Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Ugh - we avoided this for so long. Husband covid positive, has flu symptoms. I guess it was inevitable.

They had better turn that down.


It was a long drive and twisted road but I made it, I drove from my hotel in New Hampshire to Stowe Vermont and back in a day. However the twisted road gave me a headache due to motion sickness. Never again. I stick to Maine next time.

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From Sam Stovall, after the market is bottom, it will go up after that.
Any idiot can say that, that’s why it’s called the bottom, lol.


Your 8th grader does not need to be on this college tour. You should be ashamed, but obviously you are not since you have asked more questions than anyone else. Meanwhile, your child is visibly uncomfortable, eyes downcast, and probably wishing s/he were anywhere else but here.


Heartbroken for the Purdue community today.


Waiting at my S’s house to find out the results of his cat’s ultrasound. This is his baby, and I need to be here to help him through if the news is bad. I’m glad that he let me come. Fingers crossed that her issue is easily fixed. Pretty sure he caught it really early, so hopefully whatever it is can be overcome.

Update: Phew! Best possible outcome given the issue. Fur baby will get through this, thank goodness.


Expensive B$B: we are paying $350/night and your confirmation said you provide breakfast between 9-11 am. Today you call to ask if we want to book a reservation for dinner in your restaurant, and when I asked about breakfast you tell me you don’t provide it??? You are a B&B for gosh sake!! And no price adjustment (you already charged my card in full) and no arrangement with nearby breakfast places? And you “courtesy” offer us first choice to guests to book dinner? NO! We are there for a wedding. Not eating at your restaurant and after we return I may post a review. Sheesh!!!

2.75 miles and 3 sets of the OT-prescribed exercises/stretches. It’s humbling to be using only 2lb weights, but I have to (re)start somewhere. On the plus side, my risk for lymphedema is low; slow and steady will keep it low.


I haven’t seen my brother in 7 years. We text on birthdays, Christmas and Thanksgiving. He hasn’t had any communication with my parents during this time. I had cancer and was in treatment for a year - he lives 30 minutes away but never came to see me. I’ve giving up trying the mend bridges.
My SIL texted me with the news that my niece is engaged. That my brother and her should get together with me and my H for dinner. Honestly, ■■■? Is she delusional?

The killings at the childcare center in Thailand are incredibly sad. I can’t imagine the pain those parents (and other family members) are experiencing.


Son is still in the ER an hour and a half from us. He seems to be deteriorating and they can’t find a placement in a hospital for him. The only bright spot is that the staff in this ER is incredibly compassionate and kind. I visited Son yesterday. I don’t even have words to describe how bad his condition is. When I came out of his room, a big, burly security guy kindly asked me, “Are you OK?” The nurse calls me at least once a day and thanks me for my suggestions. They are angels.


In the grand scheme of things, this isn’t a big deal compared to other people’s problems
 I turned 50 and wanted to do the right thing. Scheduled my colonoscopy for next Friday with the same doc who did H’s 3 and someone else in my office. And the same place where many, many people from my workplace go.

Got a cryptic letter yesterday saying I may owe $5000. Huh? It’s wellness? So I try calling the number many times - nothing. Number goes to a generic message saying they’re aren’t available and sent to an operator who isn’t available and hangs up. Try calling my health insurance rep who has helped me in thte past. Nobody answers. I send an email and get a response saying they will follow up and get back with me.

This morning, I get an email from my rep saying they are out of network. What? Everyone goes here and it’s covered. Try calling to follow-up. No response. Call the doctor’s office and ask. They will have their insurance people call. Someone calls and says that it IS covered, but to double check with my insurance provider. In the middle of my 15 min hold with the insurance provider, another person from the doctor calls and says it ISN’T in network and she doesn’t know why since everyone comes there and it’s always in network. She will call our insurance and try to get a manager. Later, I get a call from my insurance rep who tells me that there are two tax ID numbers they use. One is in network, one is not. She’s not sure why and will get to the bottom of it and hopefully call me by tomorrow. I sure hope so, because I have until Tuesday to cancel this appointment before I get dinged a $100 cancellation fee, and Monday is a holiday.

IT SHOULDN’T BE THIS HARD!!! This is yet another reason why I resist going to doctors


Congratulations, week four of Amazon Prime Thursday Night Football and you’ve almost got the hang of connecting via our dumb smart tv. Only one question this week!

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Rep Senator Sasse will be next UF president.
He’s resigning his senate seat end of the year.

On top of everything else, I just learned my uncle’s cancer has spread to his bones. He’s going to try “frequency healing,” something he says was developed in the 1930s but “suppressed because natural protocols are not where the $$ are.” Sigh. I can’t figure out why my college-educated family members are willing to try scientifically unproven medical remedies. It’s a theme I see over and over again.


15 pounds of farm picked apples and 6 lobsters(consumed in one day), I’m going home. Can’t wait to see my garden.


In the good news/bad news: Still frustrated by gym rats who sit on the leg press machines on their phones not working out, but when asked if they are finished, one says she has 3 more reps and the other looked annoyed as she took her ear bud out and when I asked if she was almost finished, she said she “didn’t know”. Say what??? But in the better news, the expensive B& noB gave me a $30 credit ($15/night) for the “no breakfast” but first tried to give us a discount in their restaurant for nighttime dining. We are attending a welcome dinner and wedding when we are there, so that was a thanks but no thanks.


You shouldn’t have taken the job in the first place.

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IMO there is no better proof that some people have too much money and there is no accounting for taste