Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

STEM degrees!
Are you really calling it STEAM now. Adding the A for Arts. Is that literally not the opposite of STEM.


Holy crap internet strangers – all of your assumptions are so off base I am having a really hard time not responding. Not a racist. Not a helicopter mom, my daughter doesn’t hate me and I am not a Karen, either. Imshouldn’t let it bother me but you have really ruined my day.

This morning may go down as one of the worst in history. In addition to specialty drug hold hell for the second day in a row and learning my bff is moving and my uncle has stage 4 cancer, nothing like your mom passive-aggressively blaming you and hospice for your dad’s death. I know she’s 90 and unsophisticated and probably deep down doesn’t even believe that, but, wow, talk about a gut punch.

In a related note, I’m sorry/not sorry I cried on the phone just now, drug people.

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Your definition of happiness and success is narrow and short sighted. You need to get a grip.

Every time you vent your bitterness on that topic, all I can think is, “Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?”


My gosh there are some extraordinarily stubborn people in this world.


Ugh, just this week an 8th grader in a town about 20 miles from us ended her life, as well as a 27-year-old young man who went to my school with our middle son all 12 years. It’s an epidemic. The staff member in the NAMI Maine office who offers assistance to schools and communities after suicides is way too busy. And this is a state of only 1.3 million people.

I really just can’t even take a peek at my 401k now. Working for another 5 years. Good thing I like what I am doing.


Good thing rents are going up, up, up. Balances that other portfolio going down, down, down.

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Weather in the Phoenix metro area this week on the left, where we live in Maine during the summer on the right:



I’m so disappointed that my personal trainer of ten months gave his notice today. He is really tough and has brought me a long way towards my goals. It wasn’t a surprise, because he got his Realtor’s license recently, but I hoped he would stay on longer until he was making some money through real estate. But he can make more waiting tables for a couple of nights a week than training people, so that’s what he’s going to do. Oh, well, I’m just hoping the next guy is good. I hate the turnover rate in this industry.


You have known me for 50 years but you won’t acknowledge my birthday greetings because you don’t agree with my politics? SMH


Rest assured, the “horse” is dead. Please stop the beatings.

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BLEEPING COVID. My daughter is supposed to be maid of honor at her BFF’s wedding on Saturday. D picked up one of the bridesmaids in New Jersey on Monday and drove to Pennsylvania. Bridesmaid started feeling bad yesterday and tested positive this morning. :frowning: Bride is devastated. If D has it, it’s a real disaster, because she is responsible for bachelorette party and other stuff. Then she is scheduled to drive to a nearby town on Sunday for a work project. Argh. I can’t believe how these young people, who graduated from college in 2020 and 2021, have been so severely affected by this disease.

Typical reaction, making it all about you.

“ U.S. retail sales registered a bigger-than-expected drop in May.”

Lol. What is there to buy? Every single dress seems to have one or more of the crappy features like uneven hemline, asymmetric shoulders, weird holes in even weirder places, puffy sleeves
 I can go on and on


I’m angry and upset on your behalf. I hope you can get this straightened out. It’s really important and will impact – oh, only the rest of your life.

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The professional organization’s listserv is supposed to be used professionally. Don’t think we don’t all know that you individually send backchannel obnoxious nasty grams to anyone whose comments you dislike. We compare notes! Too bad you are so unprofessional.


I think I made our last tuition payment last night. But, been in a struggle with fin aid to get her usual automatic merit applied to summer semester for the last 6 weeks. They say they will
and that will eliminate the last installment. Surely they can resolve before another month goes by?!


I don’t understand the depravity in our culture these days. Christine A. is not a role model.