Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I am leaving for a long international work trip on Sunday. We told S23 long ago that he had to have his college apps done before I left. He has dragged his feet on the app for months but has been legitimately too busy to work on it this week. So now he is faced with writing/editing his essays tomorrow (!!!) so that I can proofread things before he submits. He has an outline but sheesh. Spouse will do the proofing, but is not the ideal person to help. I am so frustrated but S23 is paying for his own college with scholarships (and loans if needed) so Iā€™m deciding to let go and let him reap whatever he sows.

Also our younger child had a mental health crisis last night. Such a great thing to deal with talking with the school and chatting with 3 different (!) health care providers today. His care team is great but holy cow this is stressful and I feel bad for my kid.

And instead of packing Iā€™m chained to my desk analyzing data for an NIH grant progress report. :upside_down_face: Good thing I can come to CC for a few minutes to vent!

Iā€™m pathetic. I saw the Mondrian painting post and immediately thought of an episode of Arthur on PBS. Yep. It may not be the exact same Mondrian painting but a quick Google confirmed my recollection. Lol.


Ewwwww, ewwwww, ewww. I still canā€™t believe that you are friends with that vile, publicity seeking woman. Every time I see a picture you post with her, I honestly want to throw up.

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Woohoo, I am approved for the equifax settlement. Will I get $125? No, I think it is now down to $6.80.


Nice tweet about your 350hp, V8 '67 Corvette Mr. President. Electric vehicles are for the serfs.

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$6.29 for gas today at Costco in San Diego. This is crazy!


I am sick of always interpreting GD for you, making your phone calls, raising my voice (then being accused of yelling at you) and never being sure youā€™ve heard anything Iā€™ve said unless I get you to make eye contact first. Iā€™m sorry you have impaired hearing, but Iā€™m not sorry that I lost my temper with you today. Youā€™re missing so much by refusing to either get new hearing aids or wearing the ones you have. No more enabling. The only one I have sympathy for now is GD who is too young to understand any of this.


I went to the big, shiny Nordstrom today. The one that had everything. Good god. I spent an hour looking through every rack and shelf with jeansā€¦ holy JP Morgan. Ripped, mangled, shapeless, baggy, sad pieces of denim worthy of our city dump priced at $200 or so. Last time I saw what supposed to be classic clothes in such bad shape was pre-housing crash of 2008. I tell yā€™all - recession is coming, and it will be a bad one. The Nordstrom clothes indicator is off the scale!


I am so tired of you!
Why am I related to you? No one in our family understands your narcissistic BS.

You donā€™t plan a damn thing and after the breakfast was planned (by me and our sister), and it was a ā€œgoā€ for everyone in our large party, you decided that you donā€™t want to go to our motherā€™s breakfast at 8:45 tomorrow and that we need to reschedule it to 1 pm!
That is not breakfast FOOL, that is lunch!

Now, you are pulling the same BS to try to get everyone to go along with your stupid plan via texts. No one has said yes because EVERYONE else has commitments. Thatā€™s why it was scheduled when it was scheduled: to accommodate everyoneā€™s schedules! Fool!

Those of us who plan things, because we have families everywhere, are considerate of all of the familiesā€™ needs. No, we are not scheduling the BREAKFAST just for you. Itā€™s her birthday. And, they close early because they are open so dang early! FOOL!! But you go ahead and show up at 1:00, when they close. Go 'head on". See if they serve your sorry A$$, fool! Just when I think you canā€™t get any worse, you pull this crap out of your backside!

OMG. This is beyond hilarious!!


The end does not justify the means. If you really believe what you say you believe, then you canā€™t also believe that the thing that will lead to the outcome you want is okay. It really is that simple.

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Thanks for you all your thoughts and private messages. My son has now been in the ER for eight days. The ER actually listened to my sonā€™s regular doctor (something that doesnā€™t typically happen for some reason) and changed his meds early yesterday. By the evening, he was having coherent conversations! We had a real talk with him for the first time in a week. He still sounded delusional, though.

We talked to him again just now and he said nothing odd at all! He said he is depressed, but at least heā€™s making sense. He will still be transferred to a psych hospital when they can find a place for him. I think it will be easier now that he is more stable (which makes no sense to me, but hospitals can reject patients they think are too difficult). My husband will make the drive tomorrow to visit him.


At Target yesterday I purchased a toy for GD that was on sale, $3.00 off. When checking out at self checkout, I see that it rings up at the full price. As there was a huge line behind me, I didnā€™t want to wait for a sales associate to show up, so completed my purchase and when over to the customer service counter. While the woman is trying to figure out the difference between the $19.99 that the toy scanned for, and the sale price of $16.99, I see she is counting on her fingers. She then credits my credit card almost the full amount, and hands me a nickle; she said she doesnā€™t know why it didnā€™t credit the entire amount. I didnā€™t want to tell her that her fingers didnā€™t add correctly; I now have an extra nickle to add to my loose change in my car!

Iā€™m bone tired. That phrase has new meaning to me.

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In this season of political ads that make me cringe, one makes me smile. We have a State Supreme Court justice who is running for re-election. He happens to be blind, and he brings that up in his ad. He starts off saying, ā€œLifeā€™s not fair, but justice should be.ā€ A million times yes!


Having watched both parents battle cancer for years, a grandmother lie in bed for years unable to feed herself or recognize her daughter after a couple strokes, and now my mother-in-lawā€™s accelerating decline due to dementia, I would gladly trade five years of my life to be of strong body and sound mind until the end.


I thought I double checked everything on the Fafsa but the $970k EFC suggests otherwise. :joy:
Will have to do some investigating once itā€™s finalized.


Both of my kids have been home this long weekend thanks to fall break. Itā€™s been a delight to have them home!

Unfortunately, they have eyewitnessed their fatherā€™s behavior, and they have separately told me they will not be home for Thanksgiving, and they will not be coming home for Christmas, either.

ā€œItā€™s not you, Mom. Please know that.ā€

I nod and try to hold back the tears.

What do Parkinsonā€™s patients do when family members wonā€™t come home due to their fatherā€™s behavior?

I feel so alone.

The new president of UF will leave an empty senate seat that the governor of that state may likely fill with someone whose beliefs do not align with mine. So the $ I would have donated to UF this year is going to an organization whose beliefs align with mine.


I get to go to the UT football game this weekend with @Youdon_tsay! I was bummed out when I realized my son couldnā€™t make it since heā€™s ill, so this will be awesome. :slight_smile: