Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

You’ve chosen to not see your grandchildren in over 7 years. Yet now you declare that I must go visit you in your lair so I can kiss the ring. Not happening. Stop asking why I haven’t gone to visit. Why would I answer that when even you won’t provide any explanation for ignoring us for 7 years? You made promises to your grand kids when they were young and you broke those promises. They remember that. They think you’re weird and self absorbed. They’re right. Don’t expect the prodigal son welcome party when you decide to bless us with your presence.

My GAS meter with you is broken. So I don’t really give a care anymore about your opinion of me, my family, etc.

And to my dear MIL:
If you want to be included in ODD’s choir concert in December, you will need to use your walker or cane. Otherwise I will not be chauffeuring you to and from and all that. You yourself have said many times that you feel unsteady on your feet. We’ve seen it. You need to use the assistive tools all the time now but you refuse because you think it makes you look like an old lady.

Guess what?

YOU ARE AN OLD LADY! IT IS NOT A BIG DEAL! Nobody care what you look like! Get over it!


Wow. I just edited this post because I got new information. She said she wanted to visit for a house hunting trip, so I got excited and got her a ticket ASAP. Instead of you being excited, you were hurt because we didn’t tell you immediately and accused us of being secretive.

I was befuddled that you would think this way and make such a big deal about us not telling you immediately. Why would you leap to conclusions and not give us the benefit of the doubt? Turns out my mom told you it was a big secret and you weren’t supposed to know, which is completely untrue and ridiculous. It makes me realize that her dementia is getting worse. I wish I would have given YOU the benefit of the doubt.


So glad I went for a massage yesterday, my body feels 100% better. Never be too proud in admitting I really needed that one. Somehow my left knee locked up, must be due to driving long distance in Vermont, but sorry Vermont, I did enjoy bike riding 35 years ago, but you are off my list now.


No clothes.


The nice lady at the Fafsa phone number said that if all of the data I submitted was correct (triple checked 3 times though can’t see what came in automatically from the IRS) then the EFC “must be right” and I should call the school’s financial aid office if I’m concerned.

With a stated EFC of $970k I have a feeling I’ll hear from the school first—looking for a generous donation!!!

All I can do is laugh because it’s so clearly absurd.


I do know how to spell. I know the correct its/it’s. I know the difference between a dangling modifier and a misplaced modifier. I understand it is bad form to end a sentence with a preposition.

The thing is I HATE proofreading on my phone and it shows.


Dear Mark and Travis, Thank you for inviting Tom back into the band! My 25 year old daughter in LA texted me to say, “We are getting tix to Blink somewhere in America! Too many great childhood memories of the family dancing and singing in the car to miss the reunion tour!”

You irreverent, silly, childish, but catchy old dudes know you have fans of all ages when you release a song last night and people are tripping over themselves to learn it and play covers 12 hours later. Was this young man up all night learning the new song?



(Yes, CC bots - it is a complete sentence!)


So sad.
DH called to tell me that our beloved dog has had more seizures today (first one was last weekend -and more this week). And he and younger S are taking him to emg vet clinic to put him to sleep.

I am visiting S21 this weekend bc we couldn’t come see him two weeks ago for Parents Weekend bc of Hurricane Ian closing JAX airport. We are in FL.

So now I’m 13 hours away. And I’m not there to be with DH and S and to say goodbye to our beloved fur baby.

Knew it was coming. But not quite this fast.

Next weekend it will be a year ago my dad died.

My dad adored our dog. Now they can be together and that is the only thing that brings me some peace.

Tears just keep flowing.


GBBO, you do more to reduce my BP than any Rx meds. I wish I could thank each one of you, the hosts, the judges, the participants, and the crew.


San Diego Padres!!!


OMG, this Cuban Pork Roast smells so good, even I have all of my windows open, I don’t want my husband to complain about the smell of garlic, 2 more hours of this, not sure I can wait.


Banana bread is smelling incredible good. At least my house is not going to smell all garlicky and I can smell my fragrant roses again.

14th inning… scoreless… :scream: :flushed:

15th inning!! Game of attrition? :scream:

16th inning… :scream:

17th inning… :flushed:

18th inning - !!!


I sent a private message to Verizon customer service’s social media team because I haven’t seen my promised loyalty discount. The interaction took a long time, but I am happy to report that my issue was resolved & my discount has been applied retroactively. Yea!


Went to a fancy wedding Saturday night. Wonder when my hearing will return? :joy:


I’m not a sports fan but even I’m excited! Go Padres!


It was so much fun to be at the Padre game with D2 tonight. What an amazing comeback!


Yippy, I got 4 tickets, $20 each to see 4 shows at our local performing arts center today.


The Mariners’ fans got two games worth of action out of a single game last night! :joy: