Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

This is just so freaking hard. And unfair to everyone. And sad. And painful. I don’t know if I can keep it together, and I have to. Just for this weekend.

So bummed out. I have Covid and have to miss my D’s college graduation.

I’ve been SO careful the past couple of weeks and masked up everywhere because I didn’t want to miss this. I caught it from my H, who luckily is now recovered and can go so my D will have someone there for her to celebrate her special day. I always knew I’d ultimately get Covid from him. I’m just extremely grateful that it wasn’t until we’ve had vaccines and a weaker variant, so health-wise it feels like just a bad cold.

……trying hard to focus on gratitude, and really, there is a tremendous amount to be grateful for. :blush:


Only on CC a fresh out of BA job that pays $70k is considered a failure.


It’s really not necessary to dissect other people’s comments and add your own clarifications all the time. No one likes a know it all.


Please, be a responsible dog owner!


Please refrain from political or controversial topics in this thread. It’s not the place for them.

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I don’t think I can take it any more. You start every day just sitting on the sofa, staring out into space. You are so overweight you can’t do anything around the house. Or maybe you can, you just don’t want to. You have to stop drinking. Our marriage is not going to survive this.

I’m waiting for the conclusion of the story about the unwanted visitor. Did they go to the graduation and stay at a hotel, or did they sleep on your porch?


I despise my Whirlpool washing machine. Worst ever! :rage:

Just sad for my D20. Finally on her postponed birthright trip and is spending the latter half of it sequestered in a hotel room alone, Covid-positive. :disappointed:

Does anyone other than me find it funny that Tesla’s logo is an IUD?


In whatever afterlife you’re experiencing, I hope you’re finally able to accept that their deaths were not your fault. You did all you could to take care of your crew, but you were just one man fighting against terrible odds and it was impossible for you to save those two.

I hope you also know that the family of the man you saved has recounted those stories every year so that each generation remembers and is grateful. I didn’t cry when you died because I knew it was a release from your pain. I wept after talking to the son when he told me of his family’s tradition and how his grandchildren know your name. Maybe hearing that would have relieved some of your survivor’s guilt.


I get it that you are paying for the wedding and paying a huge amount, but perhaps refrain from mentioning it every time we discuss something about the wedding? And especially refrain from saying it to your daughter, the bride?


When you’re crying because your kid is grieving their college professor mentor. Thank you to all the people who’ve been positive influences in my childrens’ lives


Pot, meet kettle.


Oh, hon, I love you but boy you can be clueless sometimes.


Please don’t apologize to me that your English isn’t great! You’re the bilingual one in the conversation!!!


Holy cow! I’m surprised you agreed to an interview because it really doesn’t help your position.

Happy with the decision. Women can be abusers, I’ve seen it up close and personal.


I agree with your sentiment of Veritas Numquam Perit.