Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Finally took a week’s vacation. Didn’t watch or read the news the entire time. Really nice to unplug. World didn’t come to an end because I didn’t read the news. I have no idea what’s going on in the world right now and that’s ok.


One of my bush in my front yard turned brown, like dead brown. I did smell a bit of urine but wasn’t 100% sure. Today I saw a neighbor with 2 cute little dogs, I talked to her and she said she just moved in a month ago, just before I left for a vacation. One of the small dog was sniffing that dead bush. So I put 2 and 2 together, this small dog must be urinating on my bush while I was gone. I can’t believe it, they just moved in and already they ruined the neighborhood.


Made it through the first summer without the HOA sending me pictures of my lawn not meeting the standard. Thanks to plant based lawn colorant, I also used much less water trying to keep it green!


Thinking and supporting anyone who not only celebrates the day, but celebrates themselves today. #NationalComingOutDay (October 11) :rainbow_flag:


RIP, Angela Lansbury. :broken_heart:


Instead of always banning things why don’t you try introducing an alternative/replacement that people like better.


I really need to work on thinking more positive thoughts and pushing the negative stuff out of my head. It’s tough teaching an old dog new tricks, but I’m determined to try.


My first box of peonies has arrived, today I planted 6 out of 11 tree peonies and I now I completely understand the meaning of dog tired. I bet I sleep well tonight.


I went to pick up the moving boxes and started to cry and I think maybe the end of the rope has arrived. I don’t know how we make it to the other side anymore. screams into the void

I was about to go swimming but then there’s thunder and pouring rain. I guess I have to be inside and bake banana bread. I don’t need anymore carbs.


Begging is undignified and originates from a weak negotiating position. Embarrassing on so many levels.

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Good news bad news kind of thing. I’ve found out a peony box was stolen from me, it’s claimed to be delivered 3 days before I came home. Why on earth would people steal that sort of thing. Most likely they have no idea what’s inside. So that means if the box is not found eventually, I will get reimbursed for that box. I secretly hope the box is never found because I have no room in my garden, lol.


After 11 days in the ER, during which time he ran into a door so hard he bloodied his nose and needed stitches in his toe, my son has been transferred to a psych hospital. His regular doctor says it’s a good one. This hospital contacted us before we called them!! I think that’s a first. The therapist is a nice guy who ran in some of the same cross country races my son did in high school. They’ve already established a good rapport.

I’m in Texas for a week and a half. My dad and sister are already spoiling me. :slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t understand this jury. :cry: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Don’t be so proud that you end up drowning before asking for help. (I’m talking to myself)

I have been getting medical bills left and right since my 13 days in hospital and skilled nursing due to piriformis syndrome and hip labrum tear - a very(!) large bill came from the time spent in ER (3 days until they could find me a bed), and even after my insurance kicked in the number was staggering…I noticed an insert mentioning that the hospital had “scholarship” money to help reduce the amount due. I was certain I wouldn’t qualify, but applied anyway.

The application was extremely daunting, and required more financial and personal information about me than even a credit card/car loan application ever has. Regardless, I wanted and needed the help, so I sent it off. This morning I received an e-mail that I did qualify after all…and for 100% of the outstanding bill!

My point is this…don’t let pride (or fear - pretty much the same thing in my Buddhist world) hold you back from asking for help in whatever area of your life you may need it.


So many people at the office are sick. JUST. STAY.HOME.


Thank you for keeping out of this. :+1::+1:


When all you have is a hammer…everything else MUST be a nail. When all you have is one mantra…nothing may conflict with it’s unity and purpose.

On some days I envy the simplicity of the mind that can function in this manner.

You literally can’t make it up!
I am in the process of a career pivot and I applied for a position where an aptitude test was required, along with answering a number of questions, writing a cover letter, uploading a resume, plus the usual online application package.

I just received an email from the firm’s HR Department:
"We have completed our examination process for the position, and you have qualified with a final score of 85, which placed you number one (#1) on this position’s employment list.

However, unfortunately, the current vacancy has been filled internally. If new vacancies become available during the active status of this list, your application may be forwarded to the department for a selection interview."

Pat on the back, followed by a punch in the face.
Translation: We always knew we were filling the spot internally, but government regulations require us to submit every job opening to the public. A ton of idiots wasted their time jumping through all the hoops, and you were the #1 idiot. :laughing: :rofl: :joy: :thinking: