Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Come on Sam!
It’s the Holiday Sunday following opening day of college football and you give us a Spelling Bee with 66 words!
Making my brain hurt.


It’s still summer until September 22. :slight_smile: Don’t worry, fall will come.


The cars in our greater family circle are cursed. No other explanation. In the last month, four cars between us and kids have had bad moments–from totally terminally dead engine to tree falling on to just not starting etc etc.


Juggling to make sure whoever needs one for work/school/doctor visits etc has one, but have pretty much run out of cars at this point.

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We know, WE KNOW…


Perhaps you are unaware, but public shaming is not a good look. No need to be the bastion of unsolicited advice.

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Oak Ridge Boys last Tuesday, Kansas last night. Two totally different fantastic concerts.


I don’t like the boxes Kleenex/tissues come in. It’s silly but I wish they sold them with neutral colors in subtle prints/patterns!


I don’t understand how we are from the same family.


Nike, you could not have designed an uglier men’s kit for the Open if you had made hideous your primary goal.


The stop sign that was sticking out of the side of the school bus was meant for everyone, even YOU. I watched you slow down, pull up to the driver’s side of the bus, then drive right around that stop sign. Elementary children were on that bus. You could have run over someone’s baby. Oh, but you didn’t, so no biggie, right? Wrong, you jackhole.


The irony is just delicious.

I’m worried about The Queen as I learn her family is headed to Balmoral. I hope she gets the care and comfort she needs whatever the medical challenges are.


Watching the news on the Queen,

And now sadly just learned that Bernard Shaw (CNN newscaster for so many years) died today.


Sad day ahead.


My gosh, all the news today. World, national, local… it’s a lot. :frowning:


You must have worked hard on that guilt trip script. You’ve only contacted me when you wanted something, and I was foolish enough to believe that you wanted a close family relationship. I feel so foolish for falling for the crocodile tears again and again.

I’m sorry your life hasn’t turned out like you hoped, but that’s mostly due to your choices. I won’t be drawn into your drama again.


YES!!! The voters will decide.


Wow, even after living here 36 years, I can’t believe how rude these people are. I attended a really fun minor league baseball game last night. There were a couple of guys with a young kid a few rows in front of us. They cheered loudly and had a good time, but they did nothing inappropriate. Towards the end of the game, an older woman a few rows away from them got up to leave. She glared at them and said, “You were very annoying!” Oh, my gosh. What a bitter person. I told the guys I thought it was ridiculous. As my husband always reminds me, though, that poor woman has to live with herself 24/7! What a miserable existence.


I LOVE my empty nest!


Just a vent. D took the ACT today and her watch, which was loaned to her by big sis, beeped, one time, at 12:00. No idea this would happen. She brought the watch bc there was no clock in the room the last time she took the test. The proctor did not aske and warn them about watches. Anyho, she was disqualified and asked to leave. She was upset, still is, but took it with a lot more grace and responsibility than Mom did. Asked me to not post “help” in parent FB forum. Well I did and the level of vitriol I got was disappointing. Had several parents “yell” for her irresponsibility. Several others said it was lucky the whole room didn’t get DQed. Several nice parents too, of course. It’s a reminder to me to display grace and understanding more.


I cannot even begin to describe how much I loathe mice.