Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

For pity’s sake!
Why won’t you follow the directions on a recipe???

I have been in the guest room for three days, trying not to infect H with Covid. I’ve been watching a lot of mindless tv, because we don’t have cable or streaming on the television. I’m shocked at the commercials! Women sitting on toilets with their pants down, a doctor talking about stinky crevices.


This is just about THE dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of.



It’s very one sided and a bit dramatic. Some folks are getting triggered.

Text from niece made my day! Best compliment ever!

“CeeCee”: “Auntie, I want to learn to parent like you do!”

Me: Really? What’s up?

CeeCee: “I heard you speak to your children about some decision one of them was trying to make.”
You said something like:, ‘Well, I’m sure you will choose the right thing. You’re an adult and we know that you will make a good decision. Whatever you decide, you know we will always trust your judgment and will support you in whatever way we can.’"

CeeCee: “I have yet to ever hear that in any conversation with my parents-your sister in my 31 years! I get the opposite. Why are both of you so different! How do I learn to do that with my kids?”

Me: “Thank you CeeCee! I will let Uncle know because he also helped “a little”!
Love your children with all of your heart! Teach your children with your head and heart to be good people to themselves and others.”


Mr. Surveyor: I told you when I called you for info on costs and lead time that I would call you in a couple of weeks, after we got our fence estimates back, IF IF! we decided to move forward with our project. Wouldn’t the fact that you left three notes on my front door while we were gone on vacation–with no return call-- indicate that maybe we weren’t interested?!! I am ASTONISHED that you had the nerve to let yourself in our back yard with no appointment, no contract, no phone call and do the work and THEN get angry with me when I said we did not want your services and would not be paying you–even when you admitted you jumped the gun because you were going on vacation.

What is the matter with people?

You’re lucky this is a small town and we have mutual friends and acquaintances. Glad I can vent here.



Delete wrong thread.

OMG, I have an addiction, addiction to buying plants. I bought so many expensive tree peonies and I don’t know where to plant them. Why on earth am I thinking of buying more.


Sometimes I feel like any time I try to draw ANY boundaries to have any kind of control of my life, I’m immediately the bad guy. And I’m tired of it.


Dell onsite tech support for warranty work sucks. Well, it might be good if they actually came but who really knows. Day four of waiting on a technician that was supposed to come on Tuesday.

Will be delivering the item to a not so local certified repair center on Monday. Would have done that much earlier but tech support in India kept saying, “We are so sorry for your experience, give us another 24 hours and we will make it right”. Not trusting the.ever again.


Went to a service today for a 27yo. I’m not sure how he died. I hadn’t seen his parents in many years, but the dad seemed genuinely moved that I was there. The service made me want to be a better person.


Sometimes our route to/from school takes us past an area where there’s a herd of wild horses. It’s beautiful and amazing and makes my heart so happy seeing them living their best life.

And this morning, there was a brand new baby horse in the herd. He wasn’t there a couple of days ago.

What do my kids say about this? “Meh, whatever.”

Some day, my dear children, SOME DAY when you’re a lot older, you’ll get it.


To the hotel in Paris, I just booked you not so long ago and now you raised up your price 3-4 times over for the exact same week. I don’t know if I got a deal or you just try to rip somebody off.
I usually book my trip and go back to see if I can find better options but cheaper, but not in this case. I’m not sure I want to cancel either because I might miss out on something, hence the dilemma.

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I called my MIL because my husband did not hear from her on his birthday yesterday.

She forgot it was his birthday.

I can’t tell my husband his own mother forgot his birthday :cry:


FU cancer.

Found out an hour or so ago that my best friend from childhood has stage 4 lung cancer, has blockages in 3 out of 4 arteries in his heart all while suffering from diabetes. Had chemo before for lung cancer and it’s still growing. Can’t work much on the heart because of the cancer. Doctor has given him 6 months to live. 52 years old. I’m going to see him tomorrow. Uggggggh.

I was never interested in high school drama. Not even when I was in high school. Reading your postings on fb about how everyone is letting you down, the constant neediness, does not make me want to spend more time with you, it turns me off. And now you seemingly want to pull my husband onto your circle of drama? I don’t think so. I’m too old for this kind of silliness.


Been playing Worldle (the geography game) for months now. I consider it a success if I guess the continent correctly before consulting the map :smile:. Those island nations are the hardest.


You can only hear yourselves and yet you are deaf to it.