Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Sometimes I have to sit on my hands to keep from replying to these NO REPLY posts. Just sayin’.


Appears it does take years, in fact decades, of practice……to keep screwing up at such a high level.


I came here to vent, but a couple of other threads helped put things in perspective. We’ve experienced and survived worse situations. Stress is high right now but we can see an end to it. These medical issues aren’t life threatening, we just have to find new ways to cope. The house/financial issues won’t break us. There’s nothing we can do about D and SiL. Things could be much worse.

I just need to get through the next month so we can simply focus on enjoying GD.


Japanese tree peonies are available, dance,dance,dance. I know I told my husband I wouldn’t be buying anymore, well I just couldn’t resist. The excitement of planting these peonies and waiting for spring already put a big smile on my face. Cheap therapy!


To my BIL:
You are being such a butt head to your wife. She deserves better. Smooth move, Exlax, because now, thanks to all of your shenanigans, she has lost all respect and love that she used to have for you. You’ve totally ruined it. You had a good thing going with her. And now you’ve tossed it all away for stupid reasons.

You are also a lousy father. Stop telling your learning disabled son that he’s stupid and lazy. You are such a tool for speaking to your kid that way.

I hope that my SIL divorces your sorry behind pretty darn soon.


Dear Neighbor that asked if my kids or my H and I were available to do home visits for your dogs for the weekend because “it’s crazy expensive to board them”: The proper thing to do upon returning home to find that your dogs were cared for as specified (4 walks per day) would be, at a minimum, to say THANK YOU (and really? you should offer to pay the teens). Instead you regaled us with a text detailing your entire weekend getaway and lots of photos of your toddler “on vacation” and neglected to say thanks. Do better next time (but, don’t ask us, because there will be no next time for my kids).


It’s nicer reading posts that come from an optimistic perspective of human nature. Reading posts from know it alls is tiresome. Reading posts where everyone thinks everyone else thinks like they do is onerous too. The funny posts are the best.


My mother-in-law’s dog has been deteriorating for the past couple years - difficulty walking, not eating, tumors, inability to even stand, etc. Yesterday, my wife had to take her mother to have the dog put to sleep. Later that day, my mother-in-law called the veterinarian and dog groomer to see if they had her dog; she had already forgotten that they put the dog down. Dementia is cruel.

To the dark place for you, Blue Cross! You’d rather pay to keep me drugged and in a hospital bed than help pay for a medical procedure that could speed the healing.

Our healthcare system is severely broken!




Thanks - again. Some people just don’t get human nature.

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I know there are many, many worse things to be dealing with. But I do feel badly for my 9 month old Aussiedoodle pup who got neutered this week. He’s a bit miserable.

Puppy is NOT a fan of his cone of shame bc he can’t give as much love as he’s used to giving to everyone, not can he receiving as many hugs and kisses, too.

He’s whimpering lots. I feel for him.


Hon, it’s YOUR high school reunion we’re traveling across country for. How would I know the schedule? I know I’m the planner in the family but really? And you haven’t gotten any reunion updates since November 1? That schedule has several question marks on it. I’m getting nervous…


If you want me to click on something on CC, just do this:

"This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

View ignored content."

I literally can’t click on it fast enough.

It’s like I’m trying to buzz in on Jeopardy.


I am just howling…so spot on.

Well, Covid, you finally got me. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

My next door neighbor is a Karen. Going into the lions’ den next week…HOA exec board meeting to appeal the dumb violation notice they sent me thanks to the Karen. I hope she sells her house some day. She’s a real nutter.


This week has been a lot. At home. At work. Just… a lot. And none of it is anything I can really talk about with anyone. Which makes it… more.


Just checking to see if I get blown off again…


The fact that most anything I say causes such an instant and seething response from you…makes me very happy. You are one angry person.