Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Do you ever feel like you are just surrounded by bad health news about loved ones, friends, etc?! I am so tired of it and selfishly, it is so bad for my (growing) health anxiety and my propensity to catastrophize everything - UGG.


If I could do college again, I would want to do this course of study. So many booksā€¦

What Will I Read? | The Major | Program of Liberal Studies | University of Notre Dame

Life does not end because your perfect student didnā€™t get into a HYP. And the system isnā€™t broken because your kid wasnā€™t accepted.


I have 6 weeks til surgery and then itā€™s a month til the wedding. Yes, I know a lot has to be done around here and I will do the best I can to do it all in 6 weeks.
The kids say they will help, and no, they didnā€™t give me exact dates and times, and your passive-aggressive attemptsā€¦argh!

Itā€™s been difficult for the last few months and this week has brought home the huge change Iā€™ll be going through. The remove and replace will take at least 6 months start to finish. Allow me a day or two to mourn and get back on track.

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Only people we love the most can hurt us hardest


To the lady loudly complaining at the grocery store today, ā€œWhat are they going to do, keep raising prices until we canā€™t eat???ā€

I literally thought about paying for your groceries for you, because I feel fortunate to not have to worry about food prices, but then I saw what you had in your cart. There are plenty of ways to stretch a budget for food (BTDT in our younger years). Having several boxes of Hostess single serve snacks, among other more expensive things, isnā€™t one of them.

That said, 'tis time to make another donation to our local food bank.


Thank goodness for the little joys. In the midst of work screw-ups comes the news that one of our own is being recognized with a great honor. As we scramble to implement our volunteer-run activity, people are stepping up with enthusiasm and cheer. Iā€™m grateful for the good people around me.


If I could find that evil copperhead snake that bit my hand- Iā€™d chop its head off.

No regrets! :rage: :snake:


Really surprised you two expressed that view in such a dramatic way, contrary to other things you have said. Makes me sad.

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! Got amazing news, just canā€™t share publicly yet- so proud of my husband and his next professional chapter.


I actually donā€™t believe you when you say your child felt that Duke, Brown, Columbia, Stanford, Harvard, and MIT were all equally good ā€˜fitsā€™ for them and thatā€™s why they applied to them all.


Finally cut off all my Covid hair and can see myself again. Itā€™s super short and ready for summer in Maine. It was fun having high school hair again for a while, but never again. This is me.


Holy projection, Batman! When you accuse your opponents of doing what you have been doing for years I wonder if it is part of a deliberate strategy, or you just totally lack self awareness.


If having a back and forth political discussion on Facebook ā€œstresses you outā€ then stop posting political opinions on Facebook.


An ā€œover educatedā€ female and a proud parent of two ā€œover educatedā€ women who think that pervy men should burn in h*ll.


GO SOUNDERS!!! :soccer: :goal_net: :trophy:

(Yes, CC bots - this is a complete sentence)


Maā€™am, I wish I could clone you. What a nice start to my day. You took care of our issue over the phone, were both pleasant and efficient, and saved me a dreaded trip to the county office. :hibiscus: :cherry_blossom: :blossom:


I was being completely honest with you when I told you that I didnā€™t know of any Airbnbā€™s in my area because, honestly, I donā€™t use them. How would I know?

I know you were softly asking to stay with us, during your sonā€™s graduation, because when you originally came, one of my sisters did live in town and did have the space and could accommodate you. I really donā€™t have the space and I had mentioned to you, months ago, that we were planning to start a remodel in May.

I get that you donā€™t want to pay for a rental. I completely understand, but you have known for a while and you should have planned and saved some money. You, of all people know how expensive it is to live and stay in California. You complained about our prices and the price of gas and how your state is so much cheaper and better.

So first thing this morning, I get a social media message from you, indicating that I needed to watch what I post, politically. Really?

Iā€™m sorry but I donā€™t take censure too well.

This passive-aggressive way of indicating your anger, that you canā€™t stay with me, is not going to change my mind, for either the censure, nor the hosting of your whole family.

What I told you was true. My sisters cannot host you either. One has had a flood and awful foundation problems with holes in the middle of her living room and dining areas! The other one has preteens and teens with two dogs and two foster dogs. How is she supposed to host your adult children and their families in her house? And no, Iā€™m not going to advocate for you to change her mind. She doesnā€™t have the room!

I donā€™t have the space! My adult children have returned home. We will be going through a remodel; where the hell would I put you?

Youā€™ve known the dates for a while. Youā€™ve waited too dang long! Have your adult children shell out the money for hotel rooms before they fill up. Although we are related I canā€™t bear any personal responsibility for your housing needs. When I came to your town, I had previously booked (and paid for) my hotel. I would not have imposed on neither you, nor your siblings.

And this BS about my politics. Please! Youā€™ve known about my politics for years. Donā€™t assume that you can influence nor change what and how I think. Not going to happen.


Wow, some folks are thin-skinned. I merely pointed out that a statement you posted on Facebook about a certain group of people doesnā€™t apply to ALL of them and you got very offended. Rereading my reply, I still donā€™t understand why you were so upset. Oh, well, I apologized, anyway.


Havenā€™t seen my husband in almost a month. Iā€™m supposed to board a plane in 2 hours to meet him for the weekend. Guess what? He just tested positive for Covid. Heā€™s on a business trip so will quarantine at the Ritz until heā€™s well. I will spend Motherā€™s day weekend alone. Weā€™re used to his work keeping us apart, but this really stinks. I am grateful though that he found out before I was on the plane. He doesnā€™t feel well at all and thereā€™s nothing I can do to help.