Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I like Wordle … and Quordle and Nerdle, and I play them nearly every day. I don’t, however, share my games on social media, and I really don’t care to see other’s games. I don’t view the games as a competition but as mental stimulation. Can’t you just text them to the friends who care?

I will celebrate the day when my Facebook newsfeed doesn’t contain people’s game posts.


If gardening makes you this looney, you’re doing it all wrong dear.


Wow. 60 people (21.74% of voters in the election) definitely have different values and characteristics in the candidates they’re looking for than I do. I have deal-breakers. That’s definitely one of them. I’d rather have an empty seat or one filled in by a write in, esp since he told them where to find the body… I get “innocent until proven guilty,” but…


“You must have known someone to get your kid into that university”.

Yes - actually I do. Our Blessed Mother. Prayed daily :pray: Thanks.


I hate the ads and pop ups on this site


I don’t understand when people don’t even try to understand/appreciate something new to them, something “different.” It’s one thing to try it and not like it, but when you are immediately dismissive before giving something a chance it says something about you, not me. It doesn’t mean the thing I appreciate isn’t worthy of your time. How would you know? You come across as old and inflexible.


How many times do I have to press 0 before the call center Siri stops saying, “Invalid response. Please try again!”?

(Shouldn’t 0 put me through to a hooman?)


Sorry that you’re tired but could you have a bit of sense of humor? Sheesh!

Heading off to our cabin to avoid Mother’s Day. Triple whammy this year: Our son is in the hospital, and we’re not allowed to visit him. His first hospitalization was in Texas, 2,500 miles away, over Mother’s Day in 2011. This is also my first Mother’s Day without my mom. Finally, it would have been the 27th birthday of my nephew we lost when he was 20. Ugh. I just want to get through the day.

Just have to vent - I hate Mother’s Day (and Father’s Day). These days don’t add value to relationships, but they do add pain to lives. Mothers who have lost children, children who have lost mothers, mothers & children whose relationships are strained, children who are mothers but must also make sure that they provide a “perfect” day for their own mothers … on and on. I have been blessed to be near my children & to spend the day with them, but I have witnessed the pain others are experiencing. Social media has only made it worse.


This violent crime needs to stop. Each day seems to get worse. Thugs with guns are ruining this city.


argh. I just dropped my child off for the SAT. Right before he gets out of the car this big teenager walks in front of our car - he’s wearing a sweatshirt with an upside down, black American flag on the sleeves and there are pictures of six different guns on the back of it.

My kid pointed out the truck across from us that he got out of- it had “Or-y-GUN” stickers on the back windows with outlines of assault rifles.

What a jackass. And to show up to the SAT like this certainly isn’t helpful for any kid’s nerves. It’s assigned seats and I can only hope my kid isn’t near him. But he shouldn’t be near anyone.

I just hate this, my kid’s unsettled, and this guy is absolutely dressing like this and putting assault rifles stickers on his car and clothing to make people feel uncomfortable and posture.

This isn’t “well regulated militia” it’s ■■■■■■■ behavior.


Would it kill you to wish me a happy Mother’s Day? Clearly it didn’t slip your mind, given the elaborate FB posts you put up. Jerk.

Go Bows!

Your entire family has remarked that your daughter’s boyfriend isn’t very bright. They also refer to said boyfriend as daughter’s sugar daddy.

I can’t tell you how much it grinds my gear. It’s so insulting I can’t even.

If my daughter heard that anyone thought her boyfriend was her “sugar daddy” she would be apoplectic. She can pay her own bills thank you very much. As can your daughter.

He seems very nice and he seems to love your daughter. That’s all I ask for.


I hope this is over soon.

Only 9% of Americans believe Covid-19 is still a “crisis,” according to a recent Axios-Ipsos poll. Trying to convince 91% of Americans otherwise is a recipe for failure.

I think those 9%are all on this site :joy:
(Just a joke)


College graduation is a time for joy and togetherness. Why would a college choose to have a lighting rod politician for it’s commencement speaker?!!! Even if one political party is in the minority so you think not too many folks will be offended, no need to ruin those minority-view folk’s otherwise joyous time. :frowning:


You always have to put in some data point that may or may not have anything to do with the post that I wrote. You really are one of the most annoying people on this site (just my opinion).


People are crazy out there