Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

What a spoiled :rage:

Having to bite my tongue about a significant and legitimate teacher issue because my kid is probably going to need a recommendation from them.


You’ve been a friend for 60 years. But boy, do I find you tedius and judgmental.


Tired of CC’s moving banner that tries to trick you into hitting an advertisement (the same one no less!) every single time one enters the site and then again once one enters a topic. What on earth does this accomplish, except make me enter the CC website less often? Companies can be so stupid.


How does a kid that has had a general disdain for Math most of her life score a 750?


If my okay was not enough for you, then why did you ask me first and then include me in another text to ask someone else? I own the house.


So glad that you were kind of accommodating when I told you about the repairs to our mutual fence that we are totally paying for. What a tool.


I sure hope our next vacation is extra good, to offset how terrible this one has been. The outer banks of NC are miserable and have been all week. It’s only in the 50s and you can’t even go out for a walk it is so windy. We are big bicycle riders, but riding would be downright dangerous at this point. The chairs on the relaxing deck we should be sitting in to watch the waves are covered in sand, except for a couple of inches at the very top of one. Our windows are so sand covered we can barely see the beautiful view. Fortunately we are behind a dune, but two homes have literally fallen down several miles south of where we are.
A friend will be here next week and most days look like they’ll be sunny and over 70. Lucky her :).

I pictured you as an old white dude. Yet to my shock you’re a woman. Your racism and internalized misogyny is on full display. Your poor children.


Only 93 miles away. And then you will be home after your first year of school. I am ecstatic to see you so very soon.


So happy you’re not catatonic. Hope it lasts. The hospital psychiatrist thought it was great when you told her you “feel neurocognitively put together.” Dang COVID restrictions, I really want to see you.


Some people are just stuck in their middle school response mode!


I have so much rage for the misogyny I hear in public discourse today.


That guy who landed the plane is amazing. We never know how we’ll respond until emergencies are before us 
 but I can’t imagine being that calm, cool & collected.


I am continually surprised when people behave unethically and either do not know it or do not care.


When you catch a mouse :mouse2: or swat a giant fly, I really don’t need a text with a photo proof of your achievements. You are a grown up man, not a cat to bring me the “offerings”!!! Good thing I am not easily freaked or grossed out by this kind of stuff. :sunglasses:


I’m amazed that despite having that crappy, narcissistic, absolutely despicable boss for so many years, you have done such a great job doing what you are supposed to do.


You double checked that S23 has had a booster against covid before he attends your summer program in a couple of months. It’s a good thing you didn’t ask if he has it. Poor kid has been stuck in the health centre of his boarding school since Tuesday.

Young lady, I believe you have a lot to learn. Your parents have taken you mountain climbing all over the world since you were little. You stated that you want to get more young people into doing what you do. While I get the sentiment, I think perhaps you may not understand that very few young people and their families are blessed with the financial means to even consider it.


Breast biopsy on Monday. Steeling myself for bad news.