Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

My mom listening/supporting/worrying role is on overtime this week. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I am so done with you. I sent you an important email yesterday and asked that you let me know if you got it. Radio silence. And then today you respond to an email I sent to the entire neighborhood, so I KNOW you’re checking your email. Why are you so difficult? Oh, and could you please read your texts and emails before you send them? Your latest reads: “I will be there! I am really going this moves forward.” We all make typos, but I don’t think I’ve ever received anything from you that makes sense. I hope you handle our road association funds better than your correspondence. :roll_eyes:

I grew up terrified of freaking Communist USSR and nuclear war. Muddled through the hippie years and Vietnam war years hoping our generation really was going to usher in peace and prosperity. Then came the years of going nonstop/working/parenting 18 hours a day and not much time to worry or analyze. “Oh, they’ll take care of us, do the right thing” was my mantra. Two world wars were enough, we all knew this.
Except for the previous presidency, I have reached my golden golden years pretty comfortably. Now
am I and those in my age and stage going to have to go out of here uncertain as to what we are leaving behind? With finding out how millions of people are really wired? Of wondering if our very beloved, exquisite, beautiful, fabulous, but abused, planet is going to survive. Are my descendants going to suffer and perish due to sheer stupidity, lust for power and greed in the end?


2022: Yankees fans “classless”, “worst fan base” — Guardians player

1999: On Mets fans: "Nowhere else in the country do people spit at you, throw bottles at you, throw quarters at you, throw batteries at you
” — John Rocker

Why do the organizations refuse to take action? At this point, due to their inaction, the Mets and Yankees organizations are complicit in the fan violence.

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I’ve been at D’s house, babysitting GD & dog since Thursday afternoon. GD is fine. Dog is not. D & SIL work from home, and the dog is not happy with them being gone so long. She is barking at everything. If GD is awake, it makes her cry. If she’s napping, it wakes her up. I have to sit in the basement with the dog at night until I go to bed, or she barks whenever she hears anything. I’ll watch the kid anytime - the dog might be another story. P.S. I am tired!

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i posted pix of my d23 at prom; first pix i’ve put up of her in many years. So beautiful - and ive been reflecting how this unexpected, surprise #4 kid has brought so much beauty to our lives. You never quite know the joy that unexpected paths will bring, i guess. :heart: I think i’ll tell her how thankful I am that she’s here; not just keep it on this random board!


Oh boy
ready the therapy dogs and safe spaces.


We’ve been watching the Netflix documentary “Our Great National Parks.” The narrator’s voice is soothing in so many ways.


D19 received another departmental scholarship. Not try to brag. If I really wanted to brag this would be on facebook. All that time I pestered you to fill out scholarship apps I guess some of that finally sunk in. This far into the college process every $$$ helps. I think she finally gets it.


It’s been a long time coming and I’m so enjoying all of it!


Mom’s 91, facing a devastating meeting with her oncologist at the end of the week, and you object to her having a tiny Hoodsie cup of ice cream, because “it’s not on her diet?” Lighten the hell up!!!


Watching the tv coverage before Madeline Albright and it’s amazing to me how many people I can recognize with their masks on! I guess masks don’t make you as unrecognizable as I thought!

Nice to see the masks


Those who feel the need to ban books are pretty much always on the wrong side of history. Just sayin’.


And they’re off tonight. Flying to the first choice school with days to spare. Hoping to get that photo, see that smile and know that a decision has finally been made. This is a LONG process. And that champagne has been cooling for months.


Opinion isn’t truth or fact, and that goes double for the proclamations of “professionals” and “experts”. Why do we continue to allow these people to wreak havoc?


Watching high school’s admin bend over backwards to not upset conspiracy spouting parents because they “respect all beliefs” - just absolutely jaw dropping. If kiddo didn’t have one year left I’d transfer them out. But because they have one year left, and they need these teacher recommendations, and they love (most of) their teachers and they want to finish with their class
I feel like my hands are tied. Can’t get louder about this than I already have. And there’s a group of fellow 11th grade parents that feel the same - we spoke out, called meetings, but “we respect all beliefs” is this inane party line.


I understand parents are often blind or denial about their child’s failings and character flaws but you’re really taking it to an unprecedented level.

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My son and his fiancĂ©e leave for Warsaw tomorrow, where they’re relocating. Trying not to worry about them.


Tough day for me. The kid sister of a lifelong friend died, my father is acting completely insane and had to be taken to the ER, and my daughter is stressed about moving to a new apartment.


Mom, I know you getting older and have less energy, but living in from of the TV only is not the way. Please get out of the house and see people.