Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Unexpected? Those “experts” were hoodwinked again? It would be almost comical if it wasn’t so pathetic.

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BBC Headline:

“Arming Ukraine Threatens Europe’s Security - Kremlin”

And BOMBING Ukraine doesn’t?

What’s going on is both mind boggling and incredibly sad.


I vow to not use the phrase “things have changed” when reflecting back. Instead, “things DO change”.


I’m over Mel Kiper Jr

Your name must appear as the first definition of “gall” in the dictionary. Unbelievable. I know I have to take the high road and not respond to your ridiculous email, but it’s hard. I’ve blocked you so you can’t email me again.

Since you were so upset that I looked at your LinkedIn profile (???), I clicked on it a couple of more times again today. OK, so maybe I’m not taking the highest road… :rofl:


You’re free to live in your fantasy world but I won’t be joining you.


Group texts are annoying! And its really not necessary to “love” every response. It just generates more texts!!!


Raptors fans, you cheered the injury to KD because you knew you couldn’t win against him.

You cheered the injury to Embiid because you’re a bunch of sore losers.

What sort of sub-human slime values the sporting defeat of others over compassion and humility?

You’re a horrible fan base, your team plays dirty, and even your announcers have no class.

Great ambassadors for the city of Toronto.


Despite the odds being 90% that mom has cancer, SHE DOES NOT HAVE CANCER!!!


Ok - I’m really embarrassed. Sometimes middle of the night internet usage is just not a good thing.


He made it!!! He got drafted into the NFL! Go C!!! Such a great kid and family

(His mom and I were pregnant at work together and the kids grew up playing soccer together, but he always was more suited to football.)


Oh honey, you don’t even recognized the irony that your reaction actually proves my point. And draws attention.

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Middle kid and his fiancee made it to Warsaw. She will be working for Google and he will try to get a job teaching English online. Google will pay for HIM to study Polish! So that means he will have studied Spanish, Latin, Arabic, French, and Polish. He’s fluent in Arabic. It really cracks me up, because he HATED studying language in high school. Spanish was hard for him, so he switched to Latin just to fulfill the language requirement. Life is funny.


Oh, heavens…yet another “free speech” thread on CC.


yes, we get it. your kid has so many fabulous options they couldn’t possibly choose before the last possible second.


Ramadan Mubarak!


You put up a huge FB post with many photos about your retiring from teaching. You are a PhD, and you have spent nearly 50 years teaching. You teach future teachers at the university level. I send you a private message that you have a spelling error (I also write I know it is undoubtedly a typo) in your post. “Charish” rather than, “cherish.” I preface my private message asking you to please not be mad, but this would be something I would want someone to alert me to. Especially because it’s a loooong, self-aggrandizing post about your vast number of students and papers you have graded.

Your response was to tag me in a comment in said post and, “thank me,” for pointing out the error and write that you will fix it after you finish grading yet another round of papers. I did NOT call out your error publicly on your post - I messaged you. It would have taken you less time to just fix the error than to comment.

I am not perfect with my grammar and spelling. You and I often laugh about our typing errors in our private messaging. I truly thought you’d want to know.

Guess I did make you mad.


Vacation coming to an end and home worries returning

We told you he was moving, if you can’t make time to see him before he goes, that will be so consistent with everything you do. Take your big splashy demostrative “sadness” and maybe pick up the phone. You have shown him , his whole life, who you are and he believes you. Karma.

The new Miranda Lambert album is a master class in good songwriting.

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