Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

And I just have a hard time understanding why we need these assault weapons within society.

  • Pediatric neurosurgeon Jay Wellons

"When I picked him up, he said, ‘Are Mommy and Daddy coming soon?’” Levberg said Tuesday. “He doesn’t understand.”

I don’t know much of anything about the circles of hell, but surely one is reserved exclusively for Comcast customer service.


You are enough.


I really believe I am way more “right” than you are, but I still feel terrible about the situation, and wish there were some way I could “fix it.”

If I’m lucky I have maybe another couple of decades on earth. And I’m afraid I’m going to die distressed at our turn for the worse. Because of evil, and greed for power and money. OMG, evil and greed are going to win?


Solution to the problem? Of course, throw more money at it
 it’s worked out so well thus far.

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Spending so much of your high school years posting photos of yourself and your friends drunk, almost topless, and with pursed lips around a bottle might be one explanation why you didn’t get into college

just helping you out since you seem so perplexed.


Why do you feel it necessary to post so much with non sequiturs that neither address the question nor advance the discussion. Just like to hear yourself talk, I guess.


Is there a reason a 6 pound cat needs to control the entire Queen sized bed, and only allows me about 8 inches near the edge? I can be on my side, but if I encroach into her space (the other 9/10th of the bed), I get snarled at. If I go to the other side of the bed, she gets mad. If the dog comes anywhere close? Literal hissy fit.


Sometimes what you really need is a baseball game with your favorite baseball buddy (your son), to watch a 10-0 blowout including a grand slam. Doesn’t fix everything, but it’s a dang nice respite. #LGM.


A horrific tragedy happened in our neighborhood this week. PLEASE install carbon monoxide detectors in your home and check your existing detectors to make sure they have not expired and that batteries are charged. Also, your local fire department will schedule a complimentary visit to check for gas levels and working equipment. This task is a very small price for the safety of yourself and loved ones. :cry:


Sorry squirrels, those fruit from my fruit trees are mine. I went to Hobby Lobby and got some tulle to cover them for 30c a yard, before that I was at my wits’ end.


I have been sick (with very brief breaks) since the second week in February. Plus a long time to diagnose, and then treat with surgery, nasal polyps. Then Covid, dagnosed on my birthday, no less. And now for the past two weeks, pneumonia. Hopefully my overnight visit to the emergency room at the urging of my PCP, followed by some med changes, will do the job. Time to be healthy again!

Why is 80% of my FB feed ads or other spam? I have all the “right” privacy settings. It would be amazing to actually see what friends post without having to scroll through stuff that I don’t care about.


It boggles my mind that supposedly well educated and enlightened people don’t understand that SCOTUS’ role is not to provide the preferred policy outcome, but to determine if a law is in accordance with the Constitution.


So, we are all fully vaccinated - first shot, second shot, boosters, etc. - yet three out of four people in our house popped positive for COVID.

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I cannot stop being angry that even in death, you are the most impossible person ever. Your daughter was a treasure and now is besieged, grieving, and you’ve left her nothing but debt and obligations because you wouldn’t deal. I hope you find peace in the afterlife that you rejected here. And I hope and pray that there is some money in your estate to pay us back for the funeral expenses, because I sure as [bleep] wasn’t going to let them empty their savings.


Said by a county sheriff about a ten year old: “If I could, I’d duct tape his mouth shut and let the (SOB) run through traffic with his legs bound.” I agree that what the kid is accused of doing is serious, but I don’t understand the way the situation was handled. At all.

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Ok. So you want to rent our cottage for the weekend because you’re coming to town for a wedding. You have no profile information whatsoever, no reviews as a guest and I can envision the reception spilling over to our property late at night. Despite that I can’t hit the “accept” button for you fast enough. Why? I just realized from the biographical info you gave me that your brother is one of the best plumbers in the area and I have been trying unsuccessfully to get on his “list” for three years. This could be my big chance and yes I am that desperate!