Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I don’t know how H kept a straight face. After your latest doctor or chiropractor appointment, you told him you’d had “gingivitis” as a child and that was the cause of some current problem. Seeing no connection, he was stumped for a moment, then asked if you meant meningitis. Yep, that was it, and mama had just told you about it. :woman_facepalming:t2:

OMG, leave this family alone. When this little girl grows up, throughout her life any moron will be able to google her horribly traumatic experience. For shame!


Dear husband of mine:
Your mother can barely walk and she refuses to use a cane outside of the house. So…no…I’m not taking her with me to the plant nursery. Especially when it’s also hot as Hades outside and she never drinks enough water. Your mama needs to go into assisted living. Wake up.


I am so glad the movers arrived with all of your belongings. I am so glad you are back on the East coast. I am so glad you are a short drive away instead of a long plane flight. I am just glad.


Oh my, what a terrible day you had yesterday. Remember that it’s only money. Someone once said, Any problem that can be solved with money isn’t really a problem. I should tell you that, but I’m not sure you’re in a mood to hear it.


How can my sweet, funny, charming baby boy be 30 today??? (I’m only 39!!)
So Very Happy he has moved back to the area!


My electric bill increased $400 this month and my usage was less than last month. Texans are being asked to reduce their electricity usage right now since their grid includes 30% wind generation and can’t handle the load because mmmm….no wind. Wonder if they’re allowed to charge their EVs? Maybe if they forgo the A/C? And I’m encouraged to buy a Tesla because it will save me money?


Feeling a bit nostalgic for the time when the island where our cottage is located was a place regular folks came to relax. Money changes everything.


No mail delivery for 7 days. Kind of annoying when the Informed Delivery shows important mail that should have been delivered last Monday.

When my generation was young, people would ask what you wanted to be when you grew up and a popular answer was President of the United States. I’ve long since realized that that particular job would hold no attraction for me, except I thought there was one big plus (immediate medical care from world class physicians). I was wrong - there are 2 big plusses. When you move in/out of The White House, you have a team to make the transition go smoothly. Every time we inaugurate a new president, I seem to hear about how the moving vans pull up as soon as the new president takes the oath and the WH team moves into their warp speed unpacking mode. Now that I have been packing and purging for 2 months, I am really jealous of that perk (probably not enough to seek out the job -ha!). I am hopeful that all of the agonies of downsizing from 3100 square feet with 28+ years of stuff to 1400 sq ft will be a distant memory in a few weeks. Counting down to Friday’s move out with a lot of anxiety as I hope I will see all of my boxes again on August 1. I like control and I am having to surrender quite a bit over the next few weeks.


I love that my kid with Covid (who is feeling fine) went to the isolated part of the beach this morning because it’s better than staying in the house and moping. In addition to no people, there’s no cell phone service either.


One solid week of all day marine layer in the middle of July is not normal and very frustrating.

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Do the math, PLEASE. I’m not trying to say the job you really want is bad, or wanting to live in that neighborhood, by yourself, is bad, but if you can’t pay your bills on that salary at 30 YO it simply won’t work. I won’t even mention that’s not the job you went to grad school for 3 years to get.


Thing #1 just turned 18 and I’m about to sit him down to register for selective service. He is now eligible to get shipped overseas to fight for his country, enter into contracts and be prosecuted as an adult, but he cannot order a beer in my state (are there any states where the drinking age is still 18?). Am I the only one who thinks this is wrong? Let’s pick an age where all rights, duties and obligations of an adult take effect.


Silver lining to inflation. The kid who rarely eats leftovers is now careful about throwing away food, I couldn’t believe what I heard last night, lol.


I have sent and received zillions of UPS packages. Second ever UPS package lost. The first one had gift cards in it (not covered by insurance). This one is an iphone trade in (label etc. created by Verizon). On hold now with Verizon for over an hour already to fix this mess. I will not be out $400 for somebody else’s problem!


D & her H were supposed to go to a wedding last weekend, but it was canceled due to the groom’s illness. He had meningitis & encephalitis. The couple decided to get married after all, but at the hospital. D & SIL watched it on Zoom, and they had the opportunity to talk to the happy couple. D said he was fine mentally, but he is in a wheelchair & has a difficult recovery ahead. Apparently, SIL cried afterwards. He was completely overwhelmed by the reality of what he saw. I confess that I am glad to know that SIL can show his feelings to my D. That’s a very good thing.


Make it make sense!!!

This is not about him.