Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

This says everything:


Inflation? What inflation?! $600 Airwrap sold out before I could refresh the Nordstrom site. :scream:


After that long trial and all of the evidence, I think it’s kind of crazy that anybody actually still believes the mountain of lies that AH has told.


I thought you were the one bright spot - the one well informed and thoughtful contractor - in this absurd project. You’ve had these custom materials for months and you ordered them after I asked you to review and approve nearly a year ago. Now you call to tell me you don’t know if you can install the main element because the people you sub out to may not be careful enough to avoid damaging it. If they follow the required installation methods there won’t be a problem. Some of the work must be done by hand with a specific (but not expensive) tool. Make sure they follow instructions, supervise their work and all will be fine.

I hope you find guy who is good for you soon. That is not the one you are with right now. I am not going to say anything unless you ask though. He is not bad. You just not compatible.

Never meant to give you guys a world filled with fear, inflation, hate and division. Was really hoping for more. Glad you are looking at the bigger picture. So glad your optimism will shield you from the craziness out there.
Glad you still want to change the world. Can’t believe how resilient you’ve been. So proud of you.


A friend had a massive stroke. It’s bad. This is the third friend who has had a stroke in the past couple months. Sure gets you thinking about the “what ifs” in life.

Too much personal information.

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30 years and all you can give him is a framed paper certificate? You never cease to amaze with your crappy culture.


Ten more days . . .

I knew this was going to happen :frowning:

I’m so proud of you. This wasn’t easy, was it. But even though you were crazy with anxiety, you rose to the occasion and handled it well.


You will never change your mind, so it would be lovely if you would just hush up.


And husband’s cousin: We are coming into town for a family event on my side and DH has reached out to a few of his friends and relatives in the area to try to visit who we could, and I reached out to a friend as well. No, you don’t get to change our plans to fit what you want. Its obnoxious, controlling and rude. I politely told you 3 times what our schedule was and what we were planning. Just stop.


Dear Fellow Human: Quit being a snob and saying that UCSB is a party school so your school (UCLA) is better. And quit saying that Kid shouldn’t go to ASU because you think that it, too, is a party school. ASU has a student population of over 70,000. Not all of them are partiers. And in case you missed it, UCSB is an excellent school, too.

And the last time I checked, you got raging drunk plenty of weekends while you attended UCLA so your “party school” talk is full of hot air. And let’s not forget all of the raves you went to while taking speed while at UCLA.

Do us all a favor and just shut up because you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Some must-see TV coming up!


Just a coincidence that I happened upon Matthew McConaughey’s powerful speech a little while ago. His stories about the victims and their family members were heart wrenching and his arguments for legislative reform were compelling. He has clearly been affected by what he has seen and heard from the victims in his hometown.


I’m absolutely bursting with happiness and I can only say it here. D2 confided to me that tomorrow she is going shopping with D1’s bf to look at engagement rings for D1. D1 and bf are heading to Yosemite and Mammoth to camp for a week in July and I have a feeling this will be when bf pops the question. We love him so much and we will happily welcome him into our family. Now I just have to keep quiet!


Little birdies, why on earth did you decide to eat the screen on the living room window? And why only the right hand screen and not the left? What difference did you see that I don’t?! :bird:


I hate it when system upgrades make things much worse than they were before the upgrade! I can no longer see anything related to my retirement funds from before late May! I sure hope you’re planning to restore all that financial data.
Note to self - you should have printed some things before the conversion.