Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I didn’t feel it was right to post this on the Tony Dow thread (RIP), but couldn’t stop this from popping into my head:


If someone could PLEASE come up with a reliable, reasonably priced household printer, one that works when it’s supposed to, like when it SAYS the ink cartridges are full and the heads have been cleaned and the cartridges have been taken out and shaken and gently wiped off…gee I would sure appreciate that. Bonus points for replacement cartridges that don’t cost more than the printer itself.



“You can always apply for another position” …is hardly great management attitude, right up there with “sucks to be you”. I need to learn apathy, and they are helping me learn every day. If only we could afford for me to just quit…


A lot of pontificating about the lessers on that thread.

Explain to me again why I can’t carry my full size jar of skin care cream in my carry on but any half wit with a chip on his shoulder can walk around with an assault weapon. :person_shrugging:


The summer pests have emerged…


Ah…just because it can’t be said, doesn’t mean it isn’t true. But, because it can’t be said, some will suffer. But those clamping down on what can and can’t be said feel very good about themselves. Guess that zeros out the karma equation.


Why on earth would a parent buy their kid an AR-15 for his 18th birthday? The one that he apparently took with him to the party in the city. The one that’s now missing. And the young man is dead. SMH.


Jon Stewart, calling it like it is.


36 hours before kid #3’s move across the country and the mechanic says she’ll be lucky if the car makes it out of her neighborhood. It’s going to be an interesting weekend…

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I don’t think you have any idea how close H is to taking legal action. Neither of us wants to do that, but it’s either that or write off a very large amount of money we paid you as the GC.

Propane and oxygen tanks on a burning truck. Talk about fireworks!… Glad I’m not commuting through that area!!


Workday Inc has the most annoying job application software ever made. Truly a modern-day Rube Goldberg machine. Workday’s search function is absolutely useless. Its resume reader reminds me of when Cliff Clavin (of Cheers) delivers the mail and as he leaves the floor all the doors open and the residents trade their incorrectly delivered envelopes.

Workday must use a random number generator to decide what information goes in each box. One makes all the line by line corrections and then the summary is exactly like the resume you uploaded in the first place only in a harder to read format. Have they ever tried to use their own software?

Employers who simply ask for a resume, cover letter, and all the required regulatory questions move way up on my list and employers that use Workday move down.

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I finally get a few days listening to Cramer, it’s hilarious. Sell, sell, sell and then Buy, buy, buy.

We have 3 chances of getting Springsteen tickets tomorrow. My kids have been instructed what to do. They have all blocked out time from work to get on line ( number of billable hours devoted to this…). Hope the force will be with us.


They lied. It’s what they do. It’s all they do.


What a day for commuters.
A ferry runs into a dolphin (posts near the dock, not the sea mammal), wrecks the ferry. The system is already running short on boats and crews.
A “disabled vehicle” turns into a truck with exploding oxygen tanks.

Happy H left early to drive around and my OT appt was in the morning.

Tomorrow I get to head across the Sound to our bit of paradise. No kayaks or floaties for me, but maybe we can get the boat out. May my ferry be running on time, and pleasepleaseplease have two boats on the schedule.


D’s family’s very old car finally met its end while they were driving home from visiting our shore house a month ago.

They’re without a car till they figure out where to find one and how to pay for.

S lends them his (he’s WFH) so they can take the kids on long-planned camping trip this week.

While there, tree falls on S’s car.

(This is on top of a lot of both closer and extended family health worries, so just the icing on the cake).

Some valid points but way over dramatized. Take a deep breath. And yes, I mean you and you and you.

Dear nosy next door neighbor,

Good fences make good neighbors. I’m grateful for our fence. It keeps you out. But doesn’t prevent you from peering into our backyard from your 2nd story windows and spying on us. How do I know you do this? You’ve told me this flat out multiple times and you don’t see anything wrong with announcing this.

I’m glad that you remarried the husband who you previously divorced because it means that since he’s in Utah and doesn’t want to be here in our state, that now you spend most of your time there instead of here.

So the quiet has been a blessing.

I didn’t appreciate the 6 month long construction project throughout 2020 & the height of the pandemic, in which you constructed a combo of the Taj Mahal and Caesar’s Palace in your backyard…complete with 5 am jack hammering even on weekends, and the construction crew leaving their piles of trash in my front yard all the time. The icing on the cake was when you wanted to show off your backyard fountain and you said, “Now our fountains can compete with each other!” Um, what?

I’ve been willing to put up with your imposing ridiculous nonsense for a long time. Regular last minute demands that I watch your house while you’re out of town for 3 weeks. You never say please. It’s always stuff like “I’m headed to the airport and won’t be back for 3 weeks. Watch my house. And a really big package is getting delivered tomorrow. Go pick it up from my front door and store it indoors at your place until I get back.”

But now that you submitted a complaint to the HOA about my 15’ tall bamboo in my backyard? Screw you. It’s on like Donkey Kong, lady. Better buckle up, butter cup, because it goes 2 ways. Oh…and since you’re too stupid to even look this, up, bamboo is not a tree. It’s a grass. It’s in a big family of grass plants. Go look it up on Encyclopedia Brittanica. So the HOA rule of no trees planted w/in 6’ of fences? I’m following that rule. Because it’s a grass, not a tree.

But you? You planted 2 trees w/in 6’ of your back fence.

And your palm trees’ fronds/branches are hanging over your back fence, which is not allowed. So guess what? I submitted an HOA complaint about that.

And guess what else? That stupid HOA rule about how we all have to have 20 plants in our front yard? You only have 5. I submitted a complaint for that, too.

If you’d just minded your own business and let me live my life and you, yours, then I would have left it all alone. But now? OH, IT’S ON!

One little weed in your front yard? I’m going to submit a complaint about that. Your palm tree gets out of line again? I’m going to file a complaint about that, too.

You announced 2 yr ago that I needed to remove all of the yellow flowering plants in my front yard because you hate the color yellow. Well, guess what? I’M PLANTING MORE YELLOW NOW!

And because I know that you hate this sort of thing (because you’ve told me so), next June when Pride Month starts, I’m doing a whole celebratory holiday/seasons display with my rainbow-painted mallard duck decoy with a backdrop of lawn flamingoes spray painted in all the colors of the rainbow. At Christmas? Chuck The Duck with his rainbow flamingo back-up dancers will be part of my Nativity display. I HOPE IT BOTHERS YOU TO THE CORE OF YOUR VERY BEING!

That is all.