Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

You may be 75 yr old, but you are acting like you’re 4 yr old. Act like a child, and I’ll treat you like a child. Now you’re in a time out.

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Coward. Chickencrap. Bunker mushroom.


So much fun watching the self-destruction. Couldn’t happen to a nastier guy.


It looks like after the review my D qualified for a retroactive medical withdrawal from her classes last semester, but what she wasn’t told prior to beginning the process was that she must use it for all classes. She just wanted to use it for the class she failed and not for the classes that she was able to pass because she had been doing very well in prior her getting sick. Not that the grades were good but at least she got credit. It looks like keeping the F on her transcript might be the best option. :disappointed:

Dear friend,

You regularly post your kids’ every little achievement and love the praise and kudos showered upon you. But you don’t find the time to even acknowledge the big accomplishments of your friends’ kids?

Very disappointing! :angry:

The chickens have come home to roost.


Well kid you are now done with standardized tests. You ended up with 31/1410. Those are really good scores that many wish they had. I am afraid you will come up short to making going OOS financially sound. Of course I don’t really know if you truly want to go OOS. You definitely play your cards closer to the vest than you sister did. I wish for you that you could have gotten better scores to get more money. You are truly an amazing person with so much to offer any place or anyone that will have you. I wish you would have quit one of your 3 jobs you got going on right now so make your life simpler. But you are loyal and have a lot of integrity. And no matter what you do or where you end up those two attributes will take you far.


If for whatever reason we can’t see you this time, we will go to our favorite club to listen to some jazz, we can’t wait for you. My husband gave up seeing you, you can’t make up your mind, it’s ok, we’re still friends.

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So dumb, but I’m literally choked up about this. What an ode to a respected relationship to a rival. Federer and Nadal, together for Roger’s last match, playing doubles together.


I am on a wonderful road trip with my daughter and her roommate.

Both young women graduated from Susquehanna in 2020. They lost so much. Senior art show, last jazz band concert, and commencement. They didn’t even get to say goodbye to their friends and professors because they thought they would be returning to campus. It was a loss for me, too, because I love Selinsgrove, PA, the small town where SU is located and had really looked forward to spending time there during D’s last semester.

So when D asked if I’d like to stop in Selinsgrove on the way to her friends’ wedding on Saturday, I said sure! We will stay here overnight in the small inn I like so much. We will drive around the area and D will meet with her favorite professor. Then we will drive to Lancaster for the wedding. I will even get to see D’s ex because he’s a groomsman (D is maid of honor and is amiable with the young man). He’s a good guy so I’m glad I’ll get to talk to him.

We will also get to see our nephew, his wife, and their toddler since they live in the area!

It’s been a tough few months and this is a welcome break. I love it when things work out so well. And I’m thankful my daughter came up with this plan. :heart:


DD is on the hunt for her first permanent job in her field. She has a few applications out for things she would like but the listings don’t close till mid to late October. Just found one she would LOVE and it closes 9/28 so she should know if she got it first (which is not usually the way things work lol). I’m just so excited but trying to temper my expectations and remember that she might not get it :grimacing:


I hope Ginger got my message and deserted the island.

There is so much hypocrisy these days that it boggles the mind


Just because you keep asking doesn’t mean I’m required to answer.

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Last big piece of furniture (white IKEA sofa) is on Buy Nothing today.

Fingers crossed!!!


Okay Worldle, that was a new one.


No one is saying it directly, but the world is so much closer to a global nuclear disaster than ever before. That’s the real reason the markets are tanking.


Murphys Law- DH and I naively commenting a few days ago that Hurricane season has been overall light this year (for FL).

Now….pretty much entire state of FL is carefully watching the anticipated trajectory and strength of Tropical depression #9….bc it’s looking like we may have to cancel travel plans to see S for Parents weekend bc of it.


When will I learn Mother Nature is bonded at the hip with karma?!


My uncle has been dealing with a significant health issue recently, and the doctors at his relatively rural hospital couldn’t figure out what’s happening. A young, caring PA figured out what is causing his problems, and my uncle has been transferred to a larger hospital for surgery that should fix the problem. He will have a tough recovery, but he won’t fall constantly anymore. Thank you, thank you to the PA for truly listening to my 80 year old uncle & not just writing him off as an old guy who should be in a nursing home (as the doctors seemed to think).