Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Two nights in an animal intensive care hospital along with X-ray, sonogram, blood work, and treatment - $5,500.00

In home consultation and planning with a pet euthanasia specialist $200.00

Having a cat that wakes up the next day before euthanasia and decides she’s just fine - priceless.

Our dearest main coon cat may be down to 8 lives but she’s back!


4 visits to the vet…something like €400 for diagnosis, medication, and an ultrasound. First an abscess, then a glycemic spike (from the medication?), then maybe a pancreatitis or a tumor? Potentially a life of medication at over a $ a day……lots of stress…seems okay now.
And I thought I had it bad!


All my battery chargers/electronics fully charged. Heat turned up 3 degrees to 68. (Scary to think my house was 79 a couple of weeks ago!) This means we won’t lose power, right? Neighborhood across the street is out. We haven’t had anything that horrible yet - 40 mph wind gusts, but as H says “a squirrel can cough and we can lose power.” Worst should be done by morning

But soup and grilled cheese for dinner was amazing! As was my nap after lunch…

Edit - oh well. It was good while it lasted. At least it’s almost bedtime and it’s not sweltering or freezing. Last I checked 20-25% of the area is without power.


Seriously, why do you feel it necessary to correct your grown-man brother when he says he visited your mom in X-town. Yes, it’s technically Y-town, but it’s on the border of X-town. Oh, it’s a different county? How on earth does any of that actually matter? You’re a real piece of work.

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Butter board videos? Ya betcha. Can’t wait for the sequel: big ass videos.

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OMG! Party like it is 2001?! Really? Can’t believe this!


What a lovely rose they added to the list, I really can’t wait. It will be months of torture for sure until I know I can order it, and then it’s not a guarantee I will get it and it’s not a guarantee I won’t kill it either. Multiflora roots don’t do well here in our clayish environment.

Crossword puzzle clue: “Best US colleges”
Answer: “Ivy League”



I complained about the Libby app up thread. There are still a few things I don’t like, but I also have found features I like and I have to admit I was wrong about it being awful. But I was. I hate being of an age where change is hard! I remember when I could quickly catch on to everything. . .


My sweet son got out of the hospital on Wednesday, after a four-week stay. Last night, at our cabin, he had a severe psychotic episode and we had to call 911. The sheriff’s deputy and ambulance took an hour and a half to get here, we’re so remote. Son was very agitated but calmed down when he saw the officer and then agreed to go to the hospital voluntarily. Today he is refusing to speak to us or take meds - both firsts for him. My heart is breaking. Three hospital stays in six months is not good. :cry:

FB throws enough ads at us, I dont need my friends to share more of them with me. If I cared, I am sure FB would make sure I see them. If I didn’t, they are just clogging up my feed.


We just want a new phone. No we don’t want internet, we don’t want the overpriced insurance and don’t tell me the trade in value changed when I checked it right before we came in (it hadn’t). And we can’t seem to access your Wi-Fi in the att store?? When we have your service? Huh? And you want me to sign a blank iPad screen while you rattle off something in speedtalk? Oh and you then can’t even order the phones as they are back ordered and your computer crashed. What a waste of an afternoon.


Can’t say I’m surprised but D is probably quitting her teaching job this month. Increased stress and micromanaging are putting her health at risk. She had severe anxiety attack in her class. She feels bad for leaving kids who she loves. Decision cemented when district announced new grading policy that involves extreme amount of bookkeeping (2 sets of grades-what they earned and what district says is the min) and parent contact (by phone). Ridiculous. My baby has only wanted to be a teacher her entire life. She made it 7 years which is more than some new teachers I guess.

So sorry for the suffering I’m reading and hearing in news about.


Are you gaslighting me?!

Sometimes it’s better to not look.


What is wrong with people?? I swear, folks are increasingly awful. I was waiting to pull out onto the street outside my subdivision. Traffic was pretty nonstop, and I eventually saw an opening. A car was waiting at the next street to exit the subdivision, as well. They started to pull out, but I figured that we were both waiting & they wouldn’t be up to speed any faster than I would be … so I pulled out, too. There was plenty of traffic in front of me that kept me from speeding, because doing so would have meant rear ending someone. But the jerk who pulled out at the same time & was behind me apparently didn’t like the fact that I was in front of them. They got right up on my tail & honked. I ignored them. Then they pulled up next to me in the right hand turn lane & tried to get my attention. I ignored them. Next thing I know, a can came whizzing past me from that car. Fortunately, it didn’t hit my car. But seriously, what was the point?

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Okay, Jeopardy, you need to get your act together. You allowed a scribbly word that clearly was not complete to determine a champion. Now you don’t allow it (and he would have been third place no matter how you slice it). Just figure out your rules, which apparently have changed since Alex died. Then apply them consistently.


I’ve been pulling my hair about getting either an Uber, Lyft, taxi or Super shuttle from the airport to home, they are all getting ridiculously expensive, but my daughter can’t pick us up this time. Anyway, thanks to the internet, I decided to book a rental car instead and return at the local airport for 1/3 of the cost.


Thank God for quick response, FPL and Ron Desantis.