Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Really, “no” is an OK word to say. You don’t need to reward bad decisions.


So my coughing at work on Friday underling does have covid. She has been texting and sounds flat out miserable. She’s fully vaxd and one booster (not yet 50).

But her H (works in a different department) emailed me this morning to let me know. But, he said that so far, her symptoms are mild! Somehow I doubt she would agree! I didn’t have the heart to tell her what her what he said. No need to start a war. Lol


After all these years, D1 still called me after her first day of new job - told me about what happened at work and how she picked out her first day outfit. It doesn’t get old for me.


There was a mass shooting at a Walmart 20 miles from me last night. Five people shot…three rushed to Harborview. Shooters are still at large. Not one word in the national news–presumably in our current state of affairs, if people don’t die, the mass shooting is no longer newsworthy. Or maybe the media has implemented a one-mass-shooting-pre-day limit now?

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They desperately need help but have not hired anyone… the ad is still posted… has been for so many weeks… that is a good clue!! :wink:


Stop making everything about you.

Glad to see a good Samaritan save so many in Indiana. Luckily they were there and able to help.


Dear incompetent builder, how you got a certificate of occupancy, I will never know. Apparently building inspectors here are ignorant or easily bought. It was easier to forgive the oversights in a house that was three times as large, but the things you haven’t noticed in this house just boggle my mind.

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Who emails the surviving child to ask if they can know the cause of the parent’s (unexpected but a heart attack) death because “I really can’t believe it was a suicide”. What has happened to people?!?!

You are a football coach. Your job is to coach football, not to dictate the personal decisions of others who you do not even know. Sit down and s**t up.


Dear husband: Our kid is not going to attend our local college. Get ready for her to leave the nest. You have 2 yr to get used to it. But stop doing the hard sell on the kid…she hates the local college.

To every Tesla driver in my area:
You all drive like jerks. Seriously. You are total butt heads. The way you’re driving, you’re going to end up in a car accident and there goes your $100,000 Righteous Luxury Car.


You spread misinformation but complaining about people who spread misinformation. What a laugh?

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Ok we got it. :sunglasses: :rofl:


After a miserable experience trying to coordinate move with Comcast a few weeks ago, I woke up this morning to find they had prematurely disconnected my tv & internet. The third person I spoke with on the 100 minute hellacious experience of getting reconnected told me if you plan things to early that their system just sometimes prematurely cuts you off. Clearly a case of where planning ahead doesn’t pay. To add more misery the promotional rate I had couldn’t be reactivated, so I have to pay more for the 2 days of service that I need to stay connected until Friday. I will have lots of time next week at D & SIL’s house while I wait for 8/1 move-in and I WILL be giving someone an earful next week when I ask for a statement credit for my inconvenience over this nonsense. My love/hate relationship with Comcast is way into the hate column this morning.


So he’s not entitled to an opinion? Wow!


Too hot today for even an 8AM morning walk on the beach with my kid. It sure is hot.


My H doesn’t have an occasion to wear suits often, so he didn’t see a need to replace the one he’s been wearing for years. I talked him into going to a menswear shop with expert tailoring to get outfitted for the 21st century. After that shopping trip, he’s one happy guy. He didn’t think he could look so sharp!


Crossed one hurdle - I’m a verified fan. Next hurdle - dynamic pricing. Bruce, I love you, but this might be the end of our relationship. Have to see what Tuesday brings.


It’s too hot here too, but I was surprised to get a call early in the morning from my kid in the Bay Area, I thought something was wrong, why on earth did she call this early, she often didn’t get up until 10am. It turns out it’s nothing wrong(phew), my daughter is coming home tonight, she wants to use the pool. Her friend is going to some local party so she thought she might as well come along.


The horse is dead. Stop beating it.