Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

My dog is 14 and has Cushing disease. She’s in the 10% who manage to live over 3 years with it. She also has canine dementia. People scoff when they hear what her vet bills cost. Don’t ask me about her health and then act like I’m crazy for fulfilling my obligations.
She is family - we love her and as long as she is living her best life she will get the care we thankfully can afford.
We’ve been having a wonderful time traveling with her in our RV - she’s really taken a shine to camping and the beach.
Animals can really be a blessing.


Seems there’s something off when the news report says there was a high turnout for the election, then says 39.92% of eligible registered voters voted, including mail votes. Sure it’s higher than the usual 25-28%, but if 40% is “high,” it leaves me wondering WTH.


I keep asking myself how did we get stuck with you? My solace is that those that did it will be literally paying for it the rest of their lives. My annoyance is that it can’t be confined to only those people.


Sorry you are in a hurry, but I’m not going to do anything dangerous just so you can get out into the road more quickly. Jerk.


The more I’m around you, the more I want to be somewhere else


Well, the news just got better! (Not!!!)

I’m so incredibly happy and thankful. My son just got an internship for the summer. He started looking late due to mono in the fall which left him exhausted, and he isn’t in a highly employable major and doesn’t have the best gpa. But, he just got an offer for a really good internship that he’s interested in and excited about and it actually pays well. I am just so relieved and happy for him.


Four different bowls of desserts tonight? Really? Metformin doesn’t help much when you consume that much sugar. Do you have a death wish?

It’s hard for me to stay focused on healthy eating with chocolates, cakes, pudding, ice cream, candy and jam everywhere.


Yes we know it’s your favorite word. But absolutely you should repeat it a hundred times more just to make sure we heard it correctly.

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I really, really wish you understood reality. It’ll be nicer for me that I’m back on your naughty list, but I just wish it were different. I want a “fix” for your mind. It’s delving deeper and deeper into your own world. You’re missing so much of life. I feel for you.

(Relates to the ongoing saga of my dad’s estate and my sibling’s hatred of her son, so her actively trying to screw him out of his inheritance and now trying to get him in jail ((sigh)). Dad died in 2018. One would think this would be over by now.)

I can only post this here because so many of my friends do this, but I think it’s creepy that people so closely monitor their kids’ locations via apps, especially the friend who I know has been doing this secretly for years. Your son is 30 … when are you going to cut the cord?


It was so wonderful to see my son via Zoom at 1 pm. And to hear his housing supervisor tell him what a good role model he is for the other people in his apartment building. I told him we will do a lot of fun stuff when he gets out of the hospital. He will probably not be discharged for at least another week or two, but his social worker said he’s headed in the right direction. I haven’t seen him since a couple of weeks before he went into the hospital 10 days ago, so it was great to see him smile. Keeping our fingers crossed they will allow visitors next week - it depends on COVID testing.


I supported the ERA, which is not to be confused with this piece of misogynistic baloney.

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Willing to buy an EV. Tesla - hard NO.


Who was the mastermind behind this sheer stupidity?! :scream:


Watching covid cases explode in our school this week and the admin won’t dial up mitigation measures in response. It’s a private school - even if we’re a masks optional state you can respond to changing circumstances and not bend over backwards to the anti-mask, anti-vax parents.

Just say:

“Under current circumstances - for the next two weeks masks are required indoors and classes and will eat outdoors, and we will continue to emphasize robust ventilation.”

And omg, how you switched in the school emails to calling them “face coverings” :roll_eyes:

Yes, we don’t want to offend the anti-mask parents by saying that scary word.


D next year at this time you will graduate with ~188-190 credits. You will have a BA(not BS) in Bio, BA in Spanish, Minor in Latin Am Studies, Minor in Education. I know you switched from BioChem/PreMed, but man you racked up the credits and did a lot of extra work. AP credits helped too. You will be fine and do fantastic in life, but in some ways you made college life a bit harder than you needed to. Give the kid 2-3 more semesters and she could have probably gotten another major and minor. You are so close on a couple of those.

Compare that to her father that took the bare min to get his degree. I think it was 126 credits. I did take a CPA review course(non-credit) second semester senior year. That sucked.

What a mess. The folks in charge need to step aside and let younger people take over.


Nvm…it’s too tiring.

OMG my beautiful 32-year-old niece has cervical cancer.