Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Hey nosy neighbor who hates my bamboo:

Doesn’t matter how many times you slowly drive by my house while I’m doing yard work out front. I’m still going to ignore you and pretend you don’t exist.

And quit asking Normal Neighbor how come her middle-aged daughter isn’t married yet and when is she going to ‘finally’ have kids. Women have more of a role in life other than being somebody’s husband and being a baby factory. The reproductive status of Normal Neighbor’s DD is none of your business.

Now I’m going to go and fertilize my bamboo some more.


I saw the picture of you & your sister with your truly disgusting friend. I honestly don’t understand what you two can possibly have in common with that horrible person. Yes, I know I shouldn’t say things like this, which is why I am saying it here.


To somebody at the pool, the notice says nobody under 14 can be there without supervision. You can’t leave your boy there and walk away. Kids do drown and I’m not watching your kid.


To my friend and colleague who has gone missing from his boat: I fear the worst and I wish you would’ve reached out to me or any of our friends. I just want you home safe.

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To the drivers one the street today, the cones were there explicitly to prohibit you from turning left, it also to protect the road workers, you all turned left anyway, not just one car, 3 cars, even though it was forbidden. The worker was hooting the horn from his truck but you decided to do it anyway. Maybe the police should book you all for dangerous driving.


You know I’m not comfortable talking about that. I’m not sure why you are making it your mission to try to normalize that behavior for me. I’m simply not interested.

Those two things aren’t even remotely related. You should realize you’re way too stressed and taking years off your life when you’re so obsessed with a topic that you put it into every aspect of your life and conversations where it simply doesn’t fit. I’m glad no one responded to you (yet). We’re all there for the main topic.

(Absolutely not cc thread related.)


You know how this thread is for saying the thing you can’t actually say to the real person? Well, I addressed the issue I posted about this morning with the person, and it was a HUGE misunderstanding both in terms of what was meant and in terms of the intent. I am glad that I spoke up.


Incredible how you see everything as being about you

Ok British Airways, why are the exact same flight cancelled in the last few days, however I still don’t receive any information from you yet. When will I know?

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I say this with love:
You don’t need to be married to enjoy a fruitful life. Repeat (out loud) 3 times.

I know your parents have been needling you to find a husband and get married, but, you really don’t need to be married to be fulfilled. (What century are they in??)

Stop making poor judgments to compensate! You just gave up a dog at our local shelter and now you picked up another unaffordable puppy that you can neither afford nor care for because you work full time. Puppies grow up. You can’t just leave another dog at a shelter when it is no longer a puppy; this is cruel. It was a very irresponsible act and my heart breaks for those dogs.

You are in your mid 30’s but you act as though you are a child. You wonder why men don’t want a long term relationship with you? 3 guesses. (It is possible to be an immature woman in your 30’s; age has no limits on immaturity.)

Please focus on your positive strengths. If there is no person to marry in your immediate future, please do something else: volunteer, join a club, learn a craft. Learn some life skills. Learn to make a decision. Neither men, nor women, like indecisiveness.

Do something that will make you happy for YOU! Live for YOU! Don’t live for some imaginary future husband that may or may not exist.


To the man walking around the sport field, talking on your phone, on speaker phone: I don’t understand one word of your language, but I do understand you are probably discussing applications given the names of the schools I could hear all the way from my car.

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I hate Libby. I cannot find the same information with the same ease that I can on Overdrive. Why does everything have to be “fancied” up? Give me an app where I can find the copyright date of things I have checked out in one click. Or the number of people waiting for the book with no extra clicks. I don’t care if the books spin around when I check them out. Get off my lawn!


Hey Nosy Neighbor:
It doesn’t matter how many times you drive by really slow when I’m in the front yard. I’m still not talking to you. You are weird. Go find another hobby.


I didn’t see the entertainment value at first but as the days pass it gets better and better……

Hard to imagine I was the only person on the search committee to rule out the candidate with multiple typos in their cover letter and resume. You really want a CEO who didn’t notice they had “xtensive” in their cover letter?? If they don’t take the time to proofread an application for a job with a six-figure salary, I don’t want them. I hope they don’t advance past the next round.


Seriously - the service window is 8AM-8PM. I will get a call a half hour before but if I don’t answer the appointment is cancelled! My husband is out of town so I am trapped in my house for 12 hours.

Stop emailing me about a math volunteering position for your high school senior! Have you noticed the ratio of your emails to his is 4:1? Didn’t you realize that I wanted to hear from him?

And no, there is nothing you can do after his yesterday’s reply (took him only 7 days and your reminder after you checked with me, again). Yes, it was rather unfortunate for him to say that he didn’t take AMC 12 in fall 2021 and couldn’t provide his scores. Pity, S22 took the same AMC and I saw your son there. Twice.

It makes me wonder how your son’s college applications will look and how much info he “forgot” and “misunderstood”. And good luck next year! College professors may not be open to emails from helicopter parents.

Department of Energy, stop calling me 6-7 times a day with the same message. You’re wasting your energy on me, department of Energy.


Nosy neighbor, please stop asking us how can we possibly pay for our kids’ education. Maybe if you didn’t repave your driveway every six months, you’d have enough saved for college too.