Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

As a moderator, this made me chuckle.


She was a serious fact based witness for the most important political controversy of the era, and you chose to run an article analyzing her hair, makeup, nail polish, jewelry, and dress. So disappointing, and such a double standard. She wasnt there as a fashion model. Her physical appearance was irrelevant.


I stand by my suggestion that you pay up for the more experienced tattoo “artist”. Your intended howling wolf looks like a cross eyed chihuahua choking on something. On the bright side you saved a $150 to be amortized over a life time of explaining “what is that”?


— Holden Caulfield


I just washed the wood floors at our very small cottage, on my hands & knees. So my question is: When did my body get so old? The rest of me is decades younger!


Nope, not at all sorry for the crap ton of illegal fireworks you bought and now can’t use and your “RIP fun in the neighborhood” comment now that the neighborhood has finally cracked down. For years, you shot off illegal fireworks in front of my house, freaking out my dog and several of my neighbors’ dogs, as well as littered our homes and yards with fireworks’ debris. Considering you can walk two blocks and see not only our city display over the water but also numerous other legal community fireworks’ shows along the Bay right from our neighborhood, your “woe is me” comment on the neighborhood page is just stupid and selfish.


OMG Highland Park

It’s just never ending. Heartbreaking.
I’m beyond sick and tired of this.
We need changes. Big ones.
Enough already.


I’m a half glass full person and of course there is good to find in most any day, but
.Really, so much NOT to celebrate in this country present day.


This county needs an intervention not a celebration.


Love all the fireworks, flags, music, food, family, friends, etc. Happy birthday America.


You know THOSE girls from high school. The ones at the self appointed queen bee (aka mean girls) table? Sadly a large number of those never grow up. But when you’re post menopausal and still behaving that way it IS funny.


Wow, just learned that a close friend, in her mid-60s, passed away unexpectedly yesterday. She was in great shape. She fell in the bathtub, so they will do an autopsy to see what happened. She and her husband had moved to California, so we hadn’t seen them lately. Her kids were a few years older than ours and she always gave me the best advice. Such a kind person. They adopted a troubled boy from Brazil after having three kids of their own. They poured their heart and soul into him, but it was hard on the whole family. He ended up doing well. Ugh. Appreciate every day you have on this earth. My best friend’s brother, 57, just learned that he has inoperable pancreatic cancer. :frowning:

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Brittney Grinder’s coach is quoted as saying that if it were LeBron James in Russia rather than Brittney, he’d be home already. And she said that this is a damning indictment of how we value women, blacks and gays. Sadly, I can’t agree more.


“Goodwill toward men” is a dead subject for too many. How did we get here?


I keep thinking I wouldn’t be on the Titanic right now if even one of my previous employers had done even one of the things they committed to.

Well, now our family and many others I know can now cross off any Florida schools for consideration.


Why do parents help their mentally unstable violent sons acquire guns? Why can’t we charge them as accomplices?


23% says it all.

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7 hours just today to keep my son stable. I’m exhausted.