Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I’ve been trying to get out of being treasurer of a group I’m in. Finally found someone willing to do it but I have to write the meeting minutes as the bank requires them (we aren’t really an organization, but we do have a bank account). I didn’t even know ‘they’ (no one asked me) changed presidents and maybe other officers too. How do I have a meeting (even a fake one) if I don’t know who the officers are?

I just know they are going to run through every dime in the bank, raised by other members years ago, on parties and food. I’ve been protecting it for 7 years and I bet they run through $8000 in a year. They’ve already run through about $6000 during covid times.


I won’t be seeing the new slasher movie where Winnie the Pooh and piglet turn against Christopher Robin. Winnie the Pooh:Blood and Honey

I know it’s ironic that I’m saying this on this website, of all places, but I genuinely despise college admissions nowadays- but mostly because of the other students and their hyperobsessed parents. Yes, it’s idiotic that top unis expect literal 17 and 18 year olds to be all worldly and educated, and even more stupid that, unless you’re a rich legacy, it really is a crapshoot. But my biggest issue as a high schooler is seeing just how terribly obsessed people are with grades and extracurriculars, but in a competitive and angry sort of way. I know a kid who keeps a whole SPREADSHEET of the activities people around him mistakenly even borderline mention to him just to be “even with the competition.” Like, okay… is this not bordering psychopathic to anyone else? What help is it to him? Like literally keep your eyes on your own paper bro, someone doing whatever internship isn’t, like, boosting your own grades or anything. Literally has zero nilch nada nothing to do with you. I am of the belief that, if you are truly passionate about something, good things will naturally follow when you pursue that area. So go and do you! Pursue what YOU’RE passionate about, what YOU like to do! Stop asking randos 80x over information that is often a) easily online and b) not really all that helpful. And don’t even get me started on the straight-up clinically insane parents who will hound you just so their darling rich white popular legacy son can… do what with that information? I don’t know, I phrased this incredibly badly. I guess long story short, I’m tired of people dedicating way too much time anger-stalking and being too intense with college admissions in ways that are counter-productive, and frankly, make them THEE most miserable people to be around.


I have to admit that while I adored the assisted living facility my MIL was in until recently, the pictures that they have been posting with a political candidate (a divisive one, at that) are a huge turnoff for me. People are paying to stay at your facility, and they are of various political beliefs. The administration & staff need to keep their personal lives to themselves.


Patagonia has always been an impressive company in many ways, but never more so!


I’m tired of the obsession with test scores.

You’ve been slowing down my dad’s estate purposely for 4 years now to run it out of money, selling essentially nothing. Now you’re “following the court’s order” and selling what should be my house to yourself for pennies while depriving everyone else of what they were to rightfully inherit because those have to pay estate expenses.

And you have the gall to text me saying, “u dont realuze what a fool u just made if yourself” (several sics in there) because I called you out on it?

Wow. What world is your brain in? My kids can live without an inheritance, as can I, but you giving it all to yourself and depriving your son of his makes me furious. And you think I’ve made a fool of myself. To who? Your internet friends?

I hope the court stops you. I hope you can’t complete the sale before your court date. (sigh) The court did indeed say to sell the properties. I seriously doubt they meant you could sell it to yourself for well below market value, esp when we both know of at least two others who would buy it for more.

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You taught me to shoot a 22, use a hammer/drill/saw/screwdriver, milk a cow, throw a spitball and not to slide into home base like a girl. Thank you, Dad. It has been my honor to be your little girl for the past 63 years. …I already miss you beyond belief…


For the millionth time–I’m still not a mindreader. Don’t tell me later what you had wanted me to do, when you wouldn’t just come out and ask at the time.


You are out of the rose that I’ve been waiting for all summer, what do you mean by limit one per customer only, you have zero, nada. What a tease.

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My mother’s been dead 12 years. You’re now living in her house, married to her husband (my dad) for 11 of those 12 years. You have a lot of nerve saying to my sister, “I never got a new house, unlike your mother who got 3 of them.”

