Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Overheard at the office today “we have too many mechanical engineers, we need more electrical engineers”

Thought it would be useful to share that here.


Right on cue. There you are. I laugh at you. LOL.


Johnny Depp, I don’t think I’ve ever really heard how magnificent your natural voice is, and also may the truth set you free.


Not big news to most people, but I just got notified that there would be no building staff strike tomorrow in NYC. I will not have to take out trash to the curb, able to get my grocery, take out, and Amazon delivered to my door. I have held off on ordering stuff in anticipation of the strike.


You felt lousy today (not disclosed to us) but still insisted on meeting in person with H to review stuff that I’ve explained to you by email (with illustrations), text and phone half a dozen times. Then tonight you call to tell me you have a fever and thought we should know. Of course, you never wear a mask. H wore one inside, but I just learned he removed it outside and I know he’s bad about maintaining his distance. :crossed_fingers:

Poor little doggie…get better fast :pleading_face:


Who thought frosted, siding doors for a hotel room was a good idea? They aren’t.


It’s like all hands up to throw any precautions Covid related out the window. Caution to the wind.


It’s not cute. It’s political and some of it mean spirited.

If we weren’t already drinking, I’d say you’ll drive me to drink. I suppose I’ll just drink more. Ugh.

Looking forward to seeing 38 Special. Wish I had seen them in their prime. Good music ages well.


The most annoying term on CC …….tippy top :face_vomiting:


Before you get on an airplane - shower. Use deodorant or cologne or anything! There is no excuse to smell that badly. Am I being mean? I don’t care. You absolutely made a flight unbearable for everyone around you. You can’t possibly smell that bad and not know it. The poor young woman next to you was actually green by the end of the flight.


So much grief everywhere.

Two different dear friends lost their mothers this week. Cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Living is hard. Bc ultimately we lose those we love along the way.

And yet loving deeply is so important.

For God’s sake Florida, Really?

I cannot believe people still want to live there!


Anyone want two cockatiels? I knew I had put an important slip of paper on my desk earlier today, but then I couldn’t find it. After scouring the office, I found it in the trash can with telltale cockatiel chomp marks in it. One of the birds chewed on it and then it fluttered down into the trash can. Ack. They’re lucky they’re so adorable.


What a sad headline to greet me this evening - and from a “world” news source letting me know this is something the world has picked up on.

Behind car crashes was drug overdoses/poisonings. 4300+ for gun killings (all types), approx 3900 for car crashes, and 954 for overdoses according to the article.

Poor kids (and friends/family). :broken_heart:


Food is a basic necessity. Access to food should be constitutionally guaranteed. Because it is not yet, this is why I donate my $$ to organizations that provide food for those who desperately need it or can’t afford this “luxury.” Please consider giving to your local food bank if you have a few $$ to donate. Or a worthy organization like Word Central Kitchen.


Your constant negativity and critiquing …. so unnecessarily annoying.

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The louder you scream, the more adept people are becoming at tuning you out.