sliding down.


You are such a know-it-all. Except you don’t know it all, and in this particular case, you don’t know what you are talking about AT ALL. You are way out of your league here, and your constant arguing to make your (incorrect) point only demonstrates your lack of knowledge in this area and your massive levels of insecurity.


Nothing like holidays to remind yourself that you really need to move further away.


Just when I start losing faith in people, clients surprised us today. The man emailed my husband and said, “I understand from my contractor that you did more design work for us - please send me another invoice and I want to pay you for both invoices immediately. My wife and I would like to come over to your office and pay you.” We had barely finished writing up the second invoice when the couple showed up at our door and wrote a sizeable check. Wow. That’s a first. Helps to put some wind back in our sails.


Thanks to the kids(some young adults college) that did the majority of clean up from Easter Dinner. The best part was my BIL complaining that it isn’t the case at his house for xmas. Also shout out to my wife who used disposable dishes for the serving dishes.


I. Just. Can’t. Everything is broken.

Life is good. Facial recognition with mask on iPhone is working. No more taking mask on and off.


Remember that every vote counts.


Tired of the divide. Did I live nearly 60 years to not notice it or is this just how we live now? When did we fall into 2 very distinct groups that seems to slot into everything from politics to health/wellness?


I have tried to find examples, but they have failed to provide any.

Sorry, Not Sorry


Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

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I am so so so done with this rehab facility. How can you hold patients hostage like this? You don’t want to let him go and lose any money you can milk the government for!