Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Crazy week so far. On Monday, my husband spotted our neighbor locked out of her apartment out on her patio (the sliding door had gotten stuck behind her). I talked to her, while he helped the firemen find her apartment and get her out using their master key to our building.

Today, we spotted an old women in our parking lot who seemed out of it (it is a heat advisory day around here). Husband had left his phone in the car and went right back out and discovered her still standing there. She was probably very close to heat stroke when he got help and brought her back into our building. One of the same firemen came and helped her (firemen do EMS around here).

He has two saves for this week!


To my DH (and those like him), please refrain from your usual complaining about everything when we move our kiddo into college next month. I know you will complain about the traffic, the heat, the road construction, the distance from our designated parking spot to the dorm, the stairs in the dorm, the dorm room, the cost of tuition, the loans, and everything else
.I know to you that complaining makes you feel better but it makes our kid miserable. The point is this: Please don’t make drop off about you! Have empathy, for once, for our kid. Your attitude is what our kid will remember.


Guess my booster worked. Not only did I have a night of headache and body aches 
 but now I have a rash all over my chest, inner thighs and stomach. I look pretty scary!

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These moths are going to be the death of međŸ˜«

I’m kind of excited to be going out to dinner tonight. We haven’t actually gone to sit in restaurants that often since COVID.


I think recession isn’t going to start with the tech sector, so many companies stop hiring and reporting bad earnings.

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I don’t want to address any one person or any particular discussion because I’d surely overlook one that’s important, so I just want to say thank you. I’ve learned a lot. For the most part, you share differing opinions without being rude or contentious. You share a lot of good advice, insights and links to helpful information.


Facebook is not the place to air the dirty laundry about your marriage.


More must-see TV tonight.


Yesterday is not a hard word.


I live near Gettysburg, Antietam, and more. I really like to think another civil war can’t happen, but I’ll admit I’m just not sure anymore - and that’s scary. (Some) humans seem incapable of learning from history and are set in their ways “no matter what” - enough that we have to repeat it?


Our local fire chief posted this yesterday. What is wrong with people??

“At 09:17 B-57 and S-54 were dispatched to a possible electrical hazard at the intersection of Gray Road and Mill Road. A cement truck involved. Wires were on the vehicle.

I would like to thank the residents and those passing through the area for your patience with todays closure. We do not take closing a roadway lightly. It is only done for the safety of all those working and driving through the incident.

I would also to like use today’s incident as a reminder of our safety, we had a close call of two members being severely injured by one of the vehicles incoming to the scene. The vehicle stopped, the driver exited his vehicle to complain about the road being closed and the need to go around the incident. Chief advised him why the roadway was shut down and it was for safety reasons for the public and those working the scene. This person argued for about 5 minutes, then proceeded to get back into his car. At this point he drove around Chief cruiser that was blocking the roadway completely when he came close to running over Lt. After he stopped, he turned around his vehicle almost running over Chief as he sped away from the scene. The vehicle and driver information was passed onto the County Sheriff’s Department and the driver will be summoned.”


I ordered two air conditioning units yesterday explicitly because delivery was guaranteed today. My order confirmation receipt also stated they’d be delivered today!

This morning I received an email saying they’ll ship in approximately 5 business days. I would have made different choices if I’d known this was going to be delayed! And per their customer service and Home Depot’s website they’re still showing that next day delivery is guaranteed - it’s just a “vendor” problem.

Of course now, it’s too late to get anything delivered for the weekend, it’s past the ordering window. ?*$%!!!

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Just getting this of my chest
wowwweeee I can’t believe how many air conditioning units I saw at Best Buy today when I went to pick up our new Roku! :wink:

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Just got the fall tuition bill. Ugh.


Sure, “your kid would never


The sustained level of hyperbole and hysteria is impressive although unnecessary.


This becomes a daily or weekly occurrence, is everybody going more crazier.

TMI. Some things should be kept off of message boards.

