Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

On a video meeting. I’m just a constituent. After 90 minutes here is what has been discussed and votes taken…

They are going to commission a study to study whether they should commission a study on the previous study - which studied noise. The department of redundancy department will be heading the effort.


Not everything is about you


I hate taking time to post a long reply only to have an OP remove the question and getting an error message.


I’m exhausted. Had to make emergency stop for stress relieving cheesecake!

You guys made a hasty decision to divorce, sell the house you bought one month ago (yes, that’s one month) and I’ve spent three days moving you out with my gas guzzling truck. And I just found out you put zero down and borrowed the closing costs, and have no money saved to pay the 40K in closing costs to now sell the house. What mortgage lender lets people do that?:flushed:

But now you might have changed your mind, and I’m too tired to help move you back. This house is going to end up in foreclosure sooner or later. I really love you and want to offer emotional support, but I’m getting whiplash. You’re not my kid, this is not my business, but I need another piece of cheesecake!!


Well, it took my dad over two years, but he finally managed to contract COVID. :frowning:

$1.00+ in fees and taxes on each gallon of gas. How and why do people put up with this?


Lately I find myself wondering if we’re going to make it…as Americans, and even the human race. So much evil, political polarization, people with unlimited amounts of hate. :frowning_face:


A possum walks into a bar…


Not getting it off my chest in a bad way, just happy to share…a happy update to my last post re: D20’s covid saga in Israel. She was moved to Tel Aviv this morning. She was put on a charter bus with a chaperone and three others who had apparently been quarantining in the same place as she had all week, too. She said it was a bit like the scene in Lost when the survivors realize there have been other survivors on the island all along (The Tailies, for those in the know) :rofl:

The hotel room in Tel Aviv was not ready for them, so they were all allowed to sit at a park by the beach for several hours. She was ecstatic to be outside and around other people. Once checked in, they were permitted to spend the rest of the afternoon at the pool. The chaperone also said that even though tomorrow is still technically a quarantine day (their last), if they were sensible (avoid crowds), they did not have to stay isolated. So she and one other girl are planning a day at a quiet beach. She will then meet up with a subgroup from her tour who have extended their trip and will be in the city. I’m so happy and relieved that the trip will end on a high note.

As an aside, she was originally scheduled to fly back to Boston yesterday, and then turn around and hop on a flight to Dublin today. Obviously the Ireland plans got canceled. She learned today that the flight from Israel was so delayed that the group missed their connection in Toronto and as of a few hours ago, were still stuck there. Had she been on that flight she would have had her Ireland trip messed up in the end, anyway.


Kid, you want to save the planet? Start by turning off the light when you leave your bedroom.


You quit your job, because it was a “bad year,” and you’re going into the summer unemployed for next year. You’re also not planning to work over the summer, because “that’s one of the benefits of working in the field.” So, if you don’t get a job for next year, you’ll have spent down your savings and will likely have to take a job making a lot less, and you have loans to pay starting soon.
It must be nice to have the safety net of mom and dad, but please don’t ask us for money. We scrimped and saved and worked our butts off. Now I am really stressed about this, but you have to do you. I REALLY REALLY hope it turns out well and you find a great fit job for next year, and soon, so I can stop worrying.


11 days til surgery. Returned the unwanted dresses to nordys, have the camis and button-up shirts, meds for post-surgery bought. Thank you, library, for Overdrive and Libby; I won’t run out of books. Everything else can be done on-line while I isolate.

Of course, since I’m at home I can continue to deep clean the house and work on wedding stuff. Haha. On the plus side, no vacuuming after the 14th.

Scared as I am, I know this is the right thing to do. I simply hope that whatever unknown genes I have or environmental factors out there don’t visit this crud upon my daughters. I’ve lucked out twice so far with the “light” form, but others in the family haven’t been as lucky.

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“ Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.” - Robert A. Heinlein



To my MIL & SIL who totally forgot our YDD’s birthday: Poo on you. Not even a stinking phone call. You people suck.

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It is such a pleasure to watch Nadal play and hear him speak. :heart: So genuine!


I have this funny feeling that I may have only mixed half the developer I’m supposed to in with my hair color. But I don’t know for sure. This is quite the experiment… hope it turns out OK. (BTW - I’ve been coloring my hair for decades, and have never done or worried about this before).

So sad that recent events are setting women in this country so far back. Misogyny and celebrity worship are powerful drugs.


There was a certain freedom in the days before we could google everything and we had no idea what the “etiquette” or accepted practice was.

I’m looking at you wedding rules!


Kid #2 tested positive for COVID. DANG IT! But thank goodness for the vaccines we insisted the kids get.


From the “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” category:

There is one CC poster who posts a lot about how U of Illinois in Champaign is the “ugliest campus.” Saw a car in a NJ parking lot with an Illinois sticker. I asked the owner if he went to U of I. He said his son is studying aerospace engineering there and said “What a beautiful campus!”