Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Ok phone, I know I have you on random for my extensive playlist, but must you really follow Puff, the Magic Dragon with Sunrise, Sunset? So many days I never hear either one since there are so many to choose from. Now I wonder where the days and years went (sigh). At least we have a ton of great memories. You should have added Time in a Bottle.


Something small but wonderful happened today. The pipe from our water softener, which is probably ten years old, suddenly started leaking. The tech from the water softener company couldn’t believe what he found 
 the casting on the check valve had developed a crack. He said that it absolutely should not have happened. So he not only replaced it for free, but he didn’t charge us for a service call. That’s the way it should be, but too often service is lacking these days. We will be sure to recommend the company!


Why are you giving Breaking News airtime to this rambling “politician”? (And this isn’t Fox.)


We literally and figuratively cannot catch a break, can we?

Mmmmm NAP - Homer Simpson Drooling | Meme Generator


Life is a beach and then you die!

I got tickets. At face value. Best day ever.


There is an awful lot of misinformation being spread causing fear and hatred. Just stop.

Not worth it

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I’ve been conducting an unofficial social experiment for the last couple of years. My hypothesis continues to be proven consistently!!

Ok, everybody in my hotel, get out and do something even if the weather is bad. My Wifi is damn slow with so many people hogging it.


Just. Absolutely. Ridiculous.
Stop watching Fox “news”. PSA.


If one encounters a problem, it is easily solved. Just redefine the term describing the problem in such a way as to simply make said problem go away.

Now, why didn’t I ever think of that.


Another good day with great news from my other daughter. Feel very blessed indeed!


To the pickup truck driver in Walmart’s parking lot this afternoon:

Dude, chill out a little! You really had to yell at the top of your lungs through your open window, “Hurry up and quit being afraid!” to the driver backing out of a parking space in one of the main thoroughfares? One is supposed to be careful in Walmart’s parking lot. A lot of people are walking behind cars there and other cars are crossing too. If you got more blinker fluid (sic), he might have even known you wanted his space instead of waiting to make sure you weren’t just passing through. Nonetheless, I stopped walking behind him so he could get out and let you on your way because I believe in choosing to be nicer to others than they deserve. Note, you could have driven on 5 additional spaces and found half a dozen others that were available instead of waiting. I’m glad I don’t have to live with you if your aggravation bar is set so low. I pity anyone who does. You had to wait what, an extra 30 seconds to a minute? Rough day!

But you gave me a chuckle at the end, because I park out in the hinterlands of the lot and walked all the way to my vehicle. You wanted a space a couple off from the handicapped spaces. After I put my bag on the passenger front seat I turned to check for traffic before heading to the driver’s side and saw you back toward the store still backing your truck in. Are you aware that YOU held people up far longer than the gentleman you screamed at?

I wish you could see the whole thing on video. Maybe then you’d have some perspective. Probably not, but it would be worth watching you have to see it all and the time frames involved.

What in the world is this country coming to? I’m glad you didn’t have (or use) a gun. Not long ago a man was killed in our state for driving too slow. The mother of the killer drove up on the shoulder next to the victim so her son could get out and shoot him. There’s a reason I didn’t say anything to you in person. You’re not a good representative of our town, state, country, or species. Who knows what you might have done with an aggravation bar set so low.


Seriously?!! SERIOUSLY??!! :rage: Are master bath faucets like swans that mate for life? Like when one dies, the other also croaks?! I only got one replacement cartridge, you dumb pieces of metal! Argh :angry:


Spending other people’s money again
.not a surprise of course

it’s the only thing you do really well.


What a game! LGM!

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This is gonna be a LOOOONNNNGGG 8 months.

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If you can’t understand this, putting ALL politics aside, given what happened a few months before and what would happen a few years later
well, whatever:

What might have been.


I want a Choco Taco! :sob: