Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Just saw that Denis Rodman is going to go to Russia to speak with Putin about bringing Brittney Griner back home. Part of me thinks we’re living in an alternate universe, and another part is wondering and hoping that this Hail Mary will work.


GD, D & I have Covid. They are on the mend after a couple days of feeling blah (and a doctor visit to make sure GD’s croup doesn’t need meds). I got it from them, so I am just a couple hours into a sore throat & fever. A little while ago, I got a text from S, who is on a long-awaited, well-planned solo trip out west. Unfortunately, his wonderful time was interrupted today by diarrhea. He hasn’t been able to leave the bathroom except to grab more bottled water from the fridge. He has to check out of his Airbnb in the morning, because it’s rented for tomorrow. He’s pretty nervous about the 8-9 car trip to his next stop. He can get a hotel closer to where he is if he can’t make it, but he’ll have to figure out what to do if he needs to camp out in a bathroom until check in. He’s in Summerlin (Vegas), so it’s not like he can hang around outside somewhere. He will figure it out, but I feel bad for him. We’re falling apart!

You know you’re old when all of your college professors are on the Emeritus Professors page (if they’re still alive).


Hey Nosy Neighbor:
I saw you there eye’ing my bamboo while I was outside trimming it. I’m holding up my end of the deal with the HOA. There’s no way my plants are going to touch your plants.

But you better keep an eye on your palm tree. The minute it’s fronds step over the line, I’m cutting them to the fence line.

Now go take a long walk off a short pier. Or better yet, go find a hobby. Do something. Even better, sell your house and move and go bother somebody else.


Ugh, my brain is spinning in circles over DD’s uncertainty in future jobs and housing and location and the timing and coordination of it all. I want answers…

Dang, my very good friend is in town & we were supposed to get together Wednesday. I tested positive for Covid today, and I’m sure H will be positive in a day or two. I really wanted to get the scoop on something going on in her family … it’s involved, so we need a face to face. I hate being far from friends! (They moved, not me, so I blame them!)

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You were a touchstone in my life for 58 years, that’s long for non-family; I will miss you.

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Today we approached a car stopped in the middle of a two-lane street. After waiting a moment we realized she wasn’t going anywhere, so we very carefully passed the car on the left only to see that it was stopped in the middle of the street SO SHE COULD BE ON HER CELL PHONE!!! UNBELIEVALBE!!! How self-absorbed can you be? As we passed her, she didn’t even look up. I mean really—WHAT THE HELL???

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I’m having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day/week/month.

I am glad there was a blow up now we don’t have to pretend how much of a jerk you and your family are.

So now we know the waiter wasn’t lying or exaggerating when he warned “be careful the plate is very hot”. The burn damage will fade with time but the memory of you yelping loudly enough for the entire restaurant to go silent will live on.

I’m really starting to question your thought process more every day. When you thought it was somehow appropriate to go shirtless at work today because you were “hot” that just took things to a whole new level. I really hope you discuss this action with your wife and I hope she truly gives you good advice. I think it might be time…

I think I made an $863 mistake. Breathe in, breathe out. In the greater scheme of things and all that….

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Yes, a car bomb is a “vile, cruel action.” But so is bombing apartment complexes, malls, and more, killing oodles of people’s daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings, friends, etc., not to mention sending others to die while they try to kill them.

Considering just the one a crime while thinking the others that kill far more innocent people are fine boggles my mind.


Four young people died, but somehow the football player is the only one who seems to matter. I wish I knew the other parents so that I could tell them that each of their children is loved and missed.


The start of new school year always brings up emotions but I thought I was okay this year since S’s are 19 and 17. No big deal this year, right?!

Alas, emotions apparently still run a bit deep in August:

I dropped off my 11 y/o toy poodle at vets this morning for her teeth cleaning and promptly felt my eyes well with tears when the tech took her from my arms and said she’d be fine!

Was SO reminiscent of kindergarten dropoff years ago, and college freshman drop off last year!

(And it didn’t help that the vet office asks you to sign off on life saving measures if needed etc when completing pooch procedure consents!)

I guess I’m more sentimental than I think.


It’s bad enough to have “a family party” without even inviting us. Bad enough to not ask, would this date work for us. Bad enough to not say, how about another date.

But why in God’s name would you TELL your SON all this? And then proceed to talk about the party? Just because he is an adult doesn’t mean you cannot still hurt him. And don’t you keep salving your conscience with these lame attempts to blame us. After 40 years I still don’t understand you at all.


Wow, Big Engineering/Design firm, you are just as incompetent now as when I worked on one of your projects in 1997. At least now I know more and won’t put up with your bleep.


I think I really did it. This year I decided to root some roses for the first time. Finally 2 young emerging leaves from one cutting, dance, dance, dance. This is Double Delight, very fragrant rose, I took 4 cuttings from my sister’s yard.


I’m mad.

Second day of the new school year at my son’s (he’s a teacher) K-8 building and at dismissal outside, parents and kids are physically FIGHTING - yes, PARENTS and kids - and a shot was fired.

Everyone is fine physically. The shot was fired by another of this group of parents who was in their car and they shot up in the air. Their way to break up the fighting or to make a point.

K-8. That means 5 year old through 14 year olds suffered the trauma of a gun shot on the second day of school.

Kids these days? Kids these days are a HOT mess because their parents are a HOT MESS. :rage:

My son observed it all and had to corral kids to run around the side of the building to re-enter. He was the one to call the principal to get help as soon as the fighting started.

You know what? It’s time to reevaluate school subjects. Each day there should be English, Math, Science, Social Studies and Mental Health/Life class. DAILY. No offense to history teachers but kids need to walk out of the school door knowing how to cope and treat themselves and others more than they need to memorize the dates of all the wars. Cause many of them are experiencing a living hell/war at home daily. :pensive: :rage: