Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Ok British Airways, you got me. I had to pay $4.40 more to book a flight that is actually flying. I just want to make sure I don’t lose money on my hotel bookings period.
Last year I had to change my ticket in anticipation of my flight being cancelled, but then it didn’t. This year with all the problems, I take no chance either.
Travel used to be an adventure, now it’s a different kind of adventure, not sure I like. Anticipation of what things could go wrong is anxiety ridden. I need to get paid for doing this.


OMG, car repair place, you pissed off the wrong person today. You now want to charge us $1,100 for the thing WE TOLD YOU it was a month ago after paying $1,500 for the thing YOU said it was. It’s never been fixed. You are no longer trying to keep my business; you are working to keep me from blasting you on every social media platform out there.

In good news, I went to HS with the regional operations manager. I am confident that this will be taken care of and not for $1,100.

UPDATE: My HS friend know longer works for the company, but the shop has called and said that they will fix it for FREE. Not charging us $1,100.


D2 broke up with her BF of 5 years 6 months ago. I have never seen her so sad and wasn’t sure if she would recover. Fast forward, she is with someone new who is making her smile more. He encouraged her to go after a legal clerkship that she didn’t think she could get and she just got the offer today.
People say, “things usually do work out. “ But this mom is surely getting a lot of grey hair.


Integrity and guts. I like it.

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Seen in a Facebook group for parents of kids starting their freshman year in college: “Last minute question - about school supplies. What supplies are you starting your kids off with as they get to their dorms - Laptop, a few notebooks, pens/pencils, notecards - but at the college, I work at - our students do most assignments on blackboard and I am “assuming” that UT will be the same - but I am curious whether anyone knows this to be true or not… Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.”

Umm, Mom, little Johnny is going off to college, not kindergarten…


“You are so sad it worries me and I just can’t handle it, it’s really stressful” does not have the effect of comforting. But I willdo my best to be happier so the rest of y’all can have a nice night.

Seriously? A job candidate who had interned at your company, is soon to complete a Master’s degree in that field and has a few years experience in a similar field is offered the same salary as someone with no professional experience and a Bachelor’s degree? I can see why a lot of younger people are discouraged.


Better late than never……but let’s see if there’s any actual improvement.

College is starting and some of us still are dealing with the trauma of high school!


Contacted S23’s school today to check in about who is the college counselor. They still haven’t named anyone!!!

They knew in the fall of 2021 that the counselor was retiring, last spring they still hadn’t hired anyone yet.

And to top it off they’ve completely revised the high school curriculum (which they announced last week!) so the school report to colleges is going to need to be totally rewritten. WHO WILL DO THIS, I DO NOT KNOW.

Meanwhile, I’ve been asked to give feedback about the high school “what’s working well, what changes you’d like to see” to the trustees in a month as part of a small parent panel.

Oh yes, I’ll have feedback.


There isn’t an actual term…I always wondered about the right words to use when describing my adult child “my young woman” “my adult baby” “my kid who wears adult sized clothes” “her” ???


She said “yes.” So happy for both of them. I guess I’m getting a daughter.


S has been at a summer program the last 8 weeks in NE area.

He had a flight booked this afternoon to return to school in DC but……30 minutes before he was getting on a shuttle to get to an airport, a peer at the camp offered him a ride back to DC.

Got the flight ($480) credited for future use. And much more fun for him (he loves car rides through different areas and cities) and less chance of getting Covid this way.


Really nice summer-into-fall playlist from the NY Times:


Garbage by any other name is still garbage and it stinks to high heaven.

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Note to fellow dog owners/walkers: when you choose a dog make sure it’s a size you can physically handle.

(2 dogs on the trail this morning that were about to take their owners DOWN!!!)


Dear Spousal Unit:
Very sorry to hear that your mother has COVID. Glad you are staying away from her. We’re supposed to go in 6 weeks on a big trip with friends who have been waiting a year and a half for this trip.

So don’t screw it up by running to your mommy the minute she feels better. Stay away until after the trip.


The fact that you’re collecting for a good cause and have enlisted your young children’s help does not excuse their behavior. How about teaching them to be polite, too? Ringing the doorbell repeatedly, banging on the glass, peering into windows and treating the stone façade on the porch like a climbing wall was not appropriate, nor was you standing nearby watching this behavior without intervening.


I am so happy I’m at the age and stage where I don’t have to be “friends” with my kids’ friends’ parents. Some of them are just really not my cup of tea.


I still can’t quite figure out why you chose cocktail attire for your wedding when those closest to you don’t own suits and are not well off enough to go buy them for 1 day.