Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

It’s really hard to post without swearing. My BFF’s brother just found out that the tumor on his pancreas is malignant. He’s 57. A distinguished professor at UT who has won many teaching awards and loves what he does. Bleep.

My almost 30-year old niece is transitioning to nephew. He told his grandmother (my mil) a little over a month ago. They are having lunch together tomorrow. It’s not going to go well, I fear.

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D & SIL are supposed to go to the wedding of the friend who introduced them in 3 weeks. The friend was just hospitalized with meningitis and encephalitis. Hoping for a good outcome.

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I picked 2 corn ears today despite what online hillbillies suggested otherwise. I planted 14 plants in less than a yard, every single plant has an ear or two, take that from an urban farmer, we don’t need rows and rows of anything to get nice produce despite not having 8 acres. There are more to be picked for 4th of July.

I also picked all my large green tomatoes, no more leaving to chance anymore. Yeah, they are mine now for good, take that whatever is eating my tomatoes.


So young and so brave.


Kids, remember to spend time on things you can change, not angst about things which may never happen and help those who have real and current problems. Energy and time are in short supply in life, use them wisely.

Preaching to others is unlikely to change their direction. Stand up for yourselves and go in the direction you want. Don’t worry about people ranting and raving. They aren’t changing things even if they think they are. Stay positive, don’t take on anger and hatred. Be the doers, not the talkers.


Such a tragedy!

Considering how many lawyers are involved they don’t seem to have any understanding of what constitutes hearsay…I’m really enjoying my popcorn :popcorn:.


It’s taken 3 years for my frankincense tree to finally grow seeds. 3 years from when it was just a short 12" tall twig to now a 5’ tall tree. So no, none of you in the Facebook gardening group I’m in can have any of the seeds. And I’m not selling them either. I offered y’all a bunch of rooted sugar cane cuttings last year and over half of the people never showed up. Sorry folks, but my seeds are going to be headed to a friend.

Disclaimer: the above is not directed at anyone here.


Everything’s better with ketchup.


Sometimes I want a middle finger emoji.


Your house hunting plans are the dumbest thing I have ever heard, and if you mention the sorts of houses your friends have bought one more time I will scream. It’s irrelevant what someone in rural America bought. Your refusal to see that atownhouse is the obvious answer because you just don’t think you like them , never having seen one, you classist elitist snob, is infuriating. I despair of you getting out of your icky dingy apartment with Stubborn Girl at the helm.


I never dreamed at this time and place I would be feeling the way I do. Just mind blowing. It really is a good thing we can’t see the future.


There is no Planet B.


To the new neighbor who smokes in front of the house, you have 2 adorable grand kids, please don’t pollute the air that they breath. Geez, a beer in one hand and a cigarette in another hand. I can smell the smoke from my backyard.


Our accountant just finished our taxes (late every year :roll_eyes:). And that was an unwanted surprise! WTH happened?

I sent an e-mail asking if people wanted to be on a group e-mail to play, sent inclusive and specific e-mails, created multiple text lists of people who played regularly, and all YOU do is send confusing responses, show up, act cranky, and complain. The rest of us are fine if you’d like to leave the sandbox, and take your attitude with you. If you don’t like “my” communication lists, feel free to create your own. I know you won’t get many takers from our little group.


Please, please,please let’s not have any drama…


I told everyone at work that I would be really nice to them if they don’t contact me while I am on my block leave (2 weeks as required by my firm).
It’s day 1 and I have only gotten spam - maybe it’s working.


Now that the drains are out (yippee!), and mindful that the PS will have to excise some dead tissue, I’m going to have to put some thought to undergarments. I don’t want to be as large as my pre-MX size. Too many choices. And gack! everything’s so ugly.

On the bright side, clear path results and I can take a shower. Ahhhh.