Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I thought Anaheim peppers aren’t hot, so I harvested a bunch, in abundance I might add, making seafood gumbo with them. It turns out it’s not as harmless as I thought. My husband will complain for sure, lol.


I met you when I was 10, we stayed friends throughout the years and across distances. Finally we are both retired, and we won’t be doing that fun travel stuff together. I hope I can get to you in time to say goodbye.

Can we move faster to get this poor girl back home?!



You had to wait until 5 days before your court date to finally take care of all the issues with your house and yard?! I am just happy it is finally getting done.


Just because I do almost all the yard work doesn’t mean I want to or that I wouldn’t take help or some appreciation!!!


No more bad news when I’m gardening, or best yet, I’ve heard enough, no more bad news anymore, yeah the crash was terrible, reckless driver should be put in jail for killing so many people. But this is why I garden. So turn off the news and don’t tell me anything, let me live a happy life.


I was looking a for a hotel to book and came across one with the name Honest Lawyer Hotel, finally something to make me Lol.


Well, that’s a first. Our American flight to Charlotte, our stop on the way to Madison, got diverted to Greensboro due to weather. The flight crew had worked too long and couldn’t fly us the rest of the way so we were basically dumped there. Fortunately Alamo honored the reservation we’d made for our destination so we could make the hour and a half drive to Charlotte. Then I had to argue with American when they said there were NO flights to Madison the next day! I said you need to put us on another airline then, so they did. But they didn’t email me as they said they would and I didn’t have a confirmation number for United and that took an hour on the phone to resolve, at midnight. A miserable experience.

At my kid’s school no one has been named to as the new college counselor yet, even though they knew since Summer, 2021 that the outgoing counselor was retiring.

A WHOLE YEAR and no one has been hired yet…and my 12th grader is starting school in 4 weeks.

I’m glad that I’ve had the wherewithal to navigate the college selection and application process on my own, but I’m beyond pissed at how the school failed to handle the transition for this class of entering 12th graders. Especially as I asked last fall if the then 11th graders could meet and transition to working with the new counselor this last spring, so that there would be continuity for all of them. Nope! Still hadn’t hired anyone yet!

And even after meeting with the outgoing counselor in the spring and letting them know that S23 was going to be applying ED, and so we wanted to make sure that the school and teachers had enough time to prepare…? Nope!

Just so badly handled all around.


I miss what that thread used to be for.


You buy it, you own it. Can’t wait to see the fallout. :popcorn:

Go Miss Beacon Plumbing!!! Who hoo Seafair!!!

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I would be very happy to never to see or hear Pete Rose speak ever again.


English Premier League soccer is back this weekend–wooohoooo!!!

Starting a week or two earlier this year due to World Cup taking place in Qatar this Nov-Dec.



Common sense lesson #1: if a female reporter asks you a question about an alleged sexual impropriety, you will do yourself no favors by addressing her as “babe.”


How about you do the moderators a favor?

Don’t report posts on a thread that’s been closed by too many reported posts


I’m glad it was shut down.

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The answer, for all kinds of situations, interests, stats, budgets, etc - cannot always be “University of Alabama”!


The order was placed three weeks ago----all items arrived but ONE—YOUR tracking system shows its status as “awaiting USPS pickup” as of 7/22 WITH NO CHANGE!!!

It’s so obvious — re-ship the item!!! Why should I have to jump through hoops as you jerk me around----NO, WAITING ANOTHER WEEK WILL NOT MAKE THE ITEM MAGICALLY APPEAR!!!

And to think I have spent so much $$ with you in the past.

You find out the quality of a company not when thing are hunky dory, but when things go wrong.

UGHHHHHH!!! A half our of my life I will never get back!!!


Saw the band “Toast” in concert Saturday night. They are a “Bread” tribute band and are so good. Their explanation for the name Toast. Bread well done.

Go see them if you get a chance.