Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

As my grandfather used to say, an uninvited guest is worse than an army of Mongol invaders. A guest that is late by an hour… same deal in my books. Please do not complain that the food is not to snuff. It has been sitting in the warning drawer for what feels like an eternity.


Such a little thing in the grand scheme of things, but I’m really sad that the days of putting the laundry out on the patio and being able to take it in again after two hours, dry and sweet smelling, are over for at least six months…


Tell your kids you love them. Don’t take even one day for granted. You don’t know when it will be your last. RIP dear one. You will be greatly missed.


September 11 is always a hard day for me, even 21 years later. The friends I knew who died and their families whose lives were changed forever. My husband who was there and survived (but not unscarred). Those who still suffer from diseases from having been there that day and the weeks after. I am not religious, but each year on this day I reflect and say God Bless America!


Every year a group of my friends recount what we saw, experienced and lost 21 years ago when we went to work at the WTC. We had previously always felt safe, confident and eternally optimistic.

We have never felt the same again.

Last night we celebrated my nephew’s wedding and a seat remained open for his uncle that was lost on the 105th floor. He was there in spirit and we missed him!

To the family, friends and colleagues that were lost, their loved ones, and the countless among us that have suffered related illness we miss you, stay strong and we will not forget!!


Dear Brother-in-law,
Can you not learn from your relationship mistakes? The first wife, I adored, thought you did too, she was blindsided by your cheating. Though you vehemently denied it at the time, you fooled no one. That you married the mistress was maybe a surprise, considering she was so obviously a narcissist. That time you were blindsided not only by her cheating but that it was with a woman. She wanted you to accept the girlfriend and stay married. But, ironically, that was not acceptable to you. (Though I am thankful). Enter wife number 3. She’s too cool for you. Successful business owner, independent and smart. While you barely work, and sometimes go long periods not working at all. I wondered what she saw in you. Learning that you both agreed to an open marriage less than a year after the wedding was a little bit of a surprise, but now hearing that you “love” your 20 year younger side piece who is not yet divorced and has 2 young kids takes the cake. I hate knowing about this and having to keep the secret from your mother- who I am very close to. I am glad I only have to see you about once a year. I predict this marriage will not last another year. Why would your current awesome wife want a husband who is in love with someone else, even if she did agree to being open. It really is none of my business but don’t be surprised if I don’t attend wedding number 4 or welcome another “sister-in-law” and aunt to my kids with open arms,
Your sister-in-law
you can’t make this s*** up


Seems weird that one can live for such a long time, and then poof, be gone.


Every anniversary I watch the 9/11 documentaries on the history channel….I remember exactly what I was doing that morning like it happened yesterday and the sadness and anger for the people senselessly murdered and what was done to our country never fades….it’s as strong and vivid now as that day in 2001, maybe even more so, because I’ve seen how it changed our lives forever and irrevocably.


There goes the season. Taking suggestions for another team to follow.

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We have become used to you ignoring your son on holidays. He’s used to calling over & over in hopes you will pick up. But you’ve reached a new low, ignoring him on his birthday. He actually did try to call you, but he only tried once. I mean, it was your S’s birthday.

This is what I called luck…
I ordered 2 pairs of shoes online. I then checked my closet and noticed that I already owned a pair I just ordered, so I didn’t really need it. I received my shipment yesterday and only got one pair, the pair I didn’t already have. I contacted the store to inform them of the missing shoe. They were very apologetic. They said they didn’t have the other pair and will refund me shortly.
someone was looking after my senior moment.


Your story about what happened has now changed 3 times. We no longer know whether or not to believe you. Stop trying to tell people what you think they want to hear. Just be honest & authentic. Be your true self. We will respect you a lot more for that.

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As usual watched the reading of the names from Ground Zero yesterday and then attended a memorial event for a dear friend who passed away. Came home and watched 60 Minutes tell the story of the incredibly brave fire fighters who went into the towers, and refused to leave even after the other tower fell. Also had a 911 operator on the phone with a woman in one of the higher floors that didn’t make it out. So heart rending. Very emotional day. Never forget.


Can someone take a hose to my brain and clear out all the crap that is stewing in there?!! From work to the house to the family to getting my car fixed I feel like I CAN’T. STOP. THINKING!!!


My flight to Spain got cancelled today, I only knew about this when I got to the airport due to Wi-Fi problem and I’ve already checked out of the hotel. The good thing about this is I discovered a very nice Thai restaurant and Gelato place near my hotel. I hope I get things reimbursed eventually.

A therapist would be nice, but nobody is taking new clients. :frowning:


You had all Summer to try to improve on your SAT. We explained why it would be a good idea to do so. It is all about getting more merit $$. Seems simple. Never in your life will you be working for more $$ per hour than studying for SAT. Example 100 hours of study and you get $20,000 from a better score that means you were working for $200 per hour. Nope you did 100 points worse. I just don’t get it. You do great on AP tests. 7 for 7 with a 3.71 scoring avg. So it isn’t like you don’t test well.


Good thing I did not watch the game! No jinxing. :joy:

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I love bees but hate bee stings (allergic).

Bees seemingly hate me and like to sting me.

Hardly seems fair and glad I had my Epi pen!


Just returned from a wonderful visit with the kids/grandkids, but geez, USPS and paper delivery folks, it would really be nice if for once you could hold the paper and mail like you are supposed to. Thank heavens for great neighbors who watch out for us.