Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Nice that the trash guys are more courteous than the selfish jerks at the gym who have no no sense of etiquette. Oldish guy is just sitting on a machine. So I wait. I finally ask if he is about finished (its the last machine I want to do and I have some time commitment shortly). He holds up 2 fingers. So I start to work out, just to kill time, on the machine next to him. He does 3, yes 3 pushes on the arm machine thing and stops again and sits. And sits. So I ask kindly if he would mind if I worked through as I would be quick and it was the last machine I needed. He said no, that he wouldn’t want to have to move/reset the weight (we are talking moving the one pin, which I would have done.) What is with people??? So I left. Driving home, I was stopped behind the trash truck. The gentleman on the back waived me on and waited for me to go. Nice that some have manners!


Ok faucets, Amazon delivered, so y’all will be getting new cartridges. No more drama after that, OK?! Behave!!


Tackiest thing I have seen in a long time. Full body selfie taken at fancy wedding - in the ladies room. Really, what is wrong with you!


So hard to watch as your health and mobility decline.

You guys just made me reconsider ordering any more furniture. I’ll have to steam clean that upholstery before we can use the new chairs. If this is your company’s “white glove” service how bad is standard delivery?

we had 3 people online yesterday (with verified code) to get Springsteen tickets. By the time we were allowed to enter there were very few tickets left. Every time we clicked on available tickets they became unavailable. Within minutes they only had platinum tickets, which were few thousand $$. It was crazy.
This is the first time I was not able to get regular Springsteen tickets. I have been a fan for a long time. It was very disappointing that Springsteen is charging so much for the tickets. He used to try to make tickets available for working people.


Pettiest take of all time: if you’re going to use a map to solve WorLdle (note: not Wordle) rather than the clues in the puzzle, do you really have to post every freaking morning that you “got it on one guess”? Of course you did-- you’re using the answer sheet!

Okay, I do feel better now.


Our son is leaving in September for six months in Qatar. He informed us that, before he leaves, he plans to propose to his GF of almost three years. It will be a small wedding late next year after he makes captain and they can arrange for the West Point chapel. Picturing him in uniform at that altar is choking me up already,

My baby is getting married. :woman_feeding_baby: :sob:


What was I thinking, going to Target the Saturday before the start of school? Every parents was there buying school supplies, back to school clothing and everything else needed for the coming days. Of course Target had 2 registers opened, so the lines were long.

I have enjoyed curbside pick-up, but wanted to go in today to do a bit of wandering. Now I remember why I like it so much!


You’re being so nice to me. I think you’re finally maturing. I like it.


I thought coming back home after a long trip on a Saturday would be easy peasy, I was so dead wrong, LA traffic was the worst ever. Where was everybody coming from? So glad I no longer put up with this horrible commute.

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Man wearing the Goldman Sachs CTW25 shirt, loading dock reservations should be respected. Inconveniencing 7 people for an hour without the least bit of remorse, because you weren’t finished in your allotted time is rude
no apologies, just verbal abuse directed at those you’re affecting (because I always swear) is a very poor reflection on you.

You had the gall to say it’ll only be 20 mins more and we waited patiently. When it stretched to an hour and got management involved, you then resorted to verbal intimidation
the profanity and untrue accusations that we were trying to get the man from management fired(???) - where in the world did that come from?

The man was frustrated with you for repeatedly ignoring requests to move your UHaul. He felt bad for us with our 3 movers. We didn’t think he was at fault. He spoke with you more than once asking you to move. I seriously don’t get people like you.

On the very bright side, you were moving out of the building
now you’ll be New Jersey’s problem.


To the June bugs in my garden, I promised to bring those figs to the ladies at my senior center, this morning I found a bunch of you making love to my figs and roses, go somewhere else please.

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RIP, Bill Russell. You were a class act, and your hard work in the face of discrimination helped countless others who came after you.


It is July 31st - the grocery store had a huge aisle wide Halloween candy display today!

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Arcade games and dinner with all three of our kids tonight - pure heaven. The middle kid goes back to Poland tomorrow. He’s grown up a lot. :slightly_smiling_face:


Wow, just wow.

Happy Birthday Harry Potter!! July 31.


I suspect I’m not the only one who just kind of skips over your posts.


For over a year we were asked to stay inside, to shutter out businesses, to keep kids out of schools. We were told going to the beach or the park was endangering human life. We were told meeting with family was selfish and showed callous disregard for others.

And here we are. My (at one time) beloved home town - which declared a Monkey Pox emergency - is NOT shutting down the upcoming fetish festival.

It boggles the mind