Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Reminded of old favorite Bread song.

“ You sheltered me from harm
Kept me warm, kept me warm
You gave my life to me
Set me free, set me free
The finest years I ever knew,
Were all the years I had with you

And I would give anything I own
I’d give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own,
Just to have you back again

You taught me how to love
What it’s of, what it’s of
You never said too much,
But still you showed the way
And I knew from watching you

Nobody else could ever know,
The part of me that can’t let go

And I would give anything I own,
I’d give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own,
Just to have you back again

Is there someone you know,
Your loving them so,
But taking them all for granted?
You may lose them one day
Someone takes them away,
And they don’t hear the words you long to say

I would give anything I own,
I’d give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own,
Just to have you back again
Just to touch you once again”



Ohhhh…the irony! What a nice surprise.


Trust and credibility are gone. You’ll never recover them. So thankful I have choices for my family that many do not.


Reminded me of my favorite Lynyrd Skynyrd song…

Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home Alabama
Lord I’m comin’ home to you


Optics matter.

Interesting the disparity of action.


502 Error


Define irony. Bunch of idiots dancing on a plane to a song made famous by a band that died in a plane crash.


Totally wanted to be Olivia Newton John growing up.

DH’s rants about D24 getting her drivers license are getting old.

MIL is obsessing about what we are going to serve to eat at D24’s HS graduation party in 2 years.

Glad the neighbor’s party got shut down.

Neighbor can go pound sand.

Hope neighbor moves before the end of time.

Life is stressful. I garden to ease the stress. Hence, my garden is pretty great.


The corruption is disgusting.


I am so sad that a proud, happy moment doesn’t feel right to share with the regulars because it’s not high-falutin’ enough for some.


You either own it, or it owns you…

Nothing to see here. Move along.

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Talk about holding a grudge.

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Finally, my daughter was able to book us using her voucher from Virgin Airways. We got the price she paid 2-3 years ago, she gets to have her money reimbursed from us. I’ve been checking and prices on their website have gone up significantly, I wasn’t sure what to do.

Japan, you are now off my travel list. The hotel points and VA miles will be used elsewhere. It’s a shame, I’ve been planning for this trip in 2019 but then COVID happened.

So thankful my daughter likes to sue d fine with us. She needed to cine by our house last night to pick up a few things she’d left, and she insisted on making dinner for us. :slightly_smiling_face:

In September, she, her roommate, and I are making a road trip to Pennsylvania. We will stay in their college town one night as closure for all three of us. The girls lost their last semester of college due to COVID. And I lost out on all those proud parent moments. So it will be great to visit campus together. After that, we’re going to the postponed wedding of D’s BFF. I’m so excited! I’m very thankful I’m getting to see D so much in this stage of her life.


there has to be something other than exhaustion or despair, right?


I once said something a friend thought was profound so I’ll share it here …

Sometimes you just have to make the decision to not be offended.


Happy Birthday Dad! Hope you and mom are enjoying your first birthday together in 28 years out on the town in heaven! :heart::heart::heart:


Oh no, I found out my Virgin Airways mikes are worthless, great to book with Ana airlines. Maybe I will donate the mikes to one kid. What a shame.