Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Yelling makes you sound even more incoherent and incompetent.


The virtue signaling know it alls are exhausting!


Epiphany about it all today : this is who you are, how you want things to be. There willnever be an appropriate way to express anything negative or questioning, because you honestly just donā€™t want to hear it.Or donā€™t care. Or canā€™t cope. the office canā€™t function this way. and asking a mom of a new baby to work a 60 hr week, with a straight face, is the level of your collective skill. Wow.


Peloton?? Priorities people!!


Big company that streams things finally comes out and says "the company might not be the right fit for employees whose belief systems hold them back from working on content with which they disagree.

Is it possible, dare we hopeā€¦the adults have re-entered the arena?


I am physically exhausted but I will keep working because you need me to.

So that didnā€™t go wellā€¦and now my birthday is ruined.

Stll a faint line on the covid test. No party for me. Definitely feeling sorry for myself!

Iā€™m so glad that I went today. Even though I went alone, I didnā€™t feel alone. I am still very worried, but I feel energized. Itā€™s not over yet. Today showed me that weā€™re still in this and not giving up.


Now I know why more things were messed up at the house yesterday. You were at yet another social event for local builders and didnā€™t provide any clear instructions to your subs. Itā€™s impossible for us to know how much extra all of these errors have added to our total since weā€™re on a cost-plus basis, but my guess is that better communication and supervision would have saved us a bundle as well as a couple of months.

I didnā€™t know that the traditional gift for 39 years of marriage is mouse droppings, but thatā€™s what I got today. H & I are opening his familyā€™s cottage, and I spent my day cleaning up after the mouse who spent his winter here. Not really what I wanted for my anniversary. Next year, I want to go on a trip.


Iā€™m trying to listen to you, but your tinfoil hat is distracting.


I donā€™t know what is more depressing; that Johnny Depp still has fans, or that they are all demented misogynists.


Neighbors getting divorced after 44 years of marriage! Wow, you never know

I missed a really amazing farewell party for friends moving away yesterday because there was a faint line on the rapid test 6 days after diagnosis. Very, very sad to have missed it but I know I did the right thing. Todayā€™s line is much fainter, so I am on my way back to ā€œnormalā€ whatever that is! Whew!


Ethical posturing. You do what you want to get a financial advantage but if someone takes advantage of a law that benefits them, you call that unethical. Intergenerational trusts, yep thatā€™s a benefit for the wealthy. You set one up but you donā€™t even see the hypocrisy.
A mirror is often needed.


I canā€™t decide if you just worry about the stupidest :poop: or are talking just to hear the sound of your own voice

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So you called back the collection agency and yelled at them, saying you wouldnā€™t pay your debt to us. It will be interesting to see what happens now!

Worst case, if you donā€™t pay us it turns out we can issue a 1099-C form for the balance you owe us, not a small sum of money, and you will owe taxes on it. :slight_smile:


I just read an article about a couple in India suing their son for not providing the with a grandchild. I am speechless.