You also have a lot of nerve saying to her, “I look at you and see so much of your mom - you have her hands and her upper arms” and let’s not forget the passive-aggressive dig of “but you got good stuff from her, too.”


  • jealous of a dead woman
  • who you were friends with
  • and you’re living in the dead woman’s house
  • sleeping in the dead woman’s bed
  • now married to the dead woman’s husband
  • yet you’re griping about how you never got to live in a brand new construction house


Because I am a gracious person, you are going to be invited to D24’s high school graduation. You’ll be welcomed to MY home where we’ll be having a post-graduation ceremony family party.

What you will NOT be welcome to do is say one word about my mother. Not one passive-aggressive snark or comment, ok Karen? (not her real name, btw) And no, you can’t speak to the manager about it because in my home, I AM ONE OF THE MANAGERS IN CHARGE.

But, let’s be real with each other for a moment, ok?

You’re not going to come. Which will be a relief. Why won’t you come? Because you’re a coward. You put up all of this bluster, but when somebody confronts you directly and speaks directly and plainly to you, without any games, you totally fold.

In MY family (me, DH, our 2 kids), we are DIRECT. We do NOT play manipulative games. Your tactics do NOT work on me.


I paid $3.75 for an 8 ounce package of off brand cream cheese . Not ok.


I’ve said I’m proud of you and I love you but I hope you are really hearing it. In the past 8 days alone you have heard of a friend’s death by suicide, another having a a baby at 19 and participated in an intervention for your roommate.
The idea of asking how classes are going feels laughable but you told me you actually went to all of them this week.
It’s more than I would have been able to do.
I’m proud of you and I love you.


S sent me a text telling me to watch for an email…turned out he upgraded my flight on an upcoming trip together. He got paid for his TA position and it was more than he expected so he decided to treat me.

It was so nice to get an unexpected surprise!


The last GF is now officially a fiancée, on Heart Island at Boldt Castle no less!!! :tada: :champagne: :clinking_glasses:

But I’m letting them announce it to the world. I just get to do it here. :sunglasses:


Last week the service puppy we were raising for over a year went into training. We will never see her again if she is successful.

This week we spent many hours at my mom’s appointments, and she was diagnosed with cancer.

She has raised my nephew, with his dog, for the last eight years, and his dog died hours after she got the call from the doctor confirming the cancer.

My daughter was scheduled to take the digital SAT today but her sister’s transmission is going so I had to lend her my car for a long trip she had to make. With everything going on, I didn’t have it in me to figure out a ride to get D23 to the SAT site which is not in an easy location to get to. She doesn’t care but I feel disappointed.

D23 and my mom are super close and often spend a day together on the weekends. This was the first time my mom wasn’t up for a visit.

I think things will probably get worse before they get better.

Fiona, please take it easy on Puerto Rico (and everyone else!).


Good grief, we have new neighbors and they want to keep 6 chickens on their lot. Uh, it’s against the deed restrictions. They have asked if neighbors mind. It’s not up to us! You agreed to the restrictions when you bought the house. Now one neighbor is saying, “I don’t mind if they have some chickens.” Well, good for you, it’s not your decision. The Association President thought we could just change the bylaws?!? It’s a ROAD MAINTENANCE association, not an HOA. Ugh, I hate this road.

D’s very good friend is 32 weeks pregnant. She is an OB/Gyn, and this is her second child. Everything has been fine with her pregnancy. Her doctor offered to do an ultrasound, which really wasn’t necessary, but she decided why not. They were stunned to find out that there is severe brain swelling and something potentially wrong with the baby’s cerebellum. She has several consults set up next week with specialists. She has seen similar cases in her practice, so she’s well aware of the possibilities. I can’t stop crying. I have known this young woman for almost 20 years, and it just tears me apart.

I might have bump a shopper’s cart unnecessarily, but I don’t feel bad. :smirk: Her cart was 3/4 of the way across the grocery aisle while she was on her phone, looking at the items on the shelves. The 2 customers before me had to squeeze through slowly to avoid hitting her cart. I didn’t crash into her cart, just nudged it a bit so it would move; the shopper didn’t stop talking on her phone, nor move her cart out of the way!