Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

My body hates me. Not sure what got to me, but I have contact dermatitis on my face & neck. My face and eyes are swollen, and my skin is a roadmap of red, itchy hives. I had a cortisone shot this afternoon & I started using a cortisone cream. I’ll take another Zyrtec tonight. I hope I at least feel better in the morning … I know that I won’t look much better yet. But I appreciate the fact that this didn’t hit me until after the wedding I attended this past weekend. That would really have added insult to injury.

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Please let me stay healthy, at least from now til mid-September.


Loved the very traditional funeral service by the young priest but then thought a little less of him after seeing his rant about the “hijacking of the rainbow” on FB.


My son just got a big bill for anesthesia during ECT. Medicaid didn’t pay much towards it. This is the first time he’s ever gotten a bill for anything since he’s been ill. Ugh, I hope it’s a mistake.


I have been waiting 10 months (!) for an amended birth certificate for one of my kids. Basically a spelling correction. Why anyone thinks the public sector can run anything efficiently and competently is absolutely beyond my comprehension.


Sometimes gross generalizations can be offensive, even if they’re not intended to be.


Here we go again. I’m a victim, it’s no fair, everyone’s out to get me. Nope, you’re a fraud and a con man. With an extraordinarily large number of willing marks.


I’ve been encouraging one kid to save more outside of her retirement account. Today she texted me she’s going to get a huge bonus, and may get another one year end. Finally all the stars are lining up. Dance, dance, dance.


Things were much better then and still would be if only…


To the sales rep who sent a $25.00 bottle of wine for a million dollar deal, just no. And making a hoopla about how you just have to send something, ahh no.

To the husband who identified the deal and gave it to the salesman. Set up meetings with all the execs, steered it through the storm and made it happen. A huge smile for showing your kids that people who are cheap aren’t a reflection on anyone but themselves.

To the CEO who sent a spot bonus to said husband, thank you. That’s the classy thing to do.

Still laughing that someone would think sending a cheap bottle of wine on a deal they made six figures on is okay. The thing is, if someone likes the wine, they’ll look it up to buy another bottle. And people like us, who like wine will look it up so see if they should save it or drink it now.


So Cracker Barrel is “woke” for offering plant-based sausage on its menu? Really? Are you kidding me? Cracker Barrel sparks uproar for plant-based sausage critics say is "woke" - CBS Texas

I would be curious what an “unwoke” restaurant might be.


Inflation easing, down to only 8.5% from 9.1% last month. I guess I haven’t noticed so far.


Everything is not about money.


I’m just going to remind folks that veiled political references are still political. I’m seeing more and more of these posts on this thread. Your politics are best posted on your private social media and not here on CC. Thanks for your cooperation.


Just remember that the people who are backing you up in your new job are volunteers. That means we can walk at any time, with no regrets. You need to be nice to us and respect us. So far, that hasn’t happened.


Why? Why do you think it’s okay to urinate wherever you want to, instead of walking two minutes up to the house or waiting a short time to make it to a gas station? Aren’t you concerned the neighbors might see or someone might have a camera?

Maybe I’d understand if I was a man.:flushed::see_no_evil:


You better believe I will dispute the delivery charge. You failed to deliver as promised. You extended the projected delivery time another seven weeks even while you continue to show a quick delivery time on your website to entice new orders. You’ve also cost your entire group of affiliated retailers future business. We need curtains, rugs, furniture, etc., and now I know where I won’t be shopping.


I’ve had to do presentations in front of senior VPs of Fortune 500 companies and have no problem doing that.

But presenting my appeal to the HOA board over a violation that actually isn’t a violation at all? It’s like I’m at the principal’s office and I’m a nervous wreck.

And yeah, if you guys all deny my appeal, I’m going to submit a request for mediation because I’m following the rules. My idiot neighbor is not and you do nothing about that. And I’m in the right. And I will totally win this.


If you apply for a job and agree to an interview please show up. If you don’t want the interview don’t set it up. If you change your mind let the company know. Happens all the time these days.


At the risk of sounding like a suck up, I just want to thank the moderators for their quick attention to shutting down threads when need be.

Sometimes I can’t believe what people think is appropriate to post! :laughing:

Or maybe they are just attention seekers and like to try and rile up the place. :astonished:

Back to my coffee and Wordle……