Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I love you dearly. I am eternally thankful for you. But. You keep me at arms length. I recognize it. But I don’t really understand it. I just have to accept it. It won’t stop me loving you.


How many more mass shootings can we put up with? RIP to all the victims and deepest condolences to their families.



Picking my cat up at the clinic tomorrow…

Oy. 80 days of cat crap storage in the garage begins two weeks from tomorrow.


Super Flower Blood Moon, you have a fantastic name, but couldn’t you have arranged for the cloud cover to disappear so you could appear? :full_moon: :waning_gibbous_moon: :last_quarter_moon: :waning_crescent_moon: :new_moon:


I think someone is looking out for my son. A woman new to my gym class grew up in Warsaw, where he just moved. She said if he has any questions or needs connections, she has lots of relatives who live there! :slight_smile:

She said things are VERY tense there, due to fears of Putin and the influx of refugees. My son and his fiancee had to offer more for an apartment than was asked in order to get it. It’s still only $700/month, though.


I wonder when his handlers will stop allowing him to speak in public.


Oh great.

Shout out to Vanderbilt University for putting on another first-class Graduation Ceremony. Hard to believe my 2nd daughter graduated already. The Strawberries and Champagne post-graduation event with all the amazing free food and outstanding service was the best graduation event I’ve ever attended. Our family is indebted for life to Vanderbilt and how they educated and cared for two of our children.


Please, please turn off lights when you are done in a room. I am so tired of having to go behind you to turn off the hall and stairwell lights behind you after I have gotten in bed for the night. I don’t call it nagging when it has been discussed over and over again; so instead of saying anything again, I just get out of bed many nights and turn them off myself. :angry:


I got to be #1 at my precinct voting today. I’ve never been #1 before (H was #2). There were others in line behind us, so it’s not like we were the only two there. I know my vote counts the same as it would if I were #X, but it somehow feels special!

I’ve also come to the conclusion that the only good thing that comes out of political advertising these days is putting a lot of money back into circulation in a trickle down sort of way. I’m glad we can fast forward TV avoiding the oodles of TV ads, but there’s no way to miss all the signs along the roads. Has anyone, ever, picked who they are voting for because they saw a sign along the road with a name on it?


After feeling various iterations of crappy since the second week in February, after having surgery for nasal polyps last month, and after Covid last week, I feel GREAT. Oh, what a feeling!


Who cares if you’re competent/good at your job it’s all good as long as you check the proper boxes.


Stop. Just full stop.
I understand that you’re angry with me because I told you I don’t have room to house you. That’s your own fault for not saving and planning. You seem to think that money has come easily to me, but we scrimped and saved and sacrificed to get where we are. You should and could have done the exact same thing. Remember when you were showing me your latest designer clothes? Remember when you made fun of my secondhand stuff from the Salvation Army during college?

However, this daily barrage of religious propaganda isn’t going to sway me to house you. Read my texts: I have no room!

We’ve both grown up with the same religion, when did it change?

I’m sorry, but I beg to differ from your opinion. I do happen to believe that women should have voices, should remain active, and should use their political clout. Women are strong, powerful, loving, caring and the caretakers of society. If you can’t get your husband to go along with that, then that’s your issue.
I know that my husband supports my views and opinions and is not threatened by a strong woman but, then again, I really lucked out in partners.
The Hyatt and the Marriott are right up the road from the ceremony.

ETA: You’ve sent word that you want my address? No. Good luck with that. Your mom is going to ask my mom for the address? I’m sorry but my mom can never find her glasses on her head!


The IRS needs fixing! It’s been over two years, send me the d%*m tax return so I can finish the estate.

Yay for CapitalOne’s rewards program. I just redeemed points for our two expensive round-trip airline tickets to Wisconsin. I was feeling guilty for spending so much for a weekend trip and now I don’t have to. :slight_smile: It will be DH’s 50th high school reunion.


Leaving for Maine on Monday, going through Georgia to spend Memorial Day weekend with our son and his GF. I will have my arms around my boy in nine days. So excited!


You are so needy. Glad it’s not my issue to deal with.

I didn’t post negative reviews or even complain to you until you continued to contact me about buying more. Then I calmly and factually reported what we’ve been doing for days to try to mitigate the problem with what we already purchased since we can’t return the items. Instead of accepting that explanation of why we won’t buy anything else, you claimed that what I wrote could not possibly be true. Do I need to post photographic proof?

If the reviews I read before are even half true, then our negative experience is the exception. I’m not interested in damaging a small family business but neither do I want to do business with you again, especially after today.


I am not going to last four more weeks in this job. I should not have given generous notice when I resigned. Ugh.