Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I thought I was safe after 17 years but my breast cancer is back. :angry:
As if I don’t already have enough on my plate.

Amazon, the customer service representative I just interacted with was making Comcast look good.Arghhh

I had no idea the Shingrix vaccine would hurt so much more than other vaccines. Might have put it off a few more years but now I’m stuck getting it again in a few months.

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I am so angry I could scream!


Got my second Shingrix yesterday. First wasn’t bad. Today has been sore arm, headache, fatigue, achiness, and a little nausea.

But, I had shingles once, and so it is totally worth it!




We are living in a real-life James Bond movie.


Victory achieved over the HOA alleged violation.


Yesterday I took and passed two tests. Still have a few brain cells!


A hawk flew to my California room and grabbed an injured bird, then he managed to eat his kill cleanly, but he left lots of feathers on my pergola. I was hoping he would scare the small squirrel, but the small squirrel was swinging behind him and he didn’t catch that one, then he flew away. Not sure what to make of all this, maybe it should be the other way around. He should catch the squirrel and leave the small bird. Imperfect nature.

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Good Lord, if I could use a Star Trek transporter and move our wonderful house and lot away from this wacky neighborhood, I would. You people are nuts.

(PS - and to my next-door neighbor, I’m glad I warned my friend, who has just joined the school board that you also serve on, not to trust you.)


I dropped you off at the airport six hours ago. I already miss you!


You traded in your muscle car for a sedan, you’re planning to propose to your GF, and yesterday you got a dog! You’ve lost your freedom, son. This adulting is getting hard to watch.


When we need a little levity (we need a “just for laughs” thread):


I am now making my very own “my neighbor is a Karen” sign for my backyard, which is small enough and hidden enough from the front yard such that you will not be able to see it.

But now every time I see that sign, it’s going to make me smile and, Little Miss Busybody Who Brags About Spying On Me From Her 2nd Story Windows, it will be my little way of giving you the one fingered salute every single day.

And if you complain to the HOA about it, then I can sue you for breaking peeping tom type of laws.



This thread is rendered useless if it becomes an “I can make comments about other people/threads/thoughts” etc on this site and they can’t be answered.

Would seriously suggest that mods consider a ban on “comments about posters/threads/anything else on the rest of the forum” on this thread, just as replies are.

Otherwise, it turns into a sea of sub-tweeting.

It’s a useful thread used as it should be, and I wouldn’t want to lose it. Just tired of the winking and hinting.


That is already listed as a rule. Rule #1 in fact.

If a post violates the rule, flag it. But it’s really helpful if, when flagging, you select “something else” and write why you feel the post violates ToS. Mods do not read every single thread, and some users can be quite nuanced in their shade. :smile:

And please, nobody flag this post because I gave a response. :joy:


While at a 4H horse show a group of adults - probably the parents of competitors - yelled expletive laden insults at a 15 year old girl while she was working a 16 hour day volunteering to help the show run efficiently and benefit their kids. What is wrong with people?


Another worry. Please have a medical pro evaluate that node.

Dear neighborhood association: I have volunteered for this job for 25 years. I’m tired of it. I have been tired of it for a number of years. Maybe if you actually tried to find someone to replace me, you would actually find someone to replace me. Don’t be surprised if you find several large bins of paper files & a thumb drive with the Quickbooks files on one of your porches in the very near future. You are definitely taking advantage of me.