Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

How can so many people be incredibly incompetent at their jobs and yet not be fired?! It’s infuriating!


To all you commuters who prefer playing everything through your phone’s speaker - I really don’t care for your choice of music or the funny videos your friends sent you.

Have some respect for your fellow commuters and plug in a pair of earphones! :exploding_head:


So, it came to this. I fired our Google ad agency. The agency has repeatedly changed our account rep (at least 4 times in 3 years) and this last one is not as sharp as the prior reps.

To make it worse, I’d informed them I’m ready to conclude our contract, and we have had two more meetings where they are static postage stamps on the Zoom screen.

They didn’t even use the Zoom screen to share the data reports. Those were sent as PDFs. Sorry kids, if we are going to Zoom, I’d like something on the screen (other than me!) to be moving. If there’s only 3 of us, I’d surely like to see some faces and possibly body language.

Let’s add some “personal” qualities to these remote sessions. Relationships still matter and you lost our account.


DD started grad school today — she said to me “Can you believe that it’s my first day of 17th grade?” :joy:


I must not be one of the American people. :wink:

You are such an amazingly arrogant A-Hole.


Argue as you may there is a significant difference between garden gnomes and yard tro!!$.

I can adorn my garden as I see fit.


Our “baby” is graduating tomorrow from her one year intensive at FIDM with a degree in Costume Design for Film and Television - almost immediately she presents her portfolio to the Costume Design Guild, and has already lined up two films to work on for the next month. I’m not done bragging (and it’s said it’s not bragging if you can back it up)…she will continue to work her “day” job designing and working on garments for everyone you may or may not have heard of (trust me, you’ve heard of them!), in every industry from music, film, wrestling (you read that right!) and more. Her future is so bright, and let me assure you, she has busted hump to get here. No nepotism. No bribes. Just 16 years of non-stop following her passion and her dreams. We could not be more proud and happy for our “baby.” GGET! (Go Get Em Tiger!)

Encourage kids to dream, dream big, dream creatively and follow their passion.


If you are in an argument, and you resort to ad-hominem attacks, creating straw men, misrepresenting your opponent’s positions, claiming authority based on credentials, and attempting to belittle, marginalize or silence your opponent, those are sure signs that your assertions are weak. And you know it.


At the airport. Heading to Palo Alto to attend Stanford commencement ceremony for our son’s 2020 graduation (BSCS) - 2 years late. We attended his 2021 graduation for his MSCS last year - only 2 guests, vaccinated, and distant. This year should be a more festive, and open experience.

Temp in Phoenix - 114, in Palo Alto - 88


Had lunch with some friends who were really wound about a lot of things – natl issues but also kids with Covid, elderly parents with failing health, etc. For some reason, I was in such a good mood and not feeling affected by all the negativity in the world.

And then, I get home and have to deal with insurance AGAIN. I’ve never lived a place with universal health care but would love to give it a try. Every three months at least I am on the phone with multiple people/entities. It’s like we reinvent the wheel EVERY TIME. It is exhausting and infuriating and unproductive.


Thank you D1 for coming over to clean out and organize my closets.
Question of the day, “when do you think you would ever use this again?”


It’s all just a motion away:


My S19 is on a plane coming home from 6 months of travel abroad.
A few last minutes dramas ( mainly because he waited last minute to do everything!)
I’m so excited and nervous and feel like crying?! I couldn’t sleep last night.
On my way to grocery to buy his favorites.
My H and other son are looking at me sideways, but I know they feel the same. I can’t wait to have us all under the same roof again - time just goes so fast and I cherish it. I know others here understand.


Sitting through the Stanford computer science diploma ceremony I have two big observations:

  1. Each one of those PhD diplomas should come with the option of US citizenship. We should be keeping these great minds.

  2. The number of women in engineering and CS is amazing. Much, much higher than in my college days


I woke up coughing and sneezing this morning, my birthday. My 32-year-old niece and her mother are staying with me so niece can be treated by cervical cancer (chemo and radiation coming up). It would be hard to forgive myself if I gave her Covid. Negative test this morning but it’s hard to be sure about accuracy. Ugh. So I am treating myself with OTC meds to suppress cold symptoms and I hope the rain outside stops long enough this afternoon so we can eat outdoors with my bff (another oldmom, lol) to celebrate my birthday.

Thank you for having a commencement and multi-day reunion, free of cost, for the 2020 grads. Better late than never! So glad about 75% of the class count be there in person to reconnect. It always struck me as so sad that at a school that was so much about community and that had so many traditions around saying goodbye that these kids just packed up and dispersed with 72 hours notice. I am reminded that while things cannot be undone, with effort, they can be repaired – if not quite the same way.

I’m sorry DS didn’t want his parents there, but I totally get that for him, this was more reunion than graduation. I wouldn’t want my parents at my reunions either!


I pray for our teachers and students and I pray that you are not our Governor come 2023. :rage:


Headed to the Canadian Rockies next week—long range forecast is calling for RAIN EVERY DAY!!!



(phew, now I feel better…glad I got that out!)