Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I can’t tell anybody else, so I will post it here. Going through old pictures, found one from over 25 years ago, I am wearing a shirt I still wear (really like it).


It’s been more than 24 hours since we lost power, and there is no restoration estimate yet. I’m feeling mighty good about the standby generator we installed earlier this year. A/C and water in a power outage … a treat!


Today I got back to painting for the first time since the pandemic, but after 2 years, some of my paint tubes are misplaced somewhere, some tubes are so dry, they were hard to open even. Luckily, the young people in my class were so nice, they helped me open them, one offered me some of his paint. I just need to know where I placed the rest of my painting stuff. Frustrating, not knowing where they are, and I don’t want to buy more, I need to use what I bought first.

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Really Worldle???

A few days ago you showed us the Kerguelen Islands, which the average French citizen couldn’t guess (or care about). Today, it’s (spoiler omitted), which any 5 year old in the world should know. :roll_eyes:


Since there is no process to report the results of home Covid tests in either my county or my state, I am not sure how anyone can even guess about case count. Although I can certainly guess that it’s up from the fact that I know a whole lot of people who have tested positive at home the past 3-4 weeks.


Sometimes it’s better not to try and do complicated expensive things when you’re tired… OOPS. Hopefully I will get the refund that’s been requested but not approved.


Oh you stupid, stupid women!!! You are imbeciles! No amount of entitlement and prestige should allow you to own a dog and make him walk on the hot sidewalks of Las Vegas!

I’ve been in Las Vegas for the past 4 days with temperatures ranging from 100 to 114. My eldest saw a little dog limping while you were walking on the sidewalk in the middle of the day (dressed to the nines while walking your dog)!

A dog is not a doll! It can’t communicate that his paws are burned. It cannot communicate his heat rash. If you are so EFFd up emotionally, that you need your “comfort companion” with you at all times, then keep him/her safe. Additionally, how about showing some freaking compassion by comforting those dogs that you are subjecting to that crazy heat index!

ETA: I know Mr./Ms moderator, that I shouldn’t judge and allude to certain things, so do what you will with this post. Just had to get it out of my system!


I hope some of you are watching Serena…. :tennis:



Hmm, Client, when you are 19 days overdue in paying an invoice, don’t expect me to pick up the phone when you call at 6 PM.


Why did my son send me a link to the bar cam??? :rofl:

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Hmm, same client, so you’re pissed I haven’t gotten you your drawings yet? I specifically told you I would finish them up once I received a check from you. You emailed me that one would be cut on Friday and I replied, “Great!” So then you assumed that meant I would go ahead and send you the drawings? Uh, no, cutting a check does me no good. I’ve had more than one client tell me that and I guess they let the check sit on their desk for awhile.

Then you say, “The check run is on Friday. I’m sorry that doesn’t work with your schedule.” “Uh, the check was due 20 days ago…”

So I guess I lost a client. Good riddance. I sent that invoice on July 13. At least you’re going to overnight the check to me (or so you say). Ugh, this is the one part of working for ourselves that I don’t like. :frowning:

(And you are the client I literally worked 30 hours straight for - I guess I learned my lesson.)


I have to wonder why you spend your time reviewing songs of music genres you don’t like. Are you that bored or determined that everyone needs to know your opinion? Just listen to something else. Seems simple to me.


Well, that’s a teacher I would have made sure my kids never had.

So you think our private club should bend the rules so that you can do whatever you want to do? Forget it. It’s not going to happen.

Thank you so much for being such a good role model for your great-great nieces and nephews. If there is another life, I hope they get to meet you in person and not solely in your letters and our memories of you.


I can not believe I have to say this.

Do not gift a cancer patient a book where the main character dies of cancer.

Maybe an uplifting book?


You are a selfish tool. And a total loser. Let me count the ways.

  • your wife has been paying the mortgage all on her own salary for almost your entire marriage.
  • it’s technically not YOUR house. It’s your wife’s. The deed is in her name.
  • every time you’ve wanted a new toy - a new car, a $7000 mountain bike, etc., you convince her to refinance the house, get money out, pay off credit card bills, etc.
  • now here you all are in the same boat. You say that you need a new truck because it’s “your turn.” Please. Get your truck fixed.
  • no, your wife is not obligated to buy you expensive off-roading truck tires.
  • you’ve spent your whole adult life in a job cleaning pools. That’s honest work. But I’ve never seen anybody try harder than you do in order to get out of doing work.
  • you started having an affair 2 yr ago with the woman across the street.
  • you’ve declared to your wife that this is all ok because you’ve decided that you now have an open marriage.
  • you’ve told your wife that you don’t care about her feelings and you’re going to continue having the affair…but that you don’t want a divorce…and yet you claim that you still love your wife.
  • but then you also say that Other Woman is amazing and that you’re totally in love with her.
  • you even favor Other Woman’s children over your own
  • you leave your children at home alone while you go over to Other Woman’s house to engage in extracurricular activities
  • you call your wife stupid
  • you call your children lazy and stupid
  • yet you are a grown 49 yr old man who doesn’t even know what order the months of the year are without looking it up on a calendar. Look in the mirror, buddy, because there’s the one who’s lazy and stupid.
  • now that your wife has declared that she wants a divorce, your grand plan for your housing needs during the separation and later divorce is for you to live in wife’s house’s single-car garage, which will require you to enter said house every day multiple times to use the bathroom and kitchen. That’s not called a separation. That’s called the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard.
  • you demand that your wife have dinner ready for you every day, but then you won’t inform her when you actually won’t be home for dinner. How you think she should even be making you dinner right now when you’re going to divorce is beyond me.
  • and on top of it all, you plan on retiring with your full school district pension in 5 years and you don’t ever plan on working again. So what are you going to do, go across the street, drink beer all day, and have extracurricular activities with Other Woman?

I hope that my sister-in-law takes you to the cleaners in the divorce. You had a great deal going on while being married to her. But now? You’ve totally screwed it all up. I used to respect you. But now? No longer. There’s no respect left. Just disgust.

It’s a good thing your job doesn’t require interaction with kids because you are such a butthead.

You’re fooling nobody—slapping a “service dog” vest that you likely found on Amazon on your agressive, badly behaved pit bull does not make it so. Signs clearly said that health and safety laws preclude you from bringing your dog inside, but you did anyway. Your affect and body language clearly said that if anyone said anything to you, you would raise hell. Your dog barked and growled and literally drove other customers away.

Of course, had your dog bitten anyone, this hard working family business would be sued for sure.

You ma’am are a total joke and a loser.


My son had another catatonic episode yesterday and is in the hospital again. It’s so discouraging. He’s been having ECT treatments every Wednesday. I drive more than 100 miles total to get him to the treatment and to his doctor. I feel like he’s hanging off the edge of a cliff and I’m holding on to him for dear life. I don’t know what else I can do. :cry:


You’ve been home for all of two hours, and how many times have you been offended? You’re constantly looking to take offense, when none was obviously intended. Apparently everything I say is wrong. You have this vision of yourself as a feminist, but you make the greatest effort to shut me down so I can’t speak freely, even about noncontroversial topics. Do you wonder why I stop talking, just smile and nod after awhile? You’ve let me know that I am not important, and I need to keep my mouth shut. I sure hope you don’t treat your girlfriends like this.