Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

My kid isn’t happy with either of her options. She committed. But there’s no excitement. Trying not to focus on the dream school waitlist. But man how about some good luck! :woman_shrugging:


“A pedestrian was struck by a car and died.” It is a tragedy, but… Hope the driver will avoid any charges because there should be no pedestrians on a major interstate like I-5!!!


The person next to me on the plane is watching cartoon animal cat porn (guess it exists) and the crew just served them a 4th drink - did i mention we are in the exit row ! Worst flight ever !!


So my dad was taken to the ER last night due to an infected wound that a nurse noticed on Friday but failed to follow through on (same song, 258th verse).

Then my son’s housing staff just called and said he was acting confused so they called an ambulance to take him to the ER.

15 months ago, my dad and son were in the hospital at the same time. Here we go again. I’m just too tired and swamped with work to sit in the ER with my son for three days again. :frowning: My daughter has offered to help, at least.

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Very interesting dinner with a couple of neighbors last night. Found out a tidbit that explains a lot. I am not interested in gossipy, catty behavior at my age. I will not get in the middle of someone else’s tiff. I read someone right, though. Yep. It’s all good. Now I know.


It’s become an echo chamber!


I hope you stay the course. Don’t allow this event to dissuade you from making the right decision.

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Next in the nightmare must be an alien invasion?


Am sick to my stomach.


Is this 2022 or 1972?
Keep your laws off of my body.


“Ethics? We don’t need no stinking ethics!”

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I’m so glad my kid is going to go to college in a state that won’t be triggered back to the 1950s later this summer.


Holy crap!

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Feeling overwhelmed by all the seismic shifts going on. Potential for WWIII, potential overturn of Roe, potential for significant recession. I’d ask if something’s in the water, but then that derails me into the potential existential threat of climate change. Yikes!


Every great civilization has ended. Guess it’s our turn. I am beyond sad. I am numb. How can the few railroad through the many like this?


I’m closing this for 24 hours. The thread is going to become about one topic only and as much as people might try to ignore other responses, I am certain there will be veiled attempts and otherwise to circumvent the “No response” aspect of the responses here.


I’m re-opening it but we’ll see how it goes.

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Our neighbors texted this morning that they are selling their house, and I am CRYING. They have been the best neighbors. This isn’t unexpected as their daughter is having their first grandchild in Colorado in two months, but I am so sad. I wouldn’t have made it through Covid and the previous administration and the Snowpocalypse without them. At least not as happily. I was supposed to go walking at 7 this morning with the wife, but the foot with the bruising was acting up so I bailed and thank goodness, because if she had told me in person I would’ve embarrassed myself crying. Sometimes, the circle of life SUCKS.

In good news, in this market, they will close to triple what they paid for their house eight years ago